


1 year, 11 months ago


around your room
First Love / Late Spring
I'm Far Away

over salt sea equally and flowerdeep field

Brilliant and beautiful, Lota has always counted themself lucky to have been born in the cradle days of the Fallen Star. Perhaps this sentiment is expected of the heiress to the Odinlo family; after all, the Fallen Star was what boosted the Llawes family to their astronomical status -- granting other high-society families in their acquaintance, such as the Odinlos, a place among the stars as well.

But Lota's excitement for the modern era has much less to do with following social orbits and much more to do with the scientific boom of the past 20 years. Entranced by the human mind and all the new unknowns posed by the existence of Unbleeders, their voracious curiosity and studious nature led them naturally into the academic care of one Dr. Kostas Hasapi -- at least, for a time...


Full name
Lotachi Odinlo
Goes by "Lota"

Lota, Lotacci, Lotie



trans masc femme lesbian

She / They



Takes shapes as a lava lamp

Heart-shaped, over the heart


code by jiko


First Face : The World

Not for nothing has Lota been described as "princessly" by half the people in her acquaintance. While most of her generation of up-and-coming social elite outgrew such descriptors over a decade ago, it's simply never stopped being apt for the Odinlo heiress. True enough, fairytale descriptors -- beautiful, kind, hard-working -- follow her like sunbeams to a shade. Even after their death, Lota has managed to keep as sweet as ever...

Second Face: Close ones

Of course, anyone who knows Lota well will inevitably see "poise" fall right off Lota's figurative princess cape and crumple underfoot. Keeping perfectly poised and put-together is part of how Lota was raised, but it's also incredibly draining. Around people she can truly relax with, Lota's less composed side starts to shine through.

Namely: a Lota that is sheepish, shy, and easily flustered. Prone to over-thinking, it's far, far easier than an outsider might think to get Lota frazzled. Fortunately, those who are truly close to her -- namely Himawari and Cora -- are able to pull her out of her head and into the light.

Third Face: True Reflection

Lota has been surrounded by love since before they were born. Between their background, their abilities, and their gentle nature, this love tends to lead to Lota being coddled -- something they've come to mind more and more of late. Their gratitude can't outweigh their desire to live their life to its fullest extent, and being sheltered isn't conducive to said desire.

Beneath any amount of ingrained poise or social fluster, Lota is ultimately someone driven foremost by their own desire to know. Their questions wrap around them less like a noose and more like a purring cat: a warm companion to drive them forward, and to keep them company when they're on their own.

On their own... on their own. Such is Lota's biggest fear: not to be alone, per se, but to be without the people most beloved to her. Becoming an Unbleeder while her best friend and most of her family remain human has heightened this fear. As such, she keeps herself busy. Her and her purring curiosity, a warm candle lighting the way home.


Vanilla & Jasmine




The Lovers
Optimist Pessimist
Introvert Extrovert
Daredevil Cautious
Logical Emotional
Messy Organised
Honest Deceiving
Leader Follower
Affectionate Stoic
Grouded Dreamer
Moves On Stays in Past

  • sweets
  • math
  • flowers

  • disloyalty
  • sports
  • disorganization

  • eternity
  • tsubaki
  • spiders

  • outperform on project atlantis
  • get her phd
  • start a neuro lab at llawes

  • scrapbooking
  • reading (poetry, fairytales, nonfiction)
  • fashion

  • Desperately wanted a lava lamp as a kid, but their dad (a known worrywart) said no. They suspect his love for them is why it's the manifestation of their Cor.
  • Has recently been taking combat lessons from Cora.
  • She denies it, but breaking rules stresses her out. She's very by the book!
  • They're a polyglot with six languages under their belt! Some come easier than others.
  • Has terrible physical stamina.

here to me from Krete to this holy temple
where is your graceful grove
of apple trees and altars smoking
      with frankincense.

And in it cold water makes a clear sound through
apple branches and with roses the whole place
is shadowed and down from radiant-shaking leaves
     sleep comes dropping.

Floral Lavender [ #A274D9 ], Temptress [ #321A26 ]

Rose Taupe [ #936257 ]

Warm Black [ #1F1E1C ]



Fashion Staple
Bare Shoulders - often wears pastels!

Obtained by

Knee-deep in manuscripts, brain scans, and spreadsheets, Lota is used to late nights -- sometimes spent curled up catching Zs in their office chair. Still, it's rare to see Lota describable as anything less than "immaculate."

Of course, if you see them wandering the halls in their labcoat, braids askew and ink smudged on their face... well, it's best to just offer them a coffee and usher them towards the bed.

Design notes
  • They have lavender box braids. She does enjoy other styles, but usually goes with different types of braids!
  • They have keyhole incision scar from top surgery.
  • Occasionally experiments with fashion, which they ejoy! Usually wears skirts and sweaters. Wears lab coats at work.

TL;DR: "Too Long, Didn't Read"

WARNINGS: death (brief, followed by resurrection)

  • In the bubble of the upper-upper class that orbits the Llawes family, Lota was childhood friends with the Kaida twins, Tsubaki and Himawari.
  • Doted on, Lota grew up loved and sheltered: a princess in a tower.
  • Fascinated by cognition, they began studying neuroscience in college. Unbleeders debuted, which became their primary research focus as a grad student.
  • Their research career was taking off phenomenally... until they died unexpectedly in a tragic car accident. Stricken, their parents revived them as an Unbleeder.
  • Their newfound Unbleeder status made higher-ups reluctant to allow them to research Unbleeders. Under the guise of care for her well-being, she was encouraged to continuously take breaks, ultimately resulting in a (quite dispirited) sabbatical.
  • She was recently called back to work by her advisor and mentor, Dr. Kostas Hasapi, to contribute to Project Atlantis.

Chapter One: "Anadyomene"

rising from the sea (warning - death)

Lotachi Odinlo grew up in something like an ivory tower. Like her peers, she was raised to be perfect; however, rather than an iron fist, the Odinlo parents doted on their daughter with kid gloves. Adored and supported, Lota was not so much pushed as lifted up into exceptionality.

It was not unexpected that they would excel in school; that they would take interest in something so respectable as cognitive science; nor that they would graduate at the top of their undergraduate class and head straight into graduate studies, under the renowned Dr. Kostas Hasapi. It was not unexpected that they would pursue the new and blooming field of Unbleeder cognition. What was unexpected was their death.

A car accident. Quick and painless, according to the doctors, but certainly not to her family, her friends. She'd been so young, had lived so carefully; resurrection hadn't been discussed yet. Distraught, her parents paid off one beautiful insert: a heart for their beloved daughter.

Chapter Two: "Urania"

o heavenly venus

Fortunately, Lota was hardly averse to being brought back to life. What she was averse to was her welcome back. Initially, it seemed like kindness, more bricks to fortify the tower: Take all the time you need. Make sure you're recovered before you come back! But her return was delayed and delayed -- and then, once realized, pockmarked by busywork.

Unbleeders, it seemed, were less welcome to research matters regarding... well, Unbleeders. Determined but uncertain, she kept up with this busy work until the debut Eschaton. (Of Tsubaki.) With nothing to show for her academic efforts and her peresonal life in tatters, she opted for a brief sabbatical.

Desperate for a branch to land on, Lota took up residence in Llawes HQ, near her best friend, Himawari, and her newly-official girlfriend, Cora. Picking through the wreckage, Lota slowly but surely steadied out into something like normality. And just in time, too! Their mentor, Hasapi, called them back to work with the promise of an exciting new project right up their alley...

i can

would be for me
to shine in answer

having been stained--"

girlfriend; hero; leander



The Past: Proserpina REIGNING

Though she'd fluster to admit as much, Lota doesn't remember the first time she met Cora. Their friendship with Himawari has ensured that all the Hounds drift somewhere in their orbit. Whatever that first meeting was, it was likely to be unremarkable, freckled with Cora's cool exterior and Lota's typical fluster around beautiful women.

Once better acquainted, however, Lota was drawn in by Cora's strength -- both in admiration and concern. Cora was a fortress wrought to shelter everyone; who, then, sheltered her?

The two of them, characterized by opposing fears about life, love, and death, danced around each other for some time. However, amidst the Moiraic weave of serious conversations and drunken midnight kisses, blood and silk, hearts in and out, the emergence of Eschaton brought forth its scissors--


With the return of Tsubaki, Lota was uniquely poised for trouble: a childhood friend struggling with guilt and torn-open grief, living alone with no combat ability to their name. With Himawari in ruins, Lota reached for Cora's extended hand -- and stumbled fully into her arms.

Since then, Lota has lived in Cora's dorm: slept in her bed, shared in breakfast, read aloud to her on rare lazy evenings. As pillars beneath the world begin to crumble, the two of them have stayed inexplicably solid. Alight and in love, Lota is safe on cloud nine -- literally, as well, with combat lessons from her girlfriend new on her roster.


In future, Lota simply wants to move forward: to keep growing, closer and stronger, so on and so forth. In particular, Cora's heart -- on her throat, in her chest -- remains salient in Lota's mind: how best to keep Cora happy and safe and whole, without overstepping, without assuming.

Even so, a number of worries do linger on the waves. Cora is ruled by logic, by ends over means; Lota's desire to reframe love as earned selfishness rather than necessary sacrifices is not so easily seen done. And now there's Lota's involvement in Project Atlantis, inextricable from the enormous fall-out the Hounds suffered around Fukushima Jun... Still, Lota is nothing if not determined. Heart in hands, they forge forward, towards the ever-burning flame on the shore.

best friend.

"Hima is my best friend! Even after everything with Tsubaki... Mm. We're both messed up. There's no one I'd rather have with me."

Positive Negative

The Kaida and Odinlo families have been on good terms as long as anyone remembers. Still, Lota and Himawari would've found a way to be life-long best friends no matter where (or to whom) they were born. The phrase "through thick and thin" fails to describe the amount of troubles they've been through together.


"Tsubaki... Tsubaki. We were... close. All our lives! Until... Ah. My greatest regret. I'm sorry. It burns to be so afraid of you.. Forgive me."

Positive Negative

From cradle to college (and indeed, further still), Tsubaki was foundational to Lota's world -- someone more precious than gold. The strangeness surrounding Tsubaki's death wrecked Lota so much that they could only repress it. Now, with Tsubaki's return as the leader of Eschaton, things have complicated exponentially...