
1 year, 5 months ago

Basic Info








Aegis (Defective)



Hair color:

Coal black

Eye color:

Amber yellow




Shadow Mirror



A2 developed by the EvE Corporation was deemed as another failure and labeled as defective, as his powers were hard to manifest and unstable fixing him would be very difficult and life-threatening if failed, as such he was scheduled for disposal, on the same day that as Jack was to be. before all of this, however, he and Jack had some interaction with each other beforehand.

On the night Jack made his escape A2 used this opportunity to escape his cell as well, where all major attention was placed on Jack as he was the main focus, A2 managed to battle his way to the outskirts of the facility nearing the city slums where he still had to fight his way through EvE forces, as he made his way through the slums getting a basic grasp of his power he came across a familiar face that he wished he didn't have Dusk, their clash was intense but A2 was ultimately outmatched.

A2 After losing the fight Though injuring Dusk, A2 became exhausted. Dusk used this opportunity to end him, however before Dusk could finish him off, he was shot in the shoulder by Jack, tired from his fight with A2 and now a hold-in his shoulder forcing him to retreat. A2 Shocked that he survived the encounter demanded to know an explanation from Jack, to which he explained that After fighting off Amber, the train switched tracks somehow and stopped on the outskirts of the facility nearing the city slums, where he got off following A2 and eventually caught up to him.  

A2 would tackle-hug him (to Jack Dismay) unfortunately for the two, Paladins would soon surround them however, they were rescued by Libra and Nora who were keeping track of their situation waiting for their moment and saving them both.

Personality: A2 is a fun-loving,joke-cracking headstrong Aegis, with a heart of gold and is willing to throw down his life for his friends, while he understands the importance of his missions it doesn’t stop him from having a bit of fun and even cracking jokes.

Interests: A2 has a great love of food, specifically a love of snacks, cracking jokes, playing around with friends, playing video games, enjoys the company of others.

Dislikes: EvE corporation, getting called a defect, unfunny jokes, losing friends. The Elites, extremely stressful situations, being alone.