Abalone Cookie (fancy coded profile)



"Maybe I'm meant for the sea | We pass it by so passively | And all that's said is what we know | We'll watch it come, we'll watch it go" (Cake Bake Betty - Song of the Sea)

"We'd rather close our eyes | Sing soothing lullabies | We'll soon by swallowed by the sea" (Thrice - Lost Continent)

Abalone Cookie

 Sprightly sailor 
A cheerful orphan who's second home is the Salty Shark.
Full Name Abalone Cookie
Aliases Abalone, Abby, Balogna
Species Cookie
Gender Cis Female, She/Her
Orientation Straight
Age 18

Cancer | ENFP | Neutral Good/Chaotic Good | Extrovert | Optimistic Realist

Born The Creme Republic, June 29th
Residence The Creme Republic
Occupation Sailor, chef
Affiliation House Caviar, House Abalone

Abalone is the great-great-great granddaughter of an infamous captain, the same Abalone who was sunk by Black Pearl Cookie. Despite viewing him as a blight upon their family tree, her father named her with her ancestor in mind, hoping she would bring a fresh start to the family when she grew up... sadly, this dream was cut tragically short when a housefire took the lives of Abalone's parents when she was 10, leaving her an orphan.

The young girl spent the next several years in an orphanage, but as fate would have it, Captain Caviar himself took a shine to her. Though he didn't adopt her due to hectic work and personal lives making it difficult to raise a child alone, he personally sponsored her so she would be well taken care of. They remained close even when she aged out, with him getting her a house in her name, and even inviting her to work aboard the Salty Shark when she came of age.

Abalone delighted in her new life as a sailor, adventuring on the seas and getting to do one of her special interests - cooking - for a living. However, one day, her life would take a sudden turn when a young Mercookie was pulled aboard...

Now, Abalone isn't sure what to think about the very Cookies who helped raise her. All she knows is that her new friend, Golden Glaze, is miserable working as a servant to a woman she hates, and she wants to help him more than anything in the world.

Height 5'7"
Build Strong and squarish, but gentle
Eye colour Turquoise-green
Hair colour Dark blue & seafoam green

Abalone's hair is a deep, vibrant indigo, streaked with bright seafoam and fading to a lighter blue. Her hair is very fluffy most of the time, and gets exceptionally frizzy when the weather is too humid. She doesn't have many curves, posessing a more rectangular build, but is confident in her figure.

Her usual outfit consitst of a pale yellow blouse with a dark purple, lace-up bustier top(?), with a sea green skirt and a blue sash around her waist. She also wears a set of leggings, no-show socks, and black boots.

Generally, she favors function over form, but she does like clothes that are cute while still being easy to move around in. She's rarely, if ever, seen without jewelry crafted from things like seashells and sea glass, which she almost always makes herself.

Handedness Ambidextrous
Associated motifs Seashells, sea glass, water, vibrant cool colors
Songs ——————————
Theme of Laura - Akira Yamaoka
Manta Rays - Ludo
Floating - Aviators
Playlist N/A

  • Selectively mute, and communicates via sign language, writing, and general gesturing. She can speak fine in environments where she feels comfortable/secure, such as her home or her room aboard the Salty Shark.
  • Loves spicy foods, and has a higher tolerance for spice than most people.
  • Prone to secondhand embarrassment, and hates when media utilizes it for comedy.
  • Doesn't have the same aversion to eye contact that most autistics do, though it still takes some conscious effort.
Golden Glaze Cookie | Love Interest
A young man dragged aboard the Salty Shark. Abalone was furious with Caviar's decision to not throw him back, and took it upon herself to befriend the boy, bringing him food and keeping him company so he wouldn't lose his mind in the tiny tank they had him in. Even after Oyster brought him on as a servant, Abalone visits him whenever she can. The two soon fell for one another, and the young sailor is determined to help Glaze find freedom.
Captain Caviar Cookie | Boss/Mentor/Father Figure