Goldfish Raffle's Comments

OpalOccultist hello!! I was wondering if you'd take some art or anyone from here for him? (some of them might be more tentative)

I also really like these cuties

Mostly looking for fishie boy, bat gf and the meow meow but i'd be willing to offer for the other ones as well :) let me know if anything or not thank you <3

I could take art for Damian, Cassandra and the OTA demon girl! :)

Yeah sure! I can do that <3 what are you looking for for art?? (characters and such or something specific) I'm up for drawing most things ^^

I like both your digital and traditional work! Id say busts/waist ups, 1 piece for demon girl OTA, 2 for Damian, and 1 for Bat girl? :) If thats okay Ill have the following: For Demon girl and for Damian For Cassandra!

If theres anything you are not comfortable with please do let me know :)

Thank you! <33 yeah ofc, i'd love to draw them! My phone rn is kind of dead so i might not be able to take pics, i will see though, im making some digital probably :) and maybe one or 2 traditional jusr a question though, what are francis' ears like??? from what i see he is a cs but are his ears like bunny ears with eyes and such?

Bunny ears with eyes and teeth! If that's a bit much for you just give him normal ears like: (His old design but that's what his "disguised" ears would look like!)

2 Replies