


1 year, 5 months ago


tanglewood technician
this is near - devoid of formatting because it can be - LOL!

Name: Urichia

Gender: female

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: Unspecified

Height: Unspecified, 5 feet or less Smol

age/bday: Unspecified, adult


Powers (brief): __

Occupation: Unspecified

Species: Human (Superpowered)

Eþnicity: Unspecified

Nationality: Unspecified

Universe/World: Unspecified. posibly antae

Created (IRL): October 2018


VIDEO KID: Cowboy BeBop at his computer.

Design Info!

- Hair is either the grey-green it's usually portrayed as, or a colour similar to the mineral she's named on. Either's fine.

- Has been seen wiþ water plants in her mouþ. Also sometimes water leaks from her orifices, it just happens.

Powers & abilities

- From her fingertips, Urichia can expel peculiar vines which exhibit multiple curious properties.

  • - Urichia can send electric currents through these vines. They can even be used as rudimentary wires.
  • - By growing her vines into technology, Urichia can take control of it. She can use this ability to hack into electronics.
  • - When ingrown into things, her vines tend to grow mangrove trees. She can technically skip the vines and grow wood out of herself, but it hurts and she stays sore for some time.



- She appears rather stoic and coordinated. but maybe she just appears that way


- Maybe she should have an "official" voice she puts on but casually have a southern unitestian accent


Story: Hellbenders (formerly)

Another OC group a friend who joined Prisarde made, about an underground resistance of superpeople in a city that hated them, and their attempt to escape. not too much happened beyond after the "initial character making fun" phase of it all.

- She was the overseer of the tech camp. They were 'element'ally sorted, something the creator would have done differently if the group was made in modern times.



- don't remember if there was any


- Urichia was inspired by the aesthetics of Lost Mangroves, the first world of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

- She wasn't much inspired by that world's music. I'd more associate portal 2 music, or maybe the lost city of PVZ2.

- She's named after aurichalcite.

(up-to-date check: 25 Jan 2023)