
Sorry for not answering...
in love with a ghost
in your arms
TV Blonde

Be thankful for every mountain and every little blade of grass.

Minnie is a Shaymin Gijinka, who mostly vibes in a small village in Paldea. She actually comes from Sinnoh, but tried to escape the city life in Pladea.

Now, she vibes in the small village and draws artworks to relax and capture the moment.

She works with crayons, pastels and digital art and loves to show her art on her small blog.

However, her calm life seems to find a rough end, when Kyumi, Catmint and Ava joined her life, trying to get help from the peaceful artist.


Full name
Minnie Shanon

Flower, Nature Nerd, FlowersRFriends (Online User), Precious, Nature Bean


April 2nd (02.04.)


She / Her

Asexual, Biromantic



In a small village in Paldea

Pokemon Violet/Crimson (Video Game)

code by jiko


First Face : The World

How does your character behave generally? What do they do if the world has a camera on them? Minnie is a shy being, who just wants to vibe with nature and maybe one or two friends somewhere at a calm place. She hates the attention and she hates stress and big cities. She is as introverted as one can get, but she is also pretty selfless and caring, even towards strangers. She is just terribly afraid of hurting others feelings.

Second Face: Close ones

How does your character behave in front of friends and family? Anything different? Are they more affectionate or a plain asshole? Towards close ones, Minnie seems to be more open. She is more confident in speaking out what she thinks, and she shows her WIPs only to heer close friends.

Besides this, she loves to talk to them about her favorite topic: Nature. She is super thankful, when her friends just listen to her rambles. In fact, she is super thankful for having friends in the first place, so she treats them pretty well.

Third Face: True Reflection

How does your character behave by themselves? What is done from the depths of their hearts, reserved for themselves alone and has never manifested in front of anybody? Do they think they are scum or do they truely think everyone around them is scum? Deep inside, Minnie is actually satisfied with herself. Well, mostly. There are so many things she wants to express to others with words, but she can't. The words just won't come out. In moments, where her shyness stops her from talking, she hates herself actually. But otherwise, she is at peace with her identity.




True Good

5 (The Investigator)

The Empress
The Hermit (Reversed)
Strength (Reversed)
The World
Optimist Pessimist
Introvert Extrovert
Daredevil Cautious
Logical Emotional
Messy Organised
Honest Deceiving
Leader Follower
Affectionate Stoic
Grounded Dreamer
Moves On Stays in Past

  • Nature
  • Paintings
  • Art
  • Her Blog
  • Noodle Soup
  • Tea
  • Berries
  • Fruit Salad
  • Dango and Mochi
  • Sunny Days
  • Forests
  • Fancy Stones

  • Thunderstorms
  • Coffee
  • Meat
  • Cities
  • Newest Technology
  • Cherries
  • Cold Water
  • Cold Places
  • The smell of blood
  • Drama
  • Bad News/Serious News

  • Open Fires
  • Blood and Gore
  • Getting lost in big cities

  • Drawing for herself and others
  • Helping as many people as possible
  • Getting over her shyness

  • Drawing
  • Taking care of nature
  • Watching Shows
  • Reading (Especially books about nature)
  • Taking walks in the forest
  • Being in her garden
  • Daydreaming
  • Sleeping

  • Minnie has a huge HUGE weakness for anything that resembles a cat or a bunny.
  • She can play guitar and loves to play sweet love songs at the evening, when the dawn is setting in.
  • She still doesn't know how some social media sites work, so she stays with her Blog.
  • Her favorite food is Fruit Salad and Ramen.

Minnie loves to get lost in her hobbies, but she knows: When the sun goes down, it's time to relax.

Besides this, she is completely in love with the beautiful colors of a nice dawn.



Dark Green


Tiny bit chubby

Nature, wholesome, comfy

Obtained by
Custom from an art minigame

$0 personal | $0 commissioned
$0 total (22.04.2023)

Design notes
  • The big flower on her head is NOT optional!
  • Her frackles are also not optional!
  • Can be drawn without glasses, since she forgots those often, but she is basically blind without glasses

Special Attack
Special Defence


Minnie has a lot of health and stamina and can hold on for a long time. Her other stats are mostly average. She is an all rounder with a boost in Special Defence.

However, her attack is a bit weaker. She is more of a diplomatic and hates to attack in general. She rather solves arguments peacefully.

Soul of Shaymin

May the skills of Shaymin be with you.

  • Good supporter
  • Knows a lot of healing moves

  • Only knows one attacking move
  • Hates to fight, cares more about helping then fighting


Since Minnie is a humanoid Shaymin, she knows some of the moves and skills a Shaymin knows. This means she has a moveset of 4 attacks and one passive skill.

She knows the attacks Energy Ball, Synthesis, Aromatherapy and Healing Wish. She has a moveset, who concentrates more on healing others and herself then on attacking. She also knows the passive skill Natural Cure. When she switches places with another team member, she can heal herself from stuff like Poison or Paralysis.

Nature's blessing

One with nature, one with her surroundings.

  • Strongest in nature
  • Knows a lot of healing and guarding skills

  • Weakest in cities
  • Concentrates more on support then attack


Thanks to being very close to nature and being thankful to all of its gifts (and also thanks to being Type Grass), Minnie knows a lot of Nature themed skills.

She can call and use vines to grab and carry things, control plants, can talk to plants and animals, sing like a bird, knows every kind of herb and is able to make medicine out of herbs and other plants. Technically, she could also make poison, but she refrains from doing so.


Special Defence

Far Range

"Please... there is really no need to fight. I don't want to hurt anyone, and I want nobody to get hurt..."

TL;DR: "Local Shaymin escapes from big city life"


  • Losing Friends/Loneliness

Chapter One: "Take the Journey"

WARNINGS: Losing Friends

Minnie grew up in a huge town in Sinnoh. Her parents, both really popular business people, barely had time for her, and so, Minnie spent more time with her friends then with her family.

However, as time went on, the friends parted ways. They were all more interested in their careers then in friendships. And so, more and more business talk happened, and less and less fun was included in their meetings.

"Do you think I will storm the market with this idea?"

Minnie was the only one satisfied with her lifestyle, with her idea of only vibing and doing what gives her comfort: Making art.

And so, her friends left her one by one, and the stress of the city put more and more pressure onto her. Until she decided to move away from that city, move away from the trouble. Move away from Sinnoh.

And so, she arrived in a small village in Paldea, where she could finally rest and start a new.

"A new dawn, a new calm life..."

That's what she at least thought...

Chapter Two: "Sliding into drama"

WARNINGS: no explicit warnings.

Some time before she moved to Paldea, Minnie started a blog on a social media site, sharing her artworks with the world. And of course, she also showed a bit of the village she now lives in. And one of her followers, who saw her huge follower count, saw this as an opportunity: Kyumi. Kyumi was cancelled online over lies, and so she hoped the peaceful, positive Minnie could regain her reputation.

One day, Minnie was painting again, Kyumi tried to look for Minnie. However, she instead found Ame, a super famous hacker who just moved in recently and Kyumi heard a lot of her already. Ame tried to hide her identity, but she wasn't as good at it in Real Life then online. And so, Ame got hunted down by a begging Kyumi through the village. And Ame's partner Catmint hunted right after Kyumi.

"What a sweet da- ah?"

And so, Kyumi and Ame passed Minnie's home. She didn't want any drama in the peaceful village and so, she followed the three to ask them if she can help calm them down. Too bad any of them missed the cliff near the village and fell down to the beach.

"Where... what..."

The last thing she saw was a robotic being lying next to them, taking a nap as the four tried to collect themselves again...

And so, the journey through a glitchy world began.

"She might seem rough and mean at first, but wow, she has a heart of gold..."

Friend; Follower



The Past: First Encounter and Impressions

How did they meet? Did it leave good impressions from either side, or bad ones? Or was it family? Minnie found Kyumi hunting Ame and getting hunted by Catmint a few days after moving in. Minnie wanted to help solve the drama, and so the four literally stumbled into their adventure. Kyumi only wanted to meet Minnie to help her regain her reputation. And Minnie wanted to avoid Kyumi's drama, but at the same time help her. This lead to some arguments of course. But since Minnie and Kyumi were stuck in this adventure, they had to travel together with Catmint and Ame.

The Present: Attitudes and Dynamic

Despite their first encounter, how is their dynamic now? Any different? Or did something during their time together influence something else? During their adventure, they got to know each other way better. Minnie saw behind Kyumi's anger issues and started helping her dealing with those. And Kyumi saw how shy Minnie was, and helped her getting better real life social skills, like being able to say no. Over time, they became good friends, despite being complete opposites.

The Future: Hopes

Any plans for the future? Does MC want the other to do something (e.g. fix their attitude, propose, or quit something)? Does MC want to become best friends with this character or... perhaps does MC want the character to drop dead? The two actually planned to travel some more together, visiting more real life cities and leaving social media mostly behind. Also, they found their passion in anime and they wanna draw more often together!

Child from the neighbourhood

"Such a sweet little child. I sometimes wish she was my own daughter, hehe."

Positive Negative

Woopy is a child from the neighbourhood Minnie often takes care of. The two understand each other perfectly and love to draw together. Minnie supports Woopy doing art, since she has her hopes up Woopy might find as much comfort in it as she did. Also, the two love to explore the places around the village together.

Follower, Helping Hand

"A mysterious lady... She speaks in riddles but if you understand her, she is a good fortune teller."

Positive Negative

Prunella, as a traveling fortune teller, sometimes meets Minnie and the others on their journey. There, she gives the crew an insight of what might happen next. While Ame and Kyumi doesn't seem to trust her, Catmint and Minnie are amazed by the fortune teller, hanging on her lips. They also often give her a tip when her foresight becomes reality.