Comments on [F2U] Let the Living Beware (Icon Codes) All Comments

Can I suggest a few changes and/or alternative warning icons (with a few additions as well), so they can appear neutral? :0

Sure! Feel free to suggest c:

A'ight! The comment might be long, so hopefully, it won't be too overwhelming. <:)

Abduction - <i class="fas fa-dove fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Crime / Criminal Activity - <i class="fas fa-handcuffs fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Cop Character - <i class="fas fa-badge-sheriff fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Death - <i class="fas fa-plant-wilt fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Dereality - <i class="fas fa-thought-bubble fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Discrimination - <i class="fas fa-person-harassing fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Eye Imagery - <i class="fas fa-glasses-round fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Electrocution - <i class="fas fa-bolt-lightning fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Fire Imagery / Arson - <i class="fas fa-fire-extinguisher fa-2x mb-1"></i>

(Fatal) Disease - <i class="fas fa-mask-face fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Possession - <i class="fas fa-face-smile-horns fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Insects - <i class="fas fa-lamp-street fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Islamphobia - <i class="fas fa-star-and-crescent fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Needles - <i class="fas fa-reel fa-2x mb-1"></i>

NSFW - <i class="fas fa-xmarks-lines fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Smoking - <i class="fas fa-clouds fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Snakes - <i class="fas fa-stocking fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Transphobia - <i class="fas fa-mars-and-venus-burst fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Uncanny Imagery - <i class="fas fa-magnifying-glass fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Vehicle Accident - <i class="fas fa-steering-wheel fa-2x mb-1"></i>

War Imagery - <i class="fas fa-flower-daffodil fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Weaponry - <i class="fas fa-user-cowboy fa-2x mb-1"></i>

Oh I like these! Thank you very much for the suggestions, I'll add these to the list shortly ^_^ <3

You're welcome! :D