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I could take art for Damian, Cassandra and the OTA demon girl! :)

Yeah sure! I can do that <3 what are you looking for for art?? (characters and such or something specific) I'm up for drawing most things ^^

I like both your digital and traditional work! Id say busts/waist ups, 1 piece for demon girl OTA, 2 for Damian, and 1 for Bat girl? :) If thats okay Ill have the following: For Demon girl and for Damian For Cassandra!

If theres anything you are not comfortable with please do let me know :)

Thank you! <33 yeah ofc, i'd love to draw them! My phone rn is kind of dead so i might not be able to take pics, i will see though, im making some digital probably :) and maybe one or 2 traditional jusr a question though, what are francis' ears like??? from what i see he is a cs but are his ears like bunny ears with eyes and such?

Bunny ears with eyes and teeth! If that's a bit much for you just give him normal ears like: (His old design but that's what his "disguised" ears would look like!)

I'll see! just wanted to make sure it was like bunny ears or something else XD thank you!

Hello! just finished some art i had due and im gonna start on yours now just a heads up <3