


6 years, 7 months ago


Kaolin, Kao for short, was a regular teenager untill he found a girlfriend, who turned out to be a witch. She turned him into a cat and took him along wherever she traveled. For a little more than a year all he could do was watch her seduce and curse other unsuspecting boys, girls, teenagers or adults.

Finally, an angel named Oazis and a human girl called Sofi came to arrest the witch. She attempted to dispose of all evidence against her by killing the cursed animals, but Kaolin survived. After dealing with the witch, Oazis and Sofi had to decide what to do with him. Oazis didn't know a way to reverse the curse (presumably, it was one of the witch's own creation and even she didn't know how to cancel the effect properly), and Kao didn't want to go back to his family as a cat, so Sofi took him in. Kao started thinking of Sofi as a little sister, and became very protective of her. 

After Oazis died and Sofi became a demon, now calling herself Velena, Kao was one of the few that know her past and only he uses her old name. Vel managed to modify the curse so he can turn from a small cat to a panter-like monster and a humanoid.

Personality wise, Kaolin's really care-free, energetic and positive. He's very competative and childish, sometimes can be annoying, but always means well. He's affectionate and quite shameless, doesn't always know when to get serious. However, he's as loyal as can be and would do anything for Vel
He's a great listener and can judge people very well, tho he isn't very book smart.
Kao admires super heroes and even tries to dress like one, tho in Vel's words, ends up looking more like a super villian

Even though he was cursed to be a cat, Kaolin actually dislikes cats very much.