Silencer's Comments


May I offer an animation meme that’s fully animated mixed with puppet tweens, two full anime comic pages, and a Ghibli-like scene that I drew mercurial to?  This should take me anytime between 3-4 months depending on classes ^w^” <333 

OH AND my examples would be my spiral of ants map part that I can send you for reference and the rest is in my art tab

AAAYOOOO LET"S GO I accept your offer!

Meme - I'll DM you the detaILS


Scene - and sitting/laying together in a library with Adversity calmly listening, mildly entertained as Curiosity seems to excitedly be rambling while holding a book?

AAAAA okay i cant help but at least offer on this but i can offer a tweened animation meme of your choosing (examples here !!) alongside like... 3+ shaded icons? I'm a college student with a lot on my plate so I can't give an exact estimate as to how long it'll take for me to finish but I'm willing to add on for this!

AAhhhHH i love them teelia you keep making absolutely amazing designs

i can offer two scenes of any amount of characters (preferably below four), 4 flat icons/headshots (face with transparent background), and likeeee 4 shaded fulls i need this man

OR i can offer a simple shaded pmv (around 1 minute give or take a few seconds (up to like 1:30ish)) so long as im provided with references for backgrounds and such, and 4 flat headshots :D

$20 + 5 fully illustrated scenes of any amount of characters i rlly like this dude

I can tell you had fun with that mustache

I really did xD

I could really only offer 8 full bodies and 4 busts for them.

three fullbodies, two halves, two headshots, and like 4-5 icons? Maybe 10-20 usd as well :)