


1 year, 4 months ago


Species: Gorgon

Gender: Cisgender female

Height/Weight: 5'5" 120lbs

Body type: Hourglass

Sexuality: Pansexual

Birthdate: August 14th

Age: 26 years old

Zodiac: Leo

Status: Single

Theme song: Walkashame - Meghan Trainor

Voice headcanon: Frisky (Bluey)

Favourite quote: "Being a gorgon's pretty easy... until you lose your glasses then it's hell."

Personality: Peppy bimbo who's happy to be here.

Nicknames: N/A

Likes: Every shade of pink, strawberries, vanilla, the heat, sweets, fluffy coats

Dislikes: The cold, being forced to do something, insects

Other: Shiva has psychic powers which are xenoglossy and materialism. Also since she is albino, she wears rose tinted sunglasses so see without being blind.

Info: Shiva used to be ignored.., like by almost everyone. She wasn’t sure why but she was ignored but almost everyone. One of the few people that didn’t ignore her was this guy, he seemed sweet, caring even but little did she know all that would ever happen between them was him constantly asking for stuff that she could make with a flick of a wrist. At first she didn’t mind but as it kept happening, she felt more and more tired and whenever she tried to say no… well… let’s just say he wasn’t a good person if you deny him. They eventually broke up and now she currently wears a smile to hide the trouble she had to deal with.