


1 year, 5 months ago


   ☆⋆ WILLIAM AFTON + 31 + (he/she) ⋆♡   

Co-owner of Fredbears Family Diner and Fazbear Entertainment with his bf(f) Henry Emily. 

The freakiest person you will ever meet ever! Chronic liar, manipulator, homewrecker, full of himself and ridiculously over dramatic. Is an awful person to almost everyone she sees and only cares about herself and henry. Loves judging people and insulting them for how stupid and ugly they are cuz he thinks it’s funny🤗 Has the biggest mood swings the world has ever seen..every time he and Henry get into an argument hell start screaming at him and telling him he needs to kill himself and then he’ll go cry for 5 hours about Henry being mad at him and then he’s happy in love again and the cycle continues. He’ll go from super happy to just like really serious and mean out of nowhere? Only cares about Henry but tries to seduce other men for funsies and attention! Incredibly desperate for attention if that wasnt obvious he acts like a total you know what 24/7 to get a reaction out of people..especially Henry..He will be nice to other people but its only for Henry’s sake or to get stuff out of it. Very easily excited and gets super happy and lovey every time henry gives him any affection. He thinks Henry’s a little annoying and cringe sometimes but shrugs it off and just makes fun of him. Thinks everything Henry does is cute unless he’s actively yelling at him or doing something to make William angry. Super duper jealous she HAAATTTES it when Henry even looks at other girls

He does his best to make Henry happy and lets him talk about his robots for as long as he wants! Thinks it’s super cute and asks him a billion questions about it and acts stupid on purpose so henry will keep talking. He  makes fun of Henry sometimes but idk he doesn’t take it seriously he just thinks it’s hilarious. He never really gets angry with Henry unless they’re arguing or Henry’s ignoring him or something.

He has a total freak love obsession with Henry I’m talking a 56 square foot shrine in his basement-box of suspiciously blurry photos of him under his bed-has to stop himself from drooling everywhere when they’re within 5 feet of eachother-kind of thing. Totally crazy in love with him..aside from the whole freak thing he does seriously care about Henry! The only man for him ever! Constantly gushes about how cute he is. Everytime hes with Henry hes just all over him the whole time. Super touchy if he doesnt have at least one Hand on henry at a time hell go nuts

His relationship with Henry is really complicated..theyre best friends despite everything but it’s also romantic!😂 William wants an actual relationship but Henry’s a freak about it so they’ll just do it all the time and occasionally be super romantic and sappy to eachother?  It gets a little better after Henry’s wife leaves him and William comforts him 24/7 but its still a little weird and Henry’s still in denial. Depending on what I feel like they can be all cutesy and romantic whenever. Not officially dating but there’s love there! William just kisses henry 500 times until his whole face is covered in lipstick and Henry’s just standing there like Heh…Waow..😅😄😊😍 William puts up with all of Henry’s weird freak stuff and will do anything for him! Loves Henry more than anything in the world even if shes mean af to him

Dedicated furry his fursona is springbonnie and he loves rabbits..she’s also a freak about the color purple. (If he was an actual furry though he’d be a cat! Has a lot of catlike tendencies like he‘ll do the stretchy thing and is constantly all over henry and sitting on his desk or something. u nuzzly boi…) Dresses like a mix between a business man and a stripper! Talks like idk..Catherine from Catherine he’s just crazy girly. Also chronic giggler literally what is his problem🤦‍♀️ Shes a smoker too Henry’s occasionally a little worried about it but he’s a borderline alcoholic half the time so he can’t say much. Smells like excess amounts of cheap girly perfume. Hes kind of cold all the time (body heat) but it’s especially bad in his hands. He warms up  with Henry though idk. Depending on wether it’s funny or not he has one of those PROPERTY OF HENRY EMILY tattoo on his umm….lower stomach..got it without telling Henry as a surprise and henry was horrified. Once again very girly wears heels and makeup and everything. Used to full on crossdress back in college but he doesn’t as much these days. (no point in it its literally the same but no wig)


Grew up in England with his drug addict trailer park god awful mother who he absolutely despised…no one knows what happened to his father! Him and his mother genuinely hated eachother but they both sucked..so..

He got bullied 24/7 cuz he deserved it and was super annoying also was a creepy freak like he was the kind of kid you wouldnt want around your cat or small newborn child..kind of really serious but in an unsettling way..also he had literally no friends whatsoever. He never actually did anything bad he was just Odd….

Growing up into high school, William only became more annoying and angry as he got bullied harder for being extremely obviously gay also he was a theater kid so…still deserved it...he was a total brat though like if he didn’t get the part he wanted (he couldn’t act or sing so that was never) he’d start screaming and spitting everywhere and threatening to kill himself and everyone else. Still didn’t have any friends for obvious reasons! His attention seeking girly thing partially started here but not really cuz his mom wouldnt let him 😭😂 Had a really ugly haircut and just wore idk purple sweaters every day. He’s fully aware of the fact that he likes men here but hasn’t found anyone he actually cares about yet..wink wink…

He ended up moving to the United States and going to Hurricane University with a major in buisness! Shortly after arriving there he met Henry and instantly fell crazy in love with him and became obsessed. They ended up being roommates and later besties!


William was instantly obsessed with Henry the minute he saw him and went crazy about how cute he was every single day. It was obvious that he was madly in love with him and he was horrible at hiding it. He knew Henry didn’t really like him at first but he just continuously tried to get him to be his friend and talked his ear off All the time. He didn’t really care about robotics but he thought hearing henry talk about it was the best thing ever so he constantly asked him questions about It. (He eventually got into it but only truly because he wanted Henry to be impressed.) They made the plan for fredbears at some point for whatever reason (Probably cuz they were both mildly furries and William was a buisness major? Idk?) But they were both really excited about it! Especially William! They’ll pretty often study together even if it’s mostly henry doing all the work. Most of their time spent together is just henry working on one of his robot projects in their dorm and William staring at him the whole time. William will help henry get ready for church every Sunday. (Henry’s alarm wakes him up) and he loves every second of it! Draws out everything he does too long just so he can touch henry for a little longer. Tries to go back to bed whenever henry leaves but he’s too excited so he just has to roll around and write in his diary and go through all of Henry’s stuff until he comes back. Total freak about it. Henry tends to get up earlier than him on school days but William makes it a point to get up early on weekends just to watch henry all sleepy or something.

They wouldn’t officially date or anything in college but their relationship was really complicated …😂😭 They started out as just friends but Williams so obviously crazy obsessed with Henry that they both got weird around eachother quick. William knew about Henry’s guilt and stuff (mainly from just the way he’d act around him and the fact that it was the 70s and everyone within a 500 mile radius was crazy homophobic) but he was 100 percent sure Henry wanted him back. Every time henry acted even remotely affectionate or romantic to him william would get all happy giggly and feel like he was going to explode or something. William doesn’t really try to hide his obsession with Henry but hes definitely more subtle about it than he is in fredbears era. Henry could be tying his shoes or like falling down the stairs or something and william would be like kyaaaa he’s soooooo cute…tehehe…😆🥹>\\\< Also idk they’re not as much of a thing as they are in fredbears era but it’s a little  more fluffy here! Especially before henry gets a girlfriend!

Williams aware about Henry’s love for him being a girly girl girl so he just progressively makes himself more exaggeratedly feminine because of it. (It started out just being for Henry but then like 5 seconds after he started he realized he loved doing it and it made him feel awesome af!) He was already pretty girly and obviously always wanted to be a girl in one way or another this just like made him actually realize it idk. He does hurt a little bit when Henry gets all guilty and angry on him especially if he was just being romantic like the day before but he brushes it off and focuses on how to make Henry feel better again. (the minute henry apologizes William will be like awwwwwww my baby..🥺😭 and instantly start coddling him or something idk) If they ever did go on a date for some reason henry would get really nervous the whole time and constantly look around scared but William would have the time of his life and get ready like a week in advance. 

AS FOR ACTUAL HIM INFO….He’s kind of like Fredbears William but way less mean and way more excited happy go lucky girl vibes! He’s still a freak but he doesn’t really try to actively seduce everyone in sight. He’s just really really crazy obsessed with Henry I’ve brought this up like 56 times but it’s true! Its like stealing his trash going through his laundry staring at him for hours on end type weird..😂😭 Also he has a diary and he writes about Henry every single day in it in very explicit detail! Other than that he just gets very excited easily and he’s always talking 24/7. Tries to touch henry as much as he can but it’s not even close to as much as in the future just cuz he’s worried Henry will start screaming and run away and hate him or something. He does it every second that he can though just because he thinks Henry’s reactions are cute. He doesn’t really have any friends other than Henry just cuz he’s really annoying and weird. His mood swings aren’t nearly as bad and he rarely gets angry unless someone pays attention to Henry for too long. He’s just really girly all the time (More so when he’s actively trying to make Henry go nuts) Also he likes drawing a lot too kind of even if it’s exclusively henry or his fursona!

PLAYLIST- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6GWpd6WyPRaBWXyihYTPFj?si=nhLXAKc4SAi2AAcHTvgvzQ

WILLRY PLAYLIST!-https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7EQuGyDQUyNbIZykJHuoke?si=a429c8f3fd334d23