Mateo Brusset



1 year, 5 months ago


the passages below were written with the help of chatgpt!
Mateo is a gentle soul with a big heart. Despite his rugged appearance, he has a calm and patient demeanour that puts others at ease. He enjoys spending time in nature and finds solace in the quiet of the woods. Mateo is a skilled carpenter, taking great pride in his work and always striving for perfection. He is a loyal friend, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. He's particularly fond of children and enjoys spending time with them, often telling them stories and teaching them woodworking skills. He finds their positive outlook on life and trust in people to be endearing and would love to share things he knows with them and act as a role model of sorts. Mateo is also a good listener and is always ready with a sympathetic ear and reassuring words. He often reaches out to people he notices are upset and asks them what he can do to help. In his relationship with Suki, Mateo is attentive and supportive. He values her opinions and enjoys making her happy. He feels most comfortable with the knowledge of her presence and is not afraid to show his affection for her, and often surprises her with thoughtful gestures. Overall, Mateo is a kind-hearted, gentle giant who takes pleasure in the simple things in life. He values his relationships with others and is always willing to lend a helping hand.
Mateo and Suki have a strong, loving relationship built on mutual respect and affection. They often hold hands and show physical affection towards one another, whether it's a quick peck on the cheek or a long, lingering hug. They enjoy spending time together and are often found working on projects around the house, such as baking pies or making furniture. Suki is a talented baker and often invites Mateo to join her in the kitchen. Despite his tendency to make a mess, Suki finds it endearing and is amused by his lack of culinary finesse. Mateo, in turn, appreciates Suki's baking skills and loves to sample her creations. They make a great team in the kitchen, with Mateo providing the brawn and Suki the brains. One of the things that bonds Mateo and Suki together is their shared desire to start a family. They both love children and often talk about the future they hope to build together as parents. Mateo is particularly fond of kids and enjoys spending time with them, so the idea of having his own children is very appealing to him. Suki, meanwhile, is excited about the prospect of starting a family with the man she loves.