Sanjay Balraj AKA Cracked



2 years, 29 days ago


Name: Sanjay Balraj

Nicknames: Cracked (Everyone)

Age: 28

Gender: Male 

Skin Tone: Auburn 

Eyes: Hunter Green

Hair: Dark Blue

Race: Indian

Species: Human

Height: 7,1

Weight: 298

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship Status: Unknown

Birthday: October 29th

Sign: Scorpio

Abilities: Uncontrollable mind reading and being unhinged due to the crack in his gem. 

Weapon: Knives and Sumitra's Kitana's

Likes: Knives, Knife throwing, Weaponry, Violence, Blood, Chasing after people, Murder, Tax fraud, Truvius, Chaos, Arson, Taking risks, Taunting people, Mannequins, Fireworks, Pranks, Apocalypse movies, Revenge, Competition, Sudden movements, Carpet floors, The moon, Popcorn, Beef, Chicken, Cheesesteak, Artichoke, James Walker

Dislikes: Agate, Sumitra taking over again, Dull knives, Not being able to hear thoughts, Taking orders, Being forced to hide, Open windows, Enclosed spaces, Being compared to his brother, His father, Being caught, Evidence of his crimes, 

Voice Headcannon: Phil Lammar:

Theme Song: Control By Halsey 

Personality: Unhinged, uncontrollable, and psychopathic are only a few of the many words people use to describe Cracked. He is prideful of what he does, believing that he is doing the right thing without thinking twice. Taking revenge on other people just feels right to him. He has a passion for causing people to break, especially people who he believes deserve it. He gets pure joy out of causing other people suffering. When he is told what he is doing is wrong it only fuels his need to do that said thing more. He becomes hyper-fixated on things very easily, whether it be his knife collection, mannequins, or even people. Prolonged eye contact and even following things he is hyper-fixated about is more than expected. He is unpredictable and beyond strange, almost no one will be able to get through to a monster like Cracked. 

Bio: The medical nightmare that is Cracked and or Sanjay Balraj is a mystery to all. Some believe it's the gem on his head, others believe it is some kind of mental disorder. What we do know he is attached to Sumitra's brain 24/7. Whispering intrusive thoughts of violence into Sumitra's head just trying to make him snap. Cause when his gem fully cracks, it becomes Cracked's chance to shine. Sumitra is usually able to keep him contained inside of his mind but enough stress can let him out, and Cracked stops at nothing to make him break. Once he is set free he tends to go out and have his form of fun while seeking revenge. This is all being done as the gem heals. Once it is healed Sumitra returns with almost no memory of what happened. But he knows there is a blood-filled path behind him thanks to the one and only Sanjay Balraj better known as Cracked.