Nilonii Telvayn



1 year, 4 months ago




  • Name Sotha Nilonii (born Nilonii Telvayn)
  • Nickname Nils, Nilsy, Firefly/Spark (by Sil)
  • Age 53 (as of 2E 582, 1001 as of 4E 201)
  • Birthday 7th of Rain's Hand, 2E 529 (7th April)
  • Sign The Mage (Aries)
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/her
  • Sexuality Demi Lesbian
  • Race Dunmer
  • Occupation Custodian/Overseer of the Halls of Regulation
  • Residence The Clockwork City/Vvardenfell
  • Religion Non-religious
  • Alignment Chaotic Neutral
  • Positive Traits Confident, loyal, friendly
  • Negative Traits Arrogant, stubborn, can be reckless
  • Outlook Realistic
  • Strengths Intelligent, charismatic, resourceful
  • Weaknesses Suspicious, blunt, hates being vulnerable
"They say clothes are a way of showing who you are without having to speak. I'd say I exemplify that pretty well."

With her larger than life and commanding presence, Nilonii is easily one of the Clockwork City's most notable inhabitants. She's arrogant, snarky, slightly chaotic and loves to tease others. Her trademark smugness confuses most she meets - does she truly know more than she lets on, or is she just having a laugh? Despite all this Nilonii is friendly, charismatic and loyal at heart, and pours her soul into looking after the Clockwork City and it's inhabitants, as though she owns the realm. Due to her past she suffers from trust issues and hates being vulnerable, sometimes even in front of her adoptive father Sotha Sil. She also has agoraphobia and PTSD.

Nilonii prides herself in being powerful, knowledgeable and looking good while doing so. While some other inhabitants of the Clockwork City seek to recreate Nirn in perfect metallic miniature, she openly embraces and highlights imperfections, especially on her own body in contrast to the Clockwork Apostles and their metal limb replacements. Despite being born into House Telvanni, Nilonii has a strong dislike of it, finding certain things like slavery and House politics abhorrent. Throughout the Telvanni she is known as a traitor for causing chaos in Sadrith Mora before she left, which led to missing slaves, missing equipment, and some people hurt or dead due to false arguements that she had set up.

  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Clumsy
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Grapes, spicy foods and tea
  • Dogs
  • The sound of gears turning
  • Wearing House Sotha garments
  • The colour purple
  • Dancing


  • Zombies/Bonewalkers
  • Large, open spaces
  • Staying up late
  • Meat on the bone, chowder, drinks with bits in
  • Clavicus Vile/Nocturnal/Mehrunes Dagon devotees
  • Being cold


  • Inventing/Creating products for the Clockwork City
  • Tailoring
  • Working with machinery
  • Winemaking
  • Solving puzzles
  • Practicing magic/hand to hand combat


  • Alchemy
  • Hand to hand combat/spear/staff
  • Magic of all types, mostly destruction
  • Mechanics
  • Problem solving
  • Knowledge of other languages
  • Hair Color Black
  • Eye Color Crimson
  • Skin Color Warm grey
  • Height 5"9/175cm
  • Clothing Style House Sotha styled, with a touch of purple flair
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Flat
  • Frail Muscular
  • Groomed Messy

Nilonii is a little shorter than the average Dunmer, with a muscular physique and hourglass body shape. Her hair has a little wave to it, which she always keeps brushed and styled, as well as using multiple products to give it shine and keep it healthy. She is completely blind and deaf on her left side - her missing eye was replaced with a working prosthetic, and she uses a hearing aid. Both of these stop working after Sotha Sil’s death.

When she isn’t wearing her armour, Nilonii will always wear House Sotha styled clothing. This usually consists of white or beige robes, and various coloured and patterned sashes as well as gold decoration. She tends to keep it sleek and classy, adding a touch of spice in the form of golden jewellery, and will also usually be seen wearing purple sashes. Clothing is personal for her, and being a proud member of Sil’s family she will always make sure to represent their House.

Design Notes

  • Nilonii has golden tattoos all over her body in a geometric pattern, which cover scars from her surgeries upon entering the Clockwork City. These were inspired by the Japanese art of kintsugi!
  • She has a rip in the middle of her left ear, in line with her eye. This is usually covered by a golden ear cuff in a solid or swirled pattern.
  • Nilonii's prosthetic eye is indistinguishable from her real eye. However, after Sotha Sil is murdered and it stops working, the eye turns brassy gold in appearance with circular and linear patterns.
  • She has a few scars from battles on her body. The largest is across her back, and there are others that decorate her arms and legs.
  • Her hearing aid is discreet but still visible, and it lies in the ear canal. It is usually covered by her hair.
  • The reference for Nilonii's tattoos and scars, with annotations is in the link below.
Click for Reference


(TW/CW for child abuse/neglect, parent death (loosely) and mention of injuries)

Nilonii was born on the 7th of Rain’s Hand 2E 529, in Sadrith Mora. Her father passed away before she was born under mysterious circumstances, leaving her in the care of her mother. Nilonii’s mother was a troubled woman - a disagreement with another member of House Telvanni had left her magicka stunted, and this paired with childhood issues of feeling inferior left her with an obsession for power by any means possible. She came up with a plan to cultivate a powerful mage, her own child, who she would manipulate to study and rise through the ranks of House Telvanni before disposing of them to reap the rewards for herself. Nilonii’s father knew her mother was up to something, and so foolishly turned to Clavicus Vile for aid, striking a deal with him to protect Nilonii in exchange for his soul and servitude. He would not see or hear of his daughter, but she would be unkillable by any source except for old age. However, she would not be immune to varying levels of harm. Nilonii’s education started very early, and it soon became apparent that she was a gifted child, which only exacerbated her mother’s obsession, leading her to use varying punishments to keep her daughter going. She would be forced to sleep outside most nights unless she impressed her mother, and barely found the time to take care of herself. No god would hear her prayers, but unbeknownst to her one was already helping; not against the chill of night, but hypothermia would never be an issue. She soon realised that it was up to herself to escape, and so for a few years she researched transportation magic in secret while simultaneously causing chaos in Sadrith Mora. Orchestrating fake arguments, stealing and disposing of equipment, freeing slaves and destroying their documentation were but a few of the things she did, all of these teaching her how to be stealthy, cunning and deceitful. Once she had finished her studies she chose her destination - the Clockwork City, the one place she wouldn’t be found, and an impressive feat too. She successfully arrived in the Clockwork City at age 18.

Nilonii arrived in the City slightly mangled and held in the balance between life and death by her Daedric “protector”. The spell had gone wrong, but she had been able to keep it together at the cost of half her vision and hearing, and multiple bones across her body. After noticing this arrival on a factotum’s recording, Sotha Sil took her back to the Brass Fortress, where surgery was performed on her broken bones, and prototype vision and hearing aids were given to her. Upon regaining consciousness Nilonii was terrified and angered by Sil’s presence, even punching his jaw on impulse, but she reminded him of himself after he had lost everything to Dagon and so he remained patient, giving her nutrition and a room to rest in. He was impressed with her magical skill at such a young age, and gave her the opportunity to become his apprentice - one she initially refused, but during her recuperation she considered the offer, and eventually accepted. Nilonii did not trust Sil at first, but over the 35 years that she was his apprentice she came to trust him more and more, and their bond grew to such a point that at the age of 38 Nilonii was officially adopted by Sil, the two of them seeing one another as father and daughter. Sil had demonstrated his patience and care numerous times, prioritising her well-being and growth over all else, and as her personality came through he found that she brought a lot of joy to his life, that she was the daughter he never had.

Present Day (2E 582/583)

(Contains spoilers for ESO’s Morrowind/Clockwork City/Summerset DLCs, The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal and The Elder Scrolls Legends: Return to Clockwork City)

In 2E 582 Nilonii received word from a Canon of Vivec, requesting her aid with an issue that was troubling his Lord. She went on to save Vivec, the God and the City, as well as the entirety of Vvardenfell from potential catastrophic destruction from the crashing of Baar Dau. It’s during this that she discovers the truth about Clavicus Vile’s deal with her father, after besting Barbas in combat when he invaded the Clockwork City. The cat was now out of the bag, and it led to further anger when his minions, joined by Nocturnal’s own, invaded the Clockwork City, alongside Nocturnal’s incapacitation of Sil. She worked with Divayth Fyr to save him and the City from Daedric clutches, and followed her father to Artaeum when the Triad set their sights upon the Summerset Isles. She aided the Hero of Summerset where she could, learning from the Psijics while there. When the time came for Sil to hold negotiations with Clavicus Vile and Mephala he barred Nilonii from attending, wanting to keep her safe. When everything had come to a close they finally returned to the Clockwork City for good.

As of 2E 583, Nilonii is the official overseer and caretaker of the Halls of Regulation, an integral facility in the City which takes care of the City’s water cycle, breathable air, humidity, temperature, and wind currents, as well as creating drinkable water. She works with her own apprentice, Initiate Tilelle, in ensuring all of the processes the facility handles go smoothly. Other than this she spends time with her father, in the City, and on hobbies such as invention and sewing new House Sotha garments for her wardrobe. She also helps out within the City, particularly Slag Town. Nilonii still travels to Tamriel occasionally, but tends to keep it to a minimum due to her agoraphobia. In particular she loves to have a nosy around when major events are happening, though Sil doesn’t like her being there for long when this happens, and he forbade her from going to Blackwood when Mehrunes Dagon influence was present.

Nilonii inherits the Clockwork City upon Sil’s death; she is also responsible for dealing the final blow against Almalexia when she and the Nerevarine fight her. She threatens to kill Vivec when they arrive in the City, but ultimately chooses to let them fade to obscurity, though not before demanding they safely lower Baar Dau. She spends the next 207 years repairing the damage done to the City, and maintaining it while it was in its slumbering mode. The Mechanical Heart, Sotha Sil’s replication of the Heart of Lorkhan, finished its construction in 4E 201. In the same year the events of The Elder Scrolls Legends: Return to Clockwork City take place, and by the end of the story the City either still stands with Nilonii as its leader, or falls apart with Nilonii choosing to remain behind in the destruction. It’s unknown what happened to her afterward.


Sotha Sil | Adoptive father

Time known each other: 35 years (as of 2E 582, but ultimately knows him until he is murdered - 794 years)

Sotha Sil and Nilonii share a father-daughter bond and regard each other as such, and it can sometimes be hard for others to believe they aren’t blood related. He often dotes on her, but also gives her the space she needs to develop and learn things on her own.


Name: Relationship

Time known each other: Time

Nam accumsan at est et cursus. In tellus turpis, fringilla quis quam a, ornare volutpat metus. Cras imperdiet lectus sit amet tempus laoreet. Sed dignissim nisi ac ipsum gravida, nec bibendum lacus gravida.


Name: Relationship

Time known each other: Time

Nam accumsan at est et cursus. In tellus turpis, fringilla quis quam a, ornare volutpat metus. Cras imperdiet lectus sit amet tempus laoreet. Sed dignissim nisi ac ipsum gravida, nec bibendum lacus gravida.