


1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Maun (born Maunyra)


late 20s




muscle for hire


☆ Maun was an honest, hard-working person, but had to adjust her morals in order to survive in the city. She's learned to distrust the people around her and look out for herself, which - coupled with her lack of social skills and stoic silence - makes her seem like a much colder person than she actually is.

☆ She was taught to value tradition and follow Orla’s unofficial but extremely prevalent religion, which professes two ‘gods’ who define manhood and womanhood (as well as the relationship between the two.) Maun struggles with her own place in this system, and though she accepts herself as different, she still feels incredibly alienated and lonely. Most girls at her workplace don't mind, since they feel safer with her around, but she still feels like an impostor there and wants to leave. 

☆ Feeling like something of a freak herself, she's not easily bothered by strange things, though she sometimes feels like she should be. Encountering witches and magic absolutely fascinates her even though she struggles to reconcile it with her own beliefs.

☆ Money is a weakness for her, since she's very tempted by large sums of it and skimps on pretty much everything. She doesn't want to be rich, just to have enough to travel somewhere else and try to make a life there without having to start over in the slums.

☆ She's very physically strong and resilient; never gets sick, recovers quickly, has a high pain threshold. In a fight, she also tends to think fast and grab random weapons like hammers, axes or fire pokers, and wields them with intent.

☆ Although she’s built a reputation for herself around being strong, but not very clever, Maun’s not stupid at all. She's just quiet and doesn't have a need to share her thoughts on everything, something that was ingrained in her in early childhood. She feels stupid, though, and she's embarrassed that she can't read or write very well.

☆ Her mother's side of the family is descended from low nobility, but she rejected her name when she married Maun's father, who also cut ties with his bloodline when he came to Orla. This is why Maun has no family name.