


8 years, 7 months ago


Vel for short.
She took over Hell as the new Devil, so other demons call her Mistress or Your Highness.

She's a demon, and in order to become a demon, one muse die first, then be revived as one by another demon. Her skin's grayish, because a day or two passed between her death and revival.
Her left eye's purple like her hair, while the right one is black (her eyecolour while she was still human).
There's a big tuff of hair on the end of her tail

Velena isn't very expressive and her eyes are almost always half-lided. That, combined with the bags under her eyes makes her look very very tired, but that's far from the truth - she's energetic and very strong. She doesn't show interest, but she deffinetely has interest in a lot of things. Her voice is either monotone or sarcastic.

She was 13 years old when she died, so she'll look 13 forever.
She has no interest in romantic or sexual relationships