Basic Info












Fortune Teller


Pearls, Glass, Rainbows, The Ocean, Fireflies, Sushi, Singing, Fortune Telling, Tarot Cards, Mysteries


Dry days, Hopelessness, Chicken, Screaming, Loud Noises, Horror Movies, Coffee


Moveset of Pyukumuku, can grab things with her hair, Breathing underwater, Floating in water, Knows the worth of everything she collects, Fortune Telling

Relationship Status



I see... a lot of fog in your future... o wait, my fortune telling pearl is dusty, one second-

Prunella is a mysterious Pyukumuku, who makes her money by looking into the future for other Pokemon and their trainers. She is really good at her job... sometimes too good for her own good...


Prunella always acts all mysterious and aloof. She seems very difficult to read and very difficult to see through. But her behaviour is a selling point of her fortune telling. In reality, she can be really cute and curious. However, she hates when her true side shows.
Her ideal self is a mysterious lady from the dark corners of Paldea. And so, she keeps her real self a secret. She loves confusing people with her way of speaking. Since she often speaks in metaphors and riddles, her customers are often fascinated but also confused by her acting. But when she does fortune telling, she is always honest with what she sees. However, she always has to form it in metaphors and riddles as well, since she is "not allowed to speak out the future straight up".
However, despite her aloof appereance, she gets really playful and mean with people she can't stand. This also means grabbing them with her hair and letting them struggle in the air while she watches them with a smile.


This Pyukumuku was an Orphan since birth. But still, she has a family she is close to. Because in fact, she got raised by a Gardevoir, who also took care of some other Pokemon. The Gardevoir was always kind and understanding, and so Prunella had a nice and wholesome childhood despite being an Orphan.
But at the age of 15, she noticed some weird things. She had sort of a sixth sense. She saw the future when looking at pearls or shells. And the visions she had became true to 99%.
She told Gardevoir about it, who immediately told her everything about the sixth sense and that she shouldn't be ashamed of this skill. She also recommended Prunella to become a travelling Fortune Teller.
And so, Prunella did. She trained a lot with Tarot Cards and other kinds of fortune telling, but in the end, her huge pearl and the shells she uses to see the future became her main tools.
Soon, she got some customers, but got more popular and well known over the years. Now, Trainers and Pokemon a like in despair search for her for her advice.

Role in the Story

Since she is a traveling Fortune Teller, Prunella meets the crew of Ame, Kyumi and Minnie at their journey from time to time. Especially Minnie and Catmint are very, very happy about her advice and help. But Kyumi and Ame are, in the beginning, very sceptical of her fortune telling. However, as more and more events Prunella told them about in riddles became true, Kyumi and Ame slowly believed the mysterious Pyukumuku lady.


Minnie - Regular Customer - Minnie is absolutely stunned by Prunella's skills and always seeks for her when she doesn't know what to do anymore. She trusts the Pyukumuku almost blindly with her fortune telling. And also, she loves to gift her some flowers and scents and art from time to time.

Kyumi - Sceptical - Kyumi doesn't trust Prunella in the beginning at all. She thinks the Pyukumuku is just lying to them for Poke. And so, it's usual that these two get into arguments/fights at times, which mostly end with Prunella grabbing Kyumi and holding her up in the air.


  • She can tell the future with the help of pearls and shells
  • Prunella was too curious one day and looked for her own future. And since she saw her own death creeping up and couldn't find out the timing of it, she refrains from looking into her own future again.
  • Thanks to her incredible skills, she gets hunted down by Team Moon.