
⚠️NOTICE! This page contains SPOILERS for my webcomic - "The Jaycee Pawman Squad". You can read the comic on Weasyl or DeviantArt!


Full Name:
“The Recolour Rangers”
Secret Identities:
Tooniverse Species:
Toon Humans
Various birthdays, ages are 16 or 17
Red, Green and Blue are male. Orange, Yellow and Purple are female. Grey is nonbinary. Sexualities vary.
High school students and part-time superhero defenders of Canvasville.
Lives at:
🇨🇦 Various places in Canvasville, Canada.
Part-time employees of Mayor River Moon Willows as superhero defenders of Canvasville.
All of the Recolour Rangers are students in the same high school.
Enemies with the Inktonium Monster.
Sports, being positive, working together
Homework, curfews
🎤 Sounds like various teenager stereotypes from the 90’s. Grey Ranger’s voice is monotone and androgynous.
Musical Leitmotif:
Summer 2004

ℹ️ Basic Info

  • The Recolour Rangers are a group of super powered human teenagers who defend Canvasville from threats. However, they are a “part-time” defense as they attend school and have night curfews. Their normal human identities are a secret. 
  • Each Ranger has the ability to bend and solidify light into weapons or objects. They can also summon a large mech called the “Megaradient”. 
  • The Recolour Rangers are well-liked in Canvasville. They have a positive attitude and dispense cheesy moral lessons and Public Service Announcements. Their personalities in their private lives are different and vary from one another. 
  • The group received their super powers when a prism-like meteorite crashed through the roof of their wild house party. The Recolour Rangers’ super abilities are powered by the sun, and the group’s synchronicity.

🎭 Personality

The Recolour Rangers are an adventurous, positive and passionate group of superhero teens! They’re excited to leap into action and help whenever they can. The group is incentivized to maintain these positive personas while “in-uniform” because their superpowers are stronger when everyone is synchronized. 

Red Ranger is considered the “leader” of the group due to his status in their high school. 

Of the group, the Grey Ranger finds it the most difficult to stay positive. Grey is often the voice of reason of the Recolour Rangers, and is the first to point out flaws in a plan. 

The Rangers’ personalities vary in their personal lives. They are all stereotypical teenage archetypes from the 1990’s (jock, tomboy, nerd, sensitive creative, class clown, social butterfly, goth)

🧬 Biology

Underneath their colourful uniforms, the Recolour Rangers are typical cartoon human teenagers full of puberty-induced awkwardness. They have personal lives outside of being the Recolour Rangers. 

Each Recolour Ranger has the power to bend and solidify pure light. They can create objects and weapons out of thin air. Their super powers are strongest when the group is in-sync with each other. At maximum synchronization, they can create a giant mech called the Megaradient. For better or worse, the Recolour Rangers are forced to get along with each other in order to do their job correctly. 

The Recolour Rangers’ superpowers come from the sun, and are dependent on the sun’s position. Cloudy days reduce their strength, and the group has no powers at night. 

The “mouths” on their helmets can only change expression and do not move when talking. The mouths do not open so the Recolour Rangers cannot eat or drink while in-uniform.

Blue Ranger says that he has been "a little mutated" after his encounter with the Inktonium Monster. What this means is a mystery.


🔍 History 

The Recolour Rangers were just regular teenagers until a prism-shaped meteorite crashed through the roof of their wild house party. The prism meteorite gave them the ability to bend and solidify pure light into objects and weapons. The prism meteorite is speculated to be from an advanced alien civilization. 

Mayor River Moon Willows employs the Recolour Rangers as part-time protectors of Canvasville. The mayor also encourages the Recolour Rangers to appear in public events and to record Public Service Announcements.

😎 Extra Cool Facts

The Recolour Rangers are obvious parodies of the Power Rangers. They are also inspired by the Mega Man sprite recolours that were common in the early 2000’s.

🎉 Extra Fun Stuff