Abalone Cookie



1 year, 4 months ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Abalone Cookie
Nicknames/Aliases: Abby, Aba, Bologna
Titles: None
Age: 18
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Species: Cookie
Birthday: June 29th
Occupation: Chef
Powers: None
Living Family: None
Hometown: The Lower Cities
Current Residence: The Lower Cities (but is usually traveling aboard the Salty Shark)

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’7”
Body: Brown
Hair: Dark blue fading to bright blue, streaked with seafoam green
Eyes: Turquoise-green
Body Type: Square and rectangular with a medium-sized chest, not particularly curvaceous. Has some decent muscle, though the muscle definition is covered by a bit of softness.
Distinguishing Marks: None
Left or Right-Handed: Ambidextrous
Quirks/Habits: Fidgets with her jewelry often. Also, on occasion, when trying to talk to people through sign – usually the Rich Assholes of the republic – they’ll turn their attention away from her and instead try to relay their words through whoever is translating for her. When this happens, Abalone will do things like loudly clear her throat or snap her fingers to get their attention again.
Voice/Voiceclaim: -tba-

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: None
Blood Type: Strawberry
Disorders: Autism, selective mutism
Other Notes: Typically communicates through sign language, writing, and general gesturing, but does speak in situations where she feels relaxed and secure, such as being alone at home or in her room on the Salty Shark.

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: English, sign language, learns bits and pieces of “bubble talk” from Golden Glaze
Positive Traits: Friendly, lively, caring, gentle, hardworking, patient
Neutral Traits: Willful, stubborn, protective, emotional, assertive
Negative Traits: A bit too outspoken (so to speak)
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Optimistic realist
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
Fears: Losing a loved one, being burned, needles, cockroaches
Secrets: None/tba


General Likes: The ocean/the beach, water/swimming, cooking, mythology (especially involving sea monsters), making jewelry out of Sea Materials, spicy foods, meeting people and making friends, nature, learning, rain, flowers, fruity cocktails (alcohol free), sunsets, the smell of cinnamon
General Dislikes: Injustice, being infantilized/belittled, being spoken about like she’s not present, snobs and judgemental people, last-minute changes, intentional rudeness, her kitchenware being misplaced, cold weather, chalky textures, comedies, background noise she can’t control, wearing hats, drama, sweaters
Animal: So many marine animals, but sharks in particular
Color: Aqua
Food: Shrimp creole
Drink: Chocolate milkshakes
Music Genre: Acoustic rock
Season: Summer
Flower: Carnations


Best Friend(s): Golden Glaze
Other Friends: Captain Caviar, Flapjack, more tba
Acquaintances: -tba-
Significant Other(s): Golden Glaze
Rivals: None/tba
Enemies: Oyster
Pets: None/tba


Meaning of Name: N/A
Religion: None
Astrological Zodiac: Cancer sun, Leo moon
Celtic Tree Sign: Oak
Birthstone: Pearl
Birth Flower: Rose
Element: Earth
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
PKMN Nature: Jolly
Alignment: Neutral Good (occasionally veers into Chaotic Good)

  • Abalone has been a member of Caviar’s crew since she was 16. The rest of the crew adore her and are very protective.
  • Abalone has a higher tolerance for spicy foods than most people.
  • Abalone is prone to secondhand embarrassment, and hates when media utilizes it for comedy.
  • Abalone has a strong sense of right and wrong, with powerful moral principles.
  • Abalone doesn’t have the same aversion to eye contact that many autistics have, though it still takes a bit of effort.
  • Abalone often has trouble finding things, but can remember with perfect clarity where every single ingredient and implement in the kitchen is. There are very obvious labels around the ship to help her with this.
  • Abalone tends to handle cleaning the kitchenware herself. Not because anyone is forcing her to work alone, she's just very particular about how the job gets done.
  • Abalone was orphaned at a very young age, with her parents dying in a house fire. Emergency responders barely did a thing on account of them being from the Lower Cities.
  • Abalone does suffer from meltdowns on occasion, the most common causes being extreme sensory overload, sudden major changes in plans, or basic needs (food, sleep, etc.) being unmet for too long.
  • Abalone has stealthily signed “fuck you” to Oyster once.
  • Abalone would be interested in getting a tattoo if it weren’t for her phobia of needles.
  • Abalone dislikes comedies due to finding the humor unappealing most of the time.
  • Though she was never officially adopted, Caviar sponsored Abalone when she was an orphan, ensuring that she had food, clothes, medical care, and a roof over her head. When she turned 18, he even got her a house in her name on the mainland. He could have easily gotten her a home in the Republic proper, but Abalone wanted to stay close to her friends in the Lower Cities. He did, however, put her up near the “middle ground” where the conditions are nicer.