😊 Nano 🩷



6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Commissioned Art:



Universe: Trilobite

Name: Nano

Age:  22-25 [Young Adult]

Species:  Bull Terrier Crossed with Doberman 

Build: Cute Twink <3  [ Has a very cute butt] , Lean and skinny. Little muscle but not six pack status.

Gender: Male

Orientation:  Homosexual 

Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral

Occupation: Rebel Hacker, While also doing things like webdesign and building different types of machines

Theme/Style: Punk and Futuristic Planet . Technology and cyborgs

Short version:

He's basically an escaped science experiment that tried to use nanites for healing while they also installed holographic hair for cosmetic purposes. He's basically an intelligent lab rat set free onto society. Well more like escaped. lolz He's a futuristic punk with an attitude who lives in a futuristic world. He tries to fight the futuristic world's evils one step at a time while still having a life. He's not for everyone but he's someone I love. His character plays on a lot of ideas all at once. It's a complicated world he lives in but ain't ours too? xD

His holograms can basically project any hair style or color depending on style and mood.

He's albino <3

Hes a genetically spliced /created DNA cross of a Bull Terrier and Doberman.

The orbs on his neck are kind of like lava lamps taking on the colors of the hologram. Though lets pretend they like have some other function like storing energy or creating energy for the holograms. Or providing energy or a home for his nanites.

He wasn't a finished product so his tech has a few quirks and kinks in the system. He might fall over twitching or just absolutely freeze because of a wire or two out of place. lolz (Well these are possible but they're not common.)

His lab rat name was ID: 272 HC 

His cyber-space name "Forged-Lite". 



His personality is a bit rough when you encounter him. He's a smart ass and loves it. Loves every moment of making you see your own mistakes of stupidity. Smiling as he corrects you when he's feeling flirty. He's not evil in nature but he can come off mean or uncaring. He loves teasing others but over time he mellows out once he finds correcting you boring. The more pissed off or feelings you show the longer he'll keep messing with you. It's true that it gets boring when theirs no reaction. His friends have learned various degrees of his teasing.

Nano is a bit detached at times and will be on his own. He seeks friends and social gatherings when he's moody or needs to relax. He's not shy in indulging into various party gifts and favors. Under his shell of snarky comments, blowing you off, appearing uncaring and unchanging. He's a very deep thinker and cares a lot about the world. He's not a type to share "squishy" feelings or sob stories. His life and existence has kind of made his outer shell hard. Its a cycle of wanting to help and the pain it causes when he can't. He rather push others away or have them at a comfortable distance. Keeping them close enough but far enough he doesn't have all the same obligations of close friends. Though, friends who do stick around long enough start to feel out his personality. Hes not a bad person but hes got a lot to hate.

He's not exactly suffering from trauma our anything from being a lab rat. Most pains and ill feelings were taken care of by the bots. The scientists weren't unnecessarily cruel to him. Though he does have empathy for all the lab rats. He's a lucky dog that escaped to live a life of freedom and gifted really. It amazing him still how his life rolled out on a red carpet. He's partly thankful being pumped full of nanites even with a metal plate installed into his spine.


Side Info:

~Has healing abilities. His nanites running in his system allow him to heal himself.

~Hair can have different settings. It can change according to mood or various settings. He likes wearing various settings and styles. Also his eyes shift to the a shade of the color in his hair. He likes this setting as it matches what ever he's wearing.

~ Fruitarian : Living in a technology age and one filled with big company lies. Nano finds a lot of the futuristic food horrible and cruel. One hamburger could be part 5 different cows while having 3 of those being cloned or rejects. The foods standards and industry for everything has very much gone to hell. Mystery ingredients that cause which chemical concoction and reactions. Course no one truly knows because its all buried deep into corruption and companies. Some underground studies basically turned Nano off to all foods that weren't natural or organic. Organic and natural definitely taking of new meanings in his realm really. Laws never protect the citizens from food companies shoving what ever harmful drug of mixture into it. Organic and natural was rare in this day and age. Everything came from food cubes or instant hydration meals poping out special microwaves and ovens. Much of it didn't resemble the foods it was suppose to be unless it was a food cube funnily shaped like it. (but those were for kids. lolz)

In his years of life he took on a different reality when it came to food. It wasn't a health choice really because his nanites would filter out harmful material from his system quite easily. When captured they would feed him an array of foods varying in quality. When he still had an animal brain he didn't know the challenge of morality. He grew a consciousness over time and they had a harder and harder time feeding him till he was only served flavorless food cubes with basic needs. Now knowing what most foods comes from. He refuses to eat anything that causes a loss of life. To him plants and animals were forms of life. He will not kill animals of plants because he believes both life forms are on the same level of life. Plants having complicated communication systems and even being aware when they are being harmed. They send out chemical screams when they are in pain or harmed. Nano deemed this un-understood and devalued life form to be one worth saving and respecting just like an animal. He could not bare to cause loss of life. Being a vegetarian is greatly out of the questions because he knows a plant lives. Even without a face is no excuse. He scuffs at them knowing they choose the life form that can't scream in pain. No better then a slaughter house.

He believes in a very ancient belief of eating only fallen fruit or vegetables. Much of this is lost on many people in his age and technology. Plants will naturally drop fruit from their branches to seed the soil. Nano can eat them without causing the mother plant any harm. He collects their seeds and plants then in small pots when he can. Hes gathered a great variety of berries. He has to travel many hard to find natural food trades spending lots to acquire them. He's used to this and has found a very small community on the internet that helps this type of life style. Though its normally buried under naturalistic foodists. People who take raw foods and actually cook in things like pots and pans? Nano always found them quite entertaining to troll. Tagging their "do it yourself" videos with words like "hipster", "caveman" and "farmer". (They took on a different meaning in this society. So no offence..) Though most of them cooked meat and plants. He shivers to the thought and will happily munch on his vitamin supplements and fruit/berries.

~Smoker : He will pull out a cigarette ever so often to calm his nerves. He uses it as a way to relief stress from his life. He gets stressed out occasionally and his go to is a cigarette. His nanites basically heal his lungs every smoke. He has nothing to worry about or suffer from other then nicotine.

~Punk : Not to be confused with gothic, emo, and scene. They are greatly different. xD He support individualism and individual thinking. He hates the machine the world turns into when it fucks over the poor and honest people only to cater to the rich. Wants a society where everyone one can be happy and equal to one another.


Back Story:

This might sound sad to people but despite all that's happened. He's living a good life even poor, he's found a level of happiness. His time period is a very futuristic type world where there is flying cars and talking animals. Giant buildings and gadget for just about anything. Theres been a big push in science and technology. They're kind of reaching heights where some experiments and inventions are really reaching corners of the imagination. Turning skins colors and having bionic eyes. The age of the cyborgs has been long past and many can be seen sporting various improvements. They started to make big pushes into nanites and managing bodily functions. Though more focused to explore healing and body management despite the oddities that sprung up. Reconstructing tissues and keeping the host healthy and happy. While a lot of useless inventions were having a big boom as well. Having nanites to manage hair growth or keeping your nails trimmed perfectly. These things were all fighting to be seen and heard and the world just consumed it all up. It's sadly a world of slight boredom and what we would see privileged. Stuck in a technology paradise. (Many would say they were stir crazy.)

So the beginning of Nano's life. He was born into a laboratory with a lot of his fellows. He was genetically spliced between a bull terrier and doberman. His DNA wasn't the greatest and was slightly inbred turning him and his siblings into albinos and mixes. The company didn't mind as white fur and pink skin was much easier to see changes for experiments. He was sold to one facility that had a few branches different branches. It tried to keep it's fingers into everything. Looking for the next big thing. The department that bought Nano was focusing into ways of body modification through the use of nanites for cosmetics and health. He was quickly labeled ID: 272 HC. He was one of a long line of experiments that tried to benefit the health of many. Though this wasn't the only company chasing after this invention it sprung up many secrete labs and funding.

Nano was a rather successful experiment that progressed their research and development. However, Nano quickly became outdated and more a gimmick to product holders. They tried to program the nanites in his tissue to try and heal simple wounds but their design needed a much more sleek and polish finish before they could ever sell them to the public.

They tried a method in which they install a metallic plate down the spine and down the legs to help easy spread of the bots while also allowing them to tap into spine and nerve endings. This metal plate allowed them to housed in a safe protected environment and allowed scientists to give them signals and commands. They could help stop the receptors of pain in bad injuries while they worked on the offending wound site. In some cases would cause the host to fall unconscious to keep them safe from harm or during "surgeries" but the developers wanted more. They wanted to explore in having the bots being able to hold air ways open when they blocked or failed, sealing woulds, and causing blood to clot in the offending areas. They wanted them to be so much more and Nano was one of many onto the road of growth. The metal plate along the back however was seen as too invasive and needed to be reworked. Unfortunately for Nano they could not remove the spine from him because it was to invasive of surgeries and would cost to much. (He was nothing more then an lab rat bred for one purpose of course. lol)

The company did allow the bots to still be active before they transferred Nano to a more cosmetic section of the company. His ability to heal minor injuries from the nanites experiment was a very big bonus to the cosmetics lab. The company found that both sections were working with nanites and the models Nano was installed with would be perfect for new programming of their new gimmick. They were working on ways to invent new appearances. Having success in the past with changing eye colors and tinting skins. They wanted to find the next big thing. They played with hair type products that would entice the world. Nano got mixed into the beauty world of technology and soon was treated with many different experiments. They tried disappearing skin tattoos and various things that involved hair. To modify hair growth and forming the most perfect of curls. It was a very long trail and error for the company but Nano's ability to restore his form and heal made him very valuable to them. It wasn't until one scientist played with his metal spine that they realized the capabilities this would have. They installed various software and upgraded it to a sleeker look with better capabilities. This upgrade allowed Nano to project holograms of various hair styles and types. In strange and beautiful colors and patterns. It drove the company pretty wild to know they stumbled upon the next biggest thing. A product that could conform to any style and any mood the user wanted or felt.

You may wonder how he could escape from such a life. Well thanks to the nanites, they very much took their programming to heart. They were to keep the host healthy and prosperous. With abilities to learn the body temperaments as well the ones around the host. Pathogens in the air were big threats to the host at times and once the nanites discovered bodies outside the body they began to really learn and go. Now they do have limits and laws written into the coding but nothing stopped them from culturing Nano's canine mind. He grew to become very intelligent and very aware of all the happenings in the lab. Of course gathering knowledge was a very long process as no one thought the nanites would mutant his mind to new heights of reasoning and understanding. The mind of a beast growing slowly. Of course when this happened. The company was already moving onto the next host trying to improve the design and it's capabilities. Once again he was outdated and forgotten. Thrown into one of the many kennels to keep their secretes away from other companies. Many experiments like Nano who survived the horrors of the lab were sent here. None paid attention to them except to feed them and make sure intruders never got their hands on them. They kept them alive in case they ever needed to go back to the previous designs to rework new solutions to problems. Nano was in this purgatory of waiting between life and death. Though many doubted he could die from natural causes or bodily sicknesses. Nano would live as long as nothing to severe happened. The nintes took to spying on the scientists in they're ignored existence. Nano grew more aware while the little bots wreaked a organized havoc on his system. Before they were even done they deemed cages to be bad for health and mind. The scientists didn't provide nutritious foods or allowed moments of exercise anymore. They could not fulfill they're job as they were programmed. One of the many flaws in their programming one would suppose but they helped Nano escape.

They found the opportunity and took it. Nano was filled with the need to escape through the bot giving soft suggestion that turned to obsession. All it took was a day for a routine physical exam that turned into a fight or flight. The nanites cultivated a brilliant mind that and he quickly outfoxed the scientist in this holding kennel. He didn't harm them but one could say they hand their hands tied while trying to gather all the loose animals running in the kennel. The rest was using stolen card keys and staying out of sight. He felt bad for his brethren but the nanites would not let him feel sorrow when they were so close to freedom. Later in the years as Nano adapted to his new world. The nanites eased up on the slight suggestions as it was against their programming unless the body truly needed something. They were more for vitamin cravings and suggestions. The nanites down the line modified Nano's body to be able to speak languages and gave him a need to seek knowledge. They deemed it a quality of life need to be able to function in society. The laboratories didn't know the full extent of what they created in Nano. They intended for it to help with studies and increase brain functions. They never knew it would grow a brain and seek knowledge.

So along society Nano is just another citizen in the system. He lives below the flying cars and high sky scrapers. Lives in the belly of the wires and coding. He's grown marvelously well adapted to the life of a smirking techy. He has developed various system viruses crippling companies and exposing evil in the world. He always leaves his calling card "Forged-Lite" on their door step. He's wanted in various places but they never can find him. His long life has caused a great conspiracy over his existence. He has personally fueled this conspiracy. They have a theory in order for him to keep popping up in their history time and time again fowling up big bad plans that he is actually in fact more then one person. To have more then one self that takes on his name and continues his work. Nano loves this idea , in fact he has had some take on his name and foil big businesses and cause a ruckus. Though more and more Nano is fading to the background and smirking at the world and technological war he has started against big business. He doesn't try to foil every plan but ever so often to remind everyone he is watching. To remind the people of the good in the world and lead them away from dark shepherds.

He lives a bit of a complicated life. lol Though when hes not fighting evil and technology battles. He's very much a everyday joe living in a technology advanced society. He is just a mutt trying to get by in the big city. His base of operation is nothing but a mere apartment in the deep city down in the bowels. There is the bowels, middle set, and they the highest of towers refereed to as Highlands. The rich of course fight over being the highest like they could touch the sun like a fabled Icarus flying to close to the sun. The middle set are just the people who are skirting to get each rent day but not high enough to rake in the cash. In the bowels he lives with the suffering. Watching good people turn into monsters. Though a few of his friends are just like him. Nerds who didn't quite make it to middle set because of the shitty system they live in. They all work odd jobs here and there. Most will never step foot on a Highland walkway.

Nano has created his lair with his big gaming set up. His mountains of junk foods and big tvs. He has comics decorating his walls and shelves along with his inventions. He's very much a lazy slouch that will plant himself next to a bowl of pretzels and watch anime. Though on his more adventurous days, he likes to run around with his friends causing havoc. Tossing decorative digital paint bombs on billboard and technology sensitive building. Basically tiny mini hacks into the light systems forming specific shapes upon them. Making them shine brilliant colors and covering what ever they were spouting. They also indulge messing with highland homes and officers of the law. Robots and systems they love to tinker with. His friends aren't escaped experiments but they are just as wild as him when put up the right chaos.

An interesting technology driven world. So many possibilities in his reality.

[Still a work in progress but pretty solid lol]



Bow:   He has a relationship with a dog nicknamed "Bow". His character is still under construction. Though he is a Beauceron mix. His personality is the sensitive jock type. His build is a fluffier neck along with a few tattoos. His chest and belly are very lean and muscular. He may not have the same mind as Nano but he definitely know's Nano's feelings. Despite the cold facade Nano projects Bow can always sniff it out. Nano doesn't have a closer relationship other than Bow.  Bow worries about Nano and some of his self destructing behaviors. They don't have a perfect relationship and it's one people on the outside can't grasp. Many wondered why Bow stays around sometimes. Nano's not abusive but he's difficult to deal with. Sometimes ignoring Bow for days without word. Bow always shows up knocking at his door. Nano doesn't give a clear reason why but Bow can normally sense it. Nano is very insecure, lonely, and gets burned out with depression. He doesn't mean to cause Bow trouble but he always does. It's a mixture of guilt and insecurity that makes him push Bow away. Nano's not forthcoming with his feelings or issues a lot of the time. They had a very rocky relationship but for some reason Bow has stuck through it. He's seen Nano at his worst. Even Nano wonders why Bow has stayed so long. Though now their relationship is doing better. Nano still has his fits but it seems Bow has learned to weave his way through them. 

A little history: Technically they met each other through a dating simulator. Nano was insecure and didn't want to show his face/self. [They can have projectors like you see in star wars but greatly upgraded rofl where they can feel a sense of "touching".] Eventually Bow weaseled himself into a simulated cafe with Nano. They talked and got to know each other. Nano expected a one night stand but Bow had many other plans <3. Bow would pester Nano until he keep giving in. Eventually get gave in so much that they finally met face to face.Â