Kaya's Comments

Name: Brea (bree-uh) / Brealey (bray-lee)

Gender: Female

Personality: she is a spitfire. Incredibly high energy and stronger than most of her peers, along with always keeping her scales preened to be absolutely flawless. While keeping up with her appearance on the dot, she loves to do activities where she may get doused in mud or covered in plant debris. she is able to see beauty others cannot, and the only time she becomes emotional and cries is over a colorful sunset or a unique cliff full of different colored rock layers (painted hills). If she meets someone who doesn’t immediately become her friend, she pretty much bullies them into submission of hanging out with her and joining her on her adventures. 

Backstory: Brea was raised by a pair of silk wings from the upper middle status after she was abandoned by her hybrid biological parents after their estranged coupling which led to her existence. her mother is the owner of a silk (haha) manufacturer and creates garments, which she doesn’t hesitate to adorn her adopted daughter every second of the day, which Brea will hiss and run away from. While her father is part of the metals industry, and is often gone with a group to go search for the rich soils they use to create different alloys for jewelry and tools. With the strength in her claws and her mind able to see beauty others cannot, Brea is often found in the rivers searching through the stones that rest on the bottom that have been polished by the current, to then take home and incorporate into beautiful jewelry. Her father bringing home new alloys his group discovered for his adopted daughter to try something new with, her first creations always going to her mother and the occasional adornment on her fathers horns. Her mother is day born and her father is night. Whenever Brea makes enough creations she will join her mother for a day at her shop and sells her jewelry at the front as patrons come in to look for fabrics. Her parents never let her in the kitchen because she likes to think she can cook but will create a burnt monstrosity.

likes and dislikes: Brea loves the water, and anything natural in its beauty. She loves to keep her scales straight and smooth, polished with a beeswax formula from her neighbors. While Brea also loves to get dirty she despises when rocks get under her scales or something gets chipped, but she doesn’t worry about it until after she’s done on her adventure. She loves honey, but hates the syrup made from the maple trees. doesn’t like those who enjoy to be mean. There is a difference to being mean and bullying into friendship, she reasons.

Fun fact: Brea’s best friend is a day-born silkwing by the name of  Mavery, the daughter of her neighbors who raise bees, who she may or may not have a slowly simmering crush on. 

Name: Fulminare (flash with lightning in latin)

Gender: male

Personality: Fulminare is a stickler for the rules and obedient. He can be a bit brash, rude, and snappy due to impatience and his cold attitude. He’s stone cold too, and often has a stone face. Fulminare does not like to be friendly or socialize, and it’s definitely that HiveWing blood in him that makes him a jerk. He is also considering a jerk. He is EXTREMELY anti-government/royalty.

Backstory (At least three sentences)

Fulminare was born to a HiveWing high class dragon and a CaelumWing. When his HiveWing mother realized the impact this would have on her career, she sent him and his father and banished them from the kingdom.

Now living in the CaelumWing kingdom, Fulminare works as a shopkeeper with his father, still hating his mother for what she did. He worked hard to be appreciated by his tribemates and to bring his father back to being respected. Fulminare’s distrust and hatred of other dragons has led to his personality being the way it is and has led to him overachieving in school. 

What they like and dislike: He likes going on walks, flying, and cooking. He also likes his father. He dislikes HiveWings, swimming, and royalty. He distrusts royalty and aristocrats. 

And a fun fact about them!: Fulminare makes stained glass in his free time and is known for the bread he bakes :)

Name: Lato (summer in polish)

Gender: male 

Personality: He’s quite cocky, cunning, and ambitious. Some would describe him as wild; he often causes trouble of varying degree here and there, but most of the time, finds a way to get himself out of it. He also always makes sure everyone in the room knows of his presence. However, he knows when to pretend to be humble and tame, especially when dragons of wealthier circumstances/higher classes or authorities are involved. Despite this he’s thoughtful and maintains a positive attitude. 

Backstory (At least three sentences): He grew up with his Caelumwing mother and father in an average childhood setting in a coastal town: no major trauma (other than the time a cat scratched his face) or main-character-parent-issue kind of jazz. They weren’t the best economically and was kind of looked down. Throughout his development, Lato grew to despise the upper class. Still, it was a happy family and Lato was always content with his life, visiting them often even after he decided to venture into life living alone. UnTil he travelled down+across the continent and saw the rich, high class Silkwings and Hivewings in their flowy robes. As Lato had always liked fancy/shiny items, he saw those robes and went “yo I want one of those” but he didn’t have money. So that was when he started his second life as an anti-hero, deciding to turn to slightly criminal acts of stealing from the rich (just the bad ones). He also beats up street gangsters in his free time, stealing what they had stolen. He’s kinda famous both in the criminal world as well as  common society. Initially felt a lot of guilt towards his parents but it makes money.. 

What they like and dislike
Likes: birds; shiny things (e.g. jewels, decorations); hanging out at sus taverns; being on wanted posters for great sums of money
Dislikes: cats; smug and arrogant rich dragons; overly bright colours and rainbows; scorching weather; drenching weather

And a fun fact about them!
Lato first met his best friend/sidekick, Kasumi (upper class Silkwing), while trying to steal her purse. They steal purses together now (long story).

name:  昊阳 (hào yáng)
gender: too busy to have one
personality: bombastic, loud but knows how to tone it down. elegantly snarky. RADIATES confidence.  
backstory: raised by a single hivewing parent!! in honour of chinese new year coming up, they would be a performer in the CAU’s hivewing equivalent to CNY!! their mother was part of a performing troupe that did chinese operas (unsure which regional version is the most prevalent in CAU but i am assuming it would be the same as irl!!) and as a result they were invested in performing arts. however, they preferred the freeing chaos of lunar new year festivals over the roles that, though wildly expressive, had to be played and obeyed in traditional opera.
what they like: bright colours, chrysanthemum tea, fried fish, tons of accessories, bells
 and dislike: meekness, things that take too long, mild-tasting food  
fun fact: they would sell your soul for 1 spoon of green bean soup