

1 year, 5 months ago


all the different nouns — she says them in rotation. death, husband, god, stranger.

( many-faced god )

name Kaida Tsubaki
affiliation Eschaton
age 28 | 34 YRS
height 6'3"
gender Cis (She / Her)
sexuality Bisexual
species Unbleeder
birthday 8.15
tarot Judgment

快打 椿

little dragon / camellia


ardent love / perishing with grace

The allegedly deceased daughter of the distinguished Kaida family. Though technically, reports of her death were accurate -- she did indeed meet the end of her life several years ago -- few suspected that the bright and beloved heiress had indeed been resurrected from the start. The reasons for this deception remain, at least to the public, shrouded in mystery.

do you really want to remember this?

More confounding yet is Tsubaki's newfound mission. For years, there were few in Caer Sidi's high society more renowned for their humanitarianism than Tsubaki; and yet, she's returned to the public eye as leader of newly-formed faction ESCHATON, the sole objective of which seems to be destroying the Star... and ending the lives of all Unbleeders with it.

Hole-Dwelling【Eleanor Forte】

( )

0:00 6:11
We cannot survive, we cannot survive
We cannot survive so we will not apprise
Are you truly one of us? Lonely like the rest of us?
Do you reside in the chasms of hell just like us?

  • her brother
  • early insert friends
  • fashion
  • death

  • immortality
  • llawes
  • monotony
  • short-sightedness

  • staying alive
  • forever
  • and ever
  • and--

  • kill himawari
  • end it
  • for everyone
  • end it

( Personality )

perpetually wavering / entering / exiting

no man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river, and he's not the same man...

preoccupied / emotion / memory / ghosts / obsessed

full of every old love and forgotten hat monologue like a mouthful of film in a choking cassette

steadfast; unforgetting / ideal / person / cause / love

an axe on its way down draws a clear arc through the air and / does not stop for anything.

this too is a mercy.

to pave the road to hell is just to pave the road out of it, as well.

( trivia )

  • Has always loved flower language due to her (and Himawari's) name.
  • Secretly wants a Llawebot.
  • Wears exclusively white: the color of mourning. (Her obi is tied that way because she's dead!)
Full Bloom

The youngest child (by three minutes) of the illustrious Kaida family, Tsubaki careened through childhood untethered by fear or self-doubt. Though her family was anxious or discontent to have merely ridden Llawes' coattails to the moon upon the fall of the Star, Tsubaki herself was perpetually cheerful, quick to crack jokes and make friends. Still, no one was closer to Tsubaki than her twin brother, Himawari.

Moody, quiet, and anxious, Himawari was a pale shadow compared to his sister... to everyone but said sister. To Tsubaki, Himawari was clever and funny, and the person she loved more than anything else in the world. They shared everything, from secrets to gossip to their parents' scolding.

But as they got older, expectations grew. Himawari buckled, buckled, broke; in the wake of his increasingly scandalous rebellious phase, Tsubaki was left to fulfill the role of heir. The shift was not entirely sudden, but her friends, her hobbies, her life -- all of it was increasingly difficult to balance with her newfound responsibilities. Gone were the days when they could huddle under a blanket together to escape their problems; instead, for the first time, things between them grew tense.

When her family asked her to join the Early Insert Program, her gut reaction was relief. Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel. For the Kaida heir to participate would ensure the Llawes family would owe them a generous debt, after all, and what better shortcut was there to increased social standing? Protective and terrified, Himawari begged her to refuse. Dutiful and desperate for escape, she accepted.

When the doctor asked her if she had any preferences regarding a Cor, the answer felt obvious. "Pressed sunflowers, please," she'd said, sneakers tapping happily on the spotless floor. "They remind me of my nii-san!"

!! trigger warning
mentions of torture, murder.

Within the Early Insert Program, there was a level of choice involved. Tsubaki was under no illusions about her reason for participating. Full cooperation meant a full host rewards for her family. Signature wet on the page, Tsubaki gave consent at the highest clearance level: full experimentation with no debriefing.

And so, for every day for just over a year, Tsubaki was eaten alive by anomalies. She had her own room. Sometimes they would stop and take notes. Others it would go on for days. These distinctions were mostly meaningless. Alone in the dark, her existence constantly unraveled and reknit itself, until it began to fray.

Something lonely crept in to fill in the gaps. When Tsubaki left the EIP, escorted back to her childhood home, she appeared, from the outside, empty. In reality, she was full. Every human life every devoured by an anomaly, every soul unstitched from the fabric of existence, found its home inside her. A choir of angels, dark and swimming. All teeth.

Save for the occasional burst of hysteria, she was immobile and unresponsive, consumed by the effort to organize the noise. Beyond the confines of her room, Ceridwen Llawes arrived with a deal forged from her own experience: fake Tsubaki's death, and the Corporation would ensure the Kaida family reached nearly the Llawes' level of social ubiquity. No responsibility on any parties. The document was signed. Mission fulfilled, Tsubaki was kept to her room.

Save for the occasional skittering housekeeper, the only visitor she received was Himawari. For years, he visited, brushed her hair, updated her on the state of his life. Over the noise, she listened. Over the noise, she reached, but could not reach.

When her childhood friend Lota finally came to visit -- worked past the grief that had kept them at bay -- they brought in tow a certain doctor. The doctor spoke. For the first time in years, so did Tsubaki.

With Anathema as her extended hand, Tsubaki collected others of similar mind to herself: haunted and haunting, desperate for an ending to the eternity foisted upon them. This was the beginning of Eschaton: a faction which seeks to end immortality, likely through the destruction of the Star. Mercifully, she spared her parents the fate they had offered her up to: she opened their throats at the dinner table. She tried to do the same for Himawari-- surely, she owed him that much-- but-- but--

But how could she be without him? It was the only thing she couldn't imagine. For now, he remains alive.

Since, her actions -- as a person and as Eschaton's leader -- have been nothing short of erratic: months of eerie serenity punctuated by explosions or grand galas. Presently, she's gone so far as to offer the Kaida Manor as a stronghold for the Concerned Citizens, despite their clashing ideals. Where all this is leading, one can only guess...

  • Child of the illustrious Kaida family. Spent childhood/teen years bright, bubbly, and kind -- beloved by most.
  • Extremely close, since birth, to her twin brother Himawari, who she loves more than anything in the world.
  • Became heir after Himawari was disowned for rebellious behavior. This ran her ragged. Signed up for the Early Insert Program to help her family and get out of the extreme grind.
  • In the EIP, was continuously devoured by anomalies as part of an experiment. Through this, came to "host" the memories of everyone erased by anomalies.
  • Came back a year later, seemingly "empty." Her parents faked her death with aid from Llawes.
  • "Woke up" after talking to Anathema. Had become erratic and desperate to escape agonies of eternal life.
  • Killed her parents as a mercy. Was unable to do so to Himawari, who she loved (and loves) too much.
  • Presently the head (and creator) of Eschaton, a group which seeks to end immortality through destruction of the Star.
where've you been, cain? where've you been? where's your brother?

( hope )



Tsubaki's other half. Despite everything, she has never blamed him. Her love for him is what keeps her moving.

After all, someone has to save him from immortality. Tsubaki has yet to be able to stomach the thought of killing him -- to kill is to be without; to be separate; to give up the sound of his voice on the phone -- but she's getting there slowly.

One day, everything will finally be over. And maybe, if there is life after death, they can be twins again, and things can be better this time.

  • They both used to wear their hair short. When she came back, it was growing out, and she hated having it touched. Since then, Himawari's grown his out to match.
  • They have cats from the same litter. Himawari's is named Strudel, Tsubaki's is Crumble (called Crumb).
  • Tsubaki used to protect Himawari from bullies when they were kids.
best friend


Tsubaki (and Himawari)'s most beloved childhood friend, who has been with them since their cradle days. The two of them always been unimaginably close. Now, they're one of the people Tsubaki is most determined to protect -- from life, from death, from everything in between.



Curious and uncurious, Veda is a friend from the Early Insert Program who Tsubaki considers particularly close. No matter how loud her wails, how violent her moods, how sudden her shifts, it's a given that where Tsubaki goes, Veda is close behind.

throne, when, joan, & ollie

People Tsubaki trusts, as much as Tsubaki can. Throne and When are unendingly loyal: Throne, to her ideals, which Tsubaki embodies, and When to Throne. Joan and Ollie are of unbearable softness, featherfall between her teeth.


No-One hosts within itself the memories of everyone erased from existence by anomalies. Tsubaki hosts within herself the very people who were erased.

To be seen is to be known.

beloved friend!

Don’t forget me just for this moment, okay?