


1 year, 5 months ago





Named Trumpetscorn
Called Scorched
Gender GNC Molly (she/he)
Sexuality Lesbian
Age 131
Height 40cm
Clan Blizzardclan
Rank Monarch
HTML Pinky

All of the fire I've swallowed, all of the sparks that went dark in my gut - I am always burning up

Since Blizzardclan's Revolution, Trumpetscorn has appeared to settle into a new normal. Suprising himself, he opt'd to become a Monarch one more, and although there is no litter in Blizzardclan currently, he is eager for one to be born. Looking at you Rosetwirl and Songmoon.



  • Marigolds
  • Fish [to eat]
  • Children
  • Dark tabbies


  • Moon's Eye
  • Birds [to eat]
  • Deer
  • Snow


Born Scorchedkit alongside Sorrelkit, the litter was welcomed into Blizzardclan by a loving couple. Although she was born in the time of the Scarlet-Crescent War, Scorchedkit was sheltered from the tensions in her earliest moons. Unfourtantely, she cannot be protected forever - and soon after Scorchedkit and Sorrelkit's birds, the parents rushed out of the nursery in a desire to protect their children. Their good intentions bred resentment in Scorchedkit's heart. He had yet to understand war or bloodshed, and instead only knew that his parents chose to leave.


Rushsnout was Scorchedpaw's Mentor; a steadfast Senior warrior, with many apprentices under his belt, almost seemed uncaring of the addition of another one. Regardless, she trained Scorchedpaw hard, always pushing him further, always demanding more and more of Scorchedpaw ... yet Rushsnout would smile so proudly when Scorchedpaw manage to rise again, and that was something he begun to seek. It was impossible to determine who was more stubborn back then. In additon to combat training, Rushsnout taught Scorchedpaw more. She was always loud, defying his parent's quiet loyalty, was his first exposure to something outside his parent's quiet loyalty, Rushsnout was loud - vocal about his opinions, on Scarletsun, on Vinemoon's death, everything. It shook Scorchedpaw's world, and a thought entered his mind for the first time; could our leaders be wrong?

Still early into her apprenticeship, Rushsnout volunteered for a border patrol in the place of a warrior who ate a bad wren. And of course, much to Scorchedpaw's complaint, dragged him with her. Fate seemed to had Rushsnout and Scorchedpaw in its crosshairs; as it is this patrol that is captured by Bloomclan. Rush attempted to give Scorched a way out, a way to flee and grab help, but Scorched does not make it far before a body slammed into hers and the world went black.

He didn't know where he was when he woke up. It smelled weird, and that alone made his nose wrinkle is distaste. Scorched is quietly informed by a fellow Blizzardclan cat they were hostages. Rushsnout was not with them. That must mean that Rushsnout escaped? Any moment now, her mentor will lead a patrol into Bloomclan's camp and retrieve her. So, Scorched waited...

A Bloomclan apprentice began to harrass her. Smokepaw, Cloudpaw, and Stonepaw. Although it was more Smokepaw than the others. It's okay. Tonight Rushsnout will save her.

Scorchedpaw waited

And waited.




Rushsnout never came.

Instead, one day, Bloomclan informed the hostages they were free to go. Scarletsun is dead, and their new leader Cicadasun is attempting to reverse the wrong doing. Scorchedpaw is returned to Blizzardclan, to Sorrelsmoke - He had missed her sister's ceremony, and Crescentmoon named Sorrelsmoke ... that. It felt ironic. Sorrelsmoke is glad to see her, but before long, she is intoducing her latest crush to Scorchedpaw. Crescentmoon finally gave Scorchedpaw his warrior name, moons late, but he is deemed Scorchedstreak. Scorched bit down the thought of how the name hadn't fit; how could it? He had spent the last six moons in Bloomclan. Crescentmoon barely knew well-enough Scorched to give her a name that was her.

Life moved on. Scorched didn't. Disagreements between Sorrelsmoke and Scorchedstreak became commonplace; Scorchedstreak had changed too much, and Sorrelsmoke not at all. Pinestalk's and Sorrelsmoke's relationship was hardly healthy, and by the time Sorrelsmoke was expecting kits - there was nothing left to their relationship at all. Scorchedstreak bit down her resentment, until the little one arrived, and Scorched heard his name for the first time. His sister's meaning was all too clear; this is Scorchkit, for Scorchedstreak is a thing of the past. Scorchedstreak had whipped around, marched straight into the leader's den, and petioned a new name that very same day.


Trumpetscorn did his best to be there for Scorchkit, but nothing could be done about Pinestalk's and Sorrelsmoke's failing relationship. Trumpetscorn's life is dark, until - her. Orchidmelt. Someone Trumpet grew behind, but hadn't notice before. His life had settled, and he saw Orchidmelt in a new light altogether. He hated to say he loved her, but he had. But they were nothing, and still, she let her guard down around Orchidmelt.

It wasn't long before Trumpetscorn was pulled aside, as the medic confirmed their suspicions. She was expecting kits. oh. /Oh./ For a long time, Trumpetscorn hesitated on how to tell Orchidmelt. They weren't anything - but she was pregnant. They weren't anything. They were going to become parents. She was nearly due when her paws dragged her and Orchidmelt out, on a cute little date, to tell the warrior the good news. Trumpetscorn hardly got a word out before a rowdy stag crashed through the growth, concerned only by it's own breeding season.The couple scattered to flee from the deadly hooves, but when the stag landed a kick on Orchidmelt, Trumpetscorn couldn't see anything but red. Leaping with outstretched claws, Trumpetscorn is determined to land an attack - but the stag rears its head up, driving its horns across her stomach. The last thing Trumpetscorn saw was Orchidmelt escaping into the trees.

Trumpetscorn is saved by Ebonyfrost, but his kits could not be. Orchidmelt did not tell anyone what happened, to bring aid to Trumpet or otherwise, nor does Orchid visit Trumpet when he is recovering. She didn't look at him anymore, either, and realization sunk into Trumpetscorn what they had was lost. As soon as Trumpetscorn was able, she was requested her transfer as a Monarch. He knew in truth, that was more for him then Blizzardclan's kits.

She doesn't know how to leave camp. Antlers haunt her dreams. He didn't not know that later the sight of antlers would be welcomed... He only knew then, that he could not leave. Not until Trumpetscorn is pushed into action by the avalanche, by some foolish attempt to save Orchidmelt who had been caught within its jaws. He assisted in returning the wounded. Being out again... was amazing. She couldn't get enough of it, after all these moons. If he had to force Orchidmelt to accompany him, in light of Dovemoon's foolish law, so be it.

Dovemoon wouldn't stop. First it was pledges. Then it was forbading anyone to leave without a partner. Now Monarchs are to be banned from leaving the nursery ever - changed to the camp. Even that was too much and with a steady voice, Trumpetscorn announced his depature from the role of a Monarch. And left. No one could stop him. He was meeting destiny, in the form of Perishsong, an albino cat wearing the antlers that once cursed Trumpetscorn - now to be his savior.


Voice Claim - N/A

Scar continues onto the underbelly, ending just before the hindquarters




They're not done yet. Dovemoon may be dead, his patron may be gone, but there is still evil. They'll always have something to do, hm?



Well, how do ya feel now! Sweet little Rosetwirl, in the nursery with him now! He's so proud of how far his apprentice had grown, and being the same rank together gives Trumpetscorn the ability to make up for lost time.



... Trumpetscorn isn't sure what they are, he's afraid to even approach the topic. But he loves Valerianmist. This much is true.