hi!! do you have an icon for gambling, by chance?

Hello! How about this one?

The code for this icon is: <i class="fas fa-slot-machine fa-2x mb-1"/>

That one works great, thank you!

Hi! ive also been looking for icons/codes, do you have any for a large age gap? I know that can bother some people.

maybe these? :0c

<i class="fas fa-arrows-left-right-to-line fa-2x mb-1"></i>


<i class="fas fa-hourglass-half fa-2x mb-1"></i>

thank you!

i have no idea how to add those to my code, but thank you!

Been looking around various warning icons/codes but haven't found a specific one yet.

Any ideas as to what I should use to depict Abuse of Power/of Authority or Blackmail? Would the general 'Abuse' icon work?

Thanks in advance! =]

Hello! Maybe you could try these? ^_^

Abuse of Power


<div class="col-4 col-lg-2 text-center p-1 mb-1">
<i class="fas fa-gavel fa-2x mb-1"/>
<i class="fas fa-burst mb-1"/>
<p>Abuse of Power</p>

<!-- BLACKMAIL -->
<div class="col-4 col-lg-2 text-center p-1 mb-1">
<i class="fas fa-skull fa-2x mb-1"/>
<i class="fas fa-envelope mb-1"/>

These are awesome! Thank you so much =)

I got a couple of suggestions since I've been adding these warnings for my characters :3

Child death:  <i class="fas fa-tombstone mb-1"/> <i class="fas fa-teddy-bear fa-2x mb-1"/></i>

Fatal accident / accident (there's vehicle accident but not one for other kinds of accidents): <i class="fas fa-person-falling-burst fa-2x mb-1"/></i>

Vent:  <i class="fas fa-cloud-sun-rain fa-2x mb-1"/></i>

Alt. Vent: <i class="fas fa-face-sad-tear fa-2x mb-1"/></i>

Magic:  <i class="fas fa-hand-holding-magic fa-2x mb-1"/></i>

Poison / Poisoned:  <i class="fas fa-flask-round-poison fa-2x mb-1"/></i>

Alt. death: <i class="fas fa-coffin-cross fa-2x mb-1"/></i>

Weirdcore: <i class="fas fa-arrows-to-eye fa-2x mb-1"/></i>

Obsessesion / obsessive behaviour: <i class="fas fa-head-side-heart fa-2x mb-1"/></i>

Alt. Religious themes / imagery: <i class="fas fa-place-of-worship fa-2x mb-1"/></i> 

oh andd

Filtered blood/gore (character contains blood/gore but it's behind filter): <i class="fas fa-droplet-slash fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Medicine / prescribed drugs: <i class="fas fa-prescription-bottle-pill fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Medical malpractice: <i class="fas fa-house-medical-circle-xmark fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll add these soon <3

Hello again! 1953-tbh.png

Addiction: <i class="fas fa-lock fa-2x mb-1"></i>
(Alt.) Animal Abuse/Cruelty: <span class="justify-content-center"><i class="fas fa-dog fa-2x mb-1"></i><i class="fas fa-heart-broken mb-1" style="margin-left: 6px;"></i></span>
Questionable Morality: <i class="fas fa-scale-unbalanced fa-2x mb-1"></i>
(Alt.) Racism: <i class="fas fa-peace fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Romantic Issues: <i class="fas fa-heart-broken fa-2x mb-1"></i><i class="fas fa-burst fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Space Imagery: <i class="fas fa-rocket-launch fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Story Spoilers: <i class="fas fa-book-open-cover fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Torture: <i class="fas fa-hands-bound fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Unsanitary Imagery: <i class="fas fa-soap fa-2x mb-1"></i>
(Alt.) Unsanitary Imagery: <i class="fas fa-pump-soap fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Thank you for the suggestions! Will be adding these in shortly ^o^)/

You're welcome! :D

I just wanted to thank you so much for having this code avaliable! I had been looking for awhile but unfortunantly most warning codes were kind of....kiddie? Best word I can come up with but it's really nice to be able to adjust the warnings so easily and I am in the process of using it for all of my personal characters and possibly my trade characters as well!

You're welcome! Just thought it'd be nice for users to not have to read through walls of text about warnings ;v;

I'm glad you like it and hope it can be of use to you ^_^

I have a suggestion :)

<!-- ISOLATION -->
<div class="col-4 col-lg-2 text-center p-1 mb-1">
<i class="fas fa-street-view fa-2x mb-1"/>

Thank you for the suggestion! I'll add it in a moment :D

Can I still suggest a few more icons on this list? :O

Of course! Suggestions are always welcome ^o^)/

Sorry for the late reply, but here we go!

Apocalyptic Setting - <i class="fas fa-circle-radiation fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Animal Death - <i class="fas fa-dog fa-2x mb-1"></i><i class="fas fa-flower-daffodil mb-1"></i>
Clowns - <i class="fas fa-balloons fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Demons - <i class="fas fa-ram fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Hypothermia - <i class="fas fa-snowflake fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Homelessness - <i class="fas fa-house-chimney-crack fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Misogyny - <i class="fas fa-person-dress-burst fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Plane Crash - <i class="fas fa-paper-plane fa-2x mb-1"></i>
Sex Work - <i class="fas fa-umbrella fa-2x mb-1"></i>

No worries it's all good!

Thank you for these suggestions. I will add them soon ^o^ <3

Can I suggest a few changes and/or alternative warning icons (with a few additions as well), so they can appear neutral? :0

Sure! Feel free to suggest c:

A'ight! The comment might be long, so hopefully, it won't be too overwhelming. <:)

Abduction - <i class="fas fa-dove fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Crime / Criminal Activity - <i class="fas fa-handcuffs fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Cop Character - <i class="fas fa-badge-sheriff fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Death - <i class="fas fa-plant-wilt fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Dereality - <i class="fas fa-thought-bubble fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Discrimination - <i class="fas fa-person-harassing fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Eye Imagery - <i class="fas fa-glasses-round fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Electrocution - <i class="fas fa-bolt-lightning fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Fire Imagery / Arson - <i class="fas fa-fire-extinguisher fa-2x mb-1"></i>

(Fatal) Disease - <i class="fas fa-mask-face fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Possession - <i class="fas fa-face-smile-horns fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Insects - <i class="fas fa-lamp-street fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Islamphobia - <i class="fas fa-star-and-crescent fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Needles - <i class="fas fa-reel fa-2x mb-1"></i>

NSFW - <i class="fas fa-xmarks-lines fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Smoking - <i class="fas fa-clouds fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Snakes - <i class="fas fa-stocking fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Transphobia - <i class="fas fa-mars-and-venus-burst fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Uncanny Imagery - <i class="fas fa-magnifying-glass fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Vehicle Accident - <i class="fas fa-steering-wheel fa-2x mb-1"></i>

War Imagery - <i class="fas fa-flower-daffodil fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Weaponry - <i class="fas fa-user-cowboy fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Oh I like these! Thank you very much for the suggestions, I'll add these to the list shortly ^_^ <3

You're welcome! :D