Xya Nyström



6 years, 2 months ago


Name Xya Nyström
Age 20
Birthday October 25th
Gender Male (he/him)
Species Demon
Occupation Camboy
Orient. Bisexual
Setting Zadrea, Omnis
Alignment / MBTI Chaotic Evil / ENTJ

Xya is identical to Lilith, his twin sister. He is tall, standing at 5'11 and slender with long legs, slightly muscular androgynous body. He's white and has a Swedish accent. His arms have visible veins and hands with sharp black nails. His skin is pale, with a greyish/purple complexion and slightly rosy cheeks. He has a feminine face, full lips just a darker shade of his skin tone but he occasionally wears faint lipstick. His eyes are deep set, wide, and sparkly white. Since his nightmares tend to keep him up late, he has dark circles. One of his best features is his long upper and lower lashes. He has short, icy blue hair that always looks messy and longest layers lay on his neck. On the right side of his neck is a mole along with one above his left eye that matches with Lilith and freckles across his nose/cheeks. He has various small black line tattoos. When he is in full demon form, his horns are out. The left horn is a lighter grey and the right horn is a darker grey. His eyes glow red and a long silvery tail appears.


Xya is quite the flamboyant boy and he knows it. In general, he comes off as quite easy going and has a good mood surrounding him but he's definitely a conniving person at times. He's often the jokester in all situations, a lot of the time being as childish as he can be and occasionally being obnoxious to others. He has no qualms about being blunt with his words, even at the cost of others feelings. He would rather be honest and prevent a misunderstanding than having felt he lead someone on emotionally or any other way (not for the sake of anyone's feelings but to avoid the annoyance of it all). He is direct and says how he feels in all situations, even at the most inappropriate times. Along with those characteristics, he clearly can be insensitive but when it comes to people he cares about, it is usually always on accident and he stresses himself out over that aspect of himself. He is rather rational in serious matters even if it seems he's being reckless, though he does have a tendency of taking big risks. He truly may be the most impatient idiot in the world, he hates waiting on people and will go out of his way to make things happen quicker. When it comes to his own emotions, he tends to keep his feelings to himself but sometimes it's hard to hide and Echo can easily detect something is wrong. Despite his rambunctious personality, he is sensitive at heart and though he tries to guard himself, he can easily get upset if the situation at hand hurts or stresses him enough. He has nightmares nearly every night and because of that, he hates sleeping alone and prefers to have someone at least be in the same room as him. He feels most comforted when cuddled up with Echo to fall asleep. He has no shame in his clinginess and loves being close to those he loves. He isn't confident in his abilities to comfort others and only really cares to try if it's his loved ones. He is very protective of them and is never afraid to do what he needs to do to solve a situation any of them are in. He spends a lot of time people watching, therefore he can easily pick up on someone being deceptive and their true motives by the way people handle themselves and act. He has a very sadistic side to him, where he shows no mercy and makes it known he's able to feel little to no empathy. When he's feeling self destructive or destructive in general, he will pick fights with others usually for no reason but avoids truly innocent people aka aiming for delinquents or criminals. He is quite hedonistic, he loves material items and isn't one to hide that. Anyone can notice immediately that he is very full of himself and thinks he's the best at everything and he definitely hates being doubted. In all honesty, he has a very complex personality with layers upon layers of traits that tend to contradict one another but it all suits him so very much.

History / Story

Xya grew up happy with his parents, twin sister Lilith, and older brother Silas until the age of 6 in an unknown area. He was an expressive child who loved attention and to show off things he was talented at. His family were the only demons in their district where it was kept a secret. He would have to use his powers that create and manipulate ice only if he was away from others. He was protective of Lilith when children from the district would be mean to her since she was shy and never stood up for herself. One time when he left the house with Lilith, a pack of wild dogs chased them at full speed while many people watched and did nothing to help which sparked his fear of dogs. He looked up to Silas and would follow him wherever he went. Even though he was very extroverted, he had trouble making friends because the kids would spread rumors about him and his family. Both of his parents were murdered when he was 6 years old. Him and his siblings were forced to leave their homes because no one accepted them because they were demons. Unfortunately during the chaos, him and Lilith were separated from Silas and they searched for days for him but they could not find him anywhere. From then on, they traveled from place to place hoping to find a home. They finally settled down in the district Kilreas in Zadrea a few years back and have been living there ever since. During his teenage years when he was on a trip to the forests of Crona, he ran into a guy who he thought may have been lost. Shocking him, it was his older brother SIlas who he thought was gone forever. He was initially angry and took that out on him for being gone all these years even though it was out of his control. He eventually warmed up to him but loves to try to annoy him. He is still living in Kilreas (Zadrea) with Lilith and Echo. Most people living in the area like him. He works as a camboy and if he needs extra money then he will do odd jobs including modeling street fashion. He regularly sees Silas, visiting Voria and him coming to visit in Zadrea. He has a pet white fox named Masha. The cabin he lives in is made of blueish white trees that resemble ice. The inside is quite bright because of lots of large windows and skylights in each room. Most of the flooring is a dark brown wood paneling, with a small spiral staircase that leads up to a loft. The living room has a cozy grey couch full of pillows and a large bookcase that lines one of the walls and also there is a fireplace. All over the walls are icy crystals.


  • His name is pronounced as zy-uh.
  • He is able to create and manipulate ice.
  • He absolutely hates hot weather, especially when it's humid too.
  • He has a big fear of dogs.
  • He suffers from ocd and anxiety.
  • His element would be fire.
  • He practices jiu jitsu.
  • He really enjoys new wave and synth pop.
  • His favorite movie is Donnie Darko.
  • He likes to take very "extra" baths with all the works (bath bombs, clay mask, etc.)
  • His favorite food is strawberries.
  • He has several ear piercings that are hidden by his hair.
  • As anyone could tell from his dark circles, he stays up late every night.
  • He is a camboy for extra money and he has fun with it.
  • He loves when his girlfriend bakes him sweets with strawberries.
  • He's very particular about how his things are and likes everything to be neat and orderly.

  • strawberries
  • reading crime novels
  • modeling street fashion
  • cooking (especially baking)
  • playing mmorpgs
  • black comedy tv shows
  • being in the rain
  • cloud watching at night
  • researching random things
  • cuddling to sleep
  • full body massages
  • clay masks and facials
  • bubble baths
  • getting his blood drawn
  • puzzles
  • sunsets

  • rules
  • nightmares
  • dogs
  • sounds or lights when sleeping
  • not being the center of attention
  • someone belittling him
  • improper grammar
  • cocky people (hypocritical)
  • unkempt nails
  • sticky or shiny lipstick
  • broccoli
  • alarm clock sounds
  • musicals
  • chocolate pudding

Echo girlfriend

To be added.

Lilith twin sister

Lilith is his twin sister and they have stuck together for their whole lives. Xya had always protected her when they were children and even now that they are adults, he tries to but she's now far stronger than him. They live together along with his girlfriend.

Silas older brother

Their relationship was quite rocky after they found each other. Since they were separated as children, Xya thought all these years that Silas was either killed or got lost. He has warmed up to him quite a bit at this point and doesn't hold that much hard feelings toward him anymore.

Nero best friend

To be added.

Sullivan acquaintance

Sullivan is Nero's brother and he is obsessed with Xya.