
1 year, 4 months ago



Name Keizaku 圭ザク

Gender Female

Age Young Adult

Tribe Caelumwing/Hivewing

Orientation Bi

Occupation metalsmith/jeweler

Residence Silkwing city

Worth no currency

Designer Redstorm

Design Notes

  • Original design was in shades of orange, changed to red pigmentation.
  • Frill has no defined shape, as long as it starts and ends in the same place.
  • main set of wings are mostly Hivewing with Caelis claws, pattern in wing 'cells' can vary. secondary set are caelis wings.
  • blue vents along body glow. as well as blue steam
  • Body is long and wiry, with a thicker tail and large wings. is larger than the average female Hivewing but smaller than the average Caelumwing.



Kaya is a mean little spitfire with a big heart. full of energy that seems to never burn out and with a hidden strength that surprises many she lives by the bully-into-friendship tactic. unsurprising she is not afraid to get her scales dirty as she digs for unique stones or swims through river beds to get to the polished stones at the bottom, as soon as there is no plausible reason why she should be dirty she is polishing her scales and picking every speck of dirt out from underneath her claws. While she will wear any kind of metal accessory, typically of her own creation she will hiss and run away from her adopted mother when she tries to get her daughter to try on a new silk garment.


  • Rocks and metal
  • Kind dragons
  • Anything made with honey
  • The rain


  • Mud under her scales
  • Cruelty
  • Maple syrup
  • Sand


The Very Barebones Version

Kaya was found in the dirt. abandoned just hatched by her mixed procreators, until she was recovered by a day-born silkwing by the name of ___ while he was out searching for rich soils to heat into metal compounds. he took the malnourished hatcling back to his home where he and night-born wife raised her as their own. because of her fathers occupation and access to materials and tools Kaya began crafting simple rings and adornments with wires and rocks, and when her mother noticed her natural eye for beauty she began taking Kaya with her to the silkworm farms where kaya would go swimming in the nearby river, fishing out current polished stones that shone from the riverbed. as Keizaku created her mother would let her set up a stand at her silk booth in the markets to sell. Kaya claims her friends with adornments and jewelry. For a while her parents feared she had made enemies with a highly viewed general for the gaurd, but within weeks a striking cuff around her wrist made from familiar craftsmenship proved otherwise.


Praesent a feugiat erat. Sed vel tortor maximus, lobortis ipsum eget, tincidunt nisi. Duis quam risus, scelerisque eu cursus eu, finibus non dui. Aliquam a ipsum mi. Nunc sit amet tellus vitae metus aliquam sodales sed ut enim. Vestibulum nec nisl metus. Aliquam nulla sapien, ullamcorper in libero at, elementum auctor ligula.

Nam sit amet ligula id metus placerat aliquet ac eget est. Morbi convallis nulla aliquam massa pretium malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed semper non velit sed lacinia.

Vivamus sed risus aliquet, ornare tortor ac, ornare ipsum. Nulla ultrices quis massa a ullamcorper. Mauris semper facilisis vehicula. Mauris id erat eget lacus finibus lobortis et ornare mauris. Nam placerat lectus venenatis, dapibus quam eu, interdum lectus.

Sed eget enim sollicitudin, viverra lectus vitae, ultrices magna. Mauris ipsum sapien, lobortis vel erat ac, accumsan porta velit.

