Zap [Girafaroo]'s Comments

GreaserDeer hi again ^u^ im just commwnting since im not sure if you saw my dm!

I can do the $50 etsy voucher next week (since i only get $50 per week) so just shoot me a dm with your etsy and how we should do it!

Hey sorry for the late response! It was my birthday on the 15th so I was very caught up the whole weekend and afterwards I ended up becoming super caught up with work x_x
Are you able to afford the voucher right now or do you need a bit more time?

Oh, I can do it tomorrow, I dont want to message my friend and make her send the money and just...not talk to her xD 

Oh no I get you haha! Just let me know when you're ready ~

would you do a 3 way? im getting $50 soon but i definitely cant do a $50 etsy card, id need to find someone willing to do that part for me.

I don't mind the 3-way for an Etsy card sure! ^^

Would anyone here interest you?

This fumi is an actual dreamy of mine !!!!! 

Is there any chance you’d be down to trade for that guy??

Hmmmm perhaps! 

The fumi is pretty tent with me too but is there any other characters / closed species you are trading that I can take a look at?

If not I can come back to you with a decision, I might draw this boy to see how he is, if thats okay   

I totally get that haha, they're a cutie!

I have some designs in here I could maybe throw in multiple (depending) on top of the giraffaroo;

In there is;

A rentii; 

A stryx;

A Lemima;

I also don't know if you're into arpgs but I have a bakiri myo slot for ranebopets;

I know you don't see em around much these days but I also have this minosaur if you're interested;

I also have this Gatordog;

Any of the above I'd be willing to throw in on top of the feveretro giraffaroo :) However for the cs I listed seperately I'd prefer to only do 1-2 more of those on top of the original design depending on which ones haha but for any of the non-cs designs in my trade folder I could probably add a few if any of em catch your eye c:

Please take your time, no rush! I just really appreciate your time!

As much as I really adore some of the designs you offered including the roo I dont think I would ever use them to the extent I should ;v;

Thank you so much for offering for the fumi too I really appreciate it!

No worries, thank you so much for giving me the chance! I'll be keeping my eyes on that lil guy haha

Oh I forgot to say I also might be willing to throw in some kids from here depending !! 

and I can offer this nurse fumi;