Theresa Clarion



1 year, 7 months ago


Theresa Clarion
@TheresATheresa ✓
"Caroline, We made this text italic. Commence the crab rave."

Name: Theresa Clarion

Gender: Female

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: Asexual

Height: Unspecified, around 5'9 or so

Birþday: 6 Sept. 1999

Occupation: Youtuber/Gamer

Species: Human

Eþnicity: Latina (not specified further)

Nationality: U.S.American

Hometown: Willow Creek, California

Universe/World: Unspecified - Realistic Earþ

Created (IRL): ~ 28 December 2015

(Caroline, where do i go to get these ribbons i see everyone using)

Theresa Confirmed


  • Trope Name: TEN WoRDS I can sPell Right ARe
    • Octopus
    • Seven
    • tWo

You don't have to use the exact tones unless it says so when you hover over it (there will also be a star)

Skin: . .

tongue/mouth/insides): .

Hair: . .

Eyes: . .

(outfit 1): . .

(outfit 2): . . . .

Design Notes!

  • Theresa's hair is naturally dark brown or black, she dyed it into the iconic teal. That's why it's sometimes portrayed as more bright, and sometimes as more faded.
  • The thing of hair Theresa wears down the side is sometimes a braid, but is often loose.



  • Theresa is a mundane, realistic human. This section does not apply to her

Mundane Skills

  • skill.ogg



  • Way back at some point, she was said to be shy at first but warm up. In modern day, though, I imagine her with more confidence and bombasticness. Maybe actually changed as a person to become that way. Or maybe, it's a front for the 'Tube?


  • Foxes and whale sharks, for animals
  • Minecraft as well as various other videogames.
  • (to be continued maybe)


  • Exercise
  • ???
  • (to be continued maybe)


Story (formerly): Space RP
An early 2016's roleplay, started on 17 Jan. Among my first, and although my characters didn't do that much, It was still so fun to be there. I'm still in a groupchat wiþ the members of the RP.
World: Unspecified Realistic Earth Story: None for now
  • Relatively ordinary NorCal gal. sometime after being 16 she becomes a youtuber (unless she already was one but hadn’t blew up). She was 16 in 2015, canonically. Born in early September.
  • But I think she’s going to be a Minecraft youtuber, because being self indulgent helps the ecosystem sometimes. Maybe ill make some youtuber friends for her in like 2026 or something.


  • She Knows Tyler Hult. Back in þe olden times of gossamer maps, they were thought to be "together", but the relationship has since became totally platonic. It's now vague, but maybe Tyler could be her editor?
  • There were these two alien newspeople, Caun and Eorcia, in SRP, but they were last considered OCs in 2016 or 2017. Coming up with their biology one night was fun, at least. (holy shit are they're gonna be reborn 4 prisarde??/?)



  • Theresa is sort of considered my ""First OC"". I have made characters before her, but she's the first character I made after I heard the term "OC" (who actually lasted), and I didn't put two and two together until later.
  • I was trying to develop her in January 2016, but then there was a certain space rp which me and some friends started. I didhadn't anyone else to use for the RP, so I drafted Theresa for it. She didn’t do a whole lot significant, but she found a gun in the snow, and her history book came to life. And then became a youtuber in the sequel. She had a friend called Tyler
  • I no longer consider Space RP canon to her lore, but it did help develop her to some extent. Will I do anything with her? We’ll see, but she’s important(¿to me?), so I’m putting her up here.

𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓞𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓲𝓷

- Her name kinda just sounded good IIRC.


no one really knows

bottom text

Colourful Lore

  • 2019
  • 2020 1
  • 2022
  • 202fontain3


update check: 3 jan 2022
Former Space RP Characters

TylerJohnnyMerlin • Caun • Eorcia • that contagion jar