
Trigger/Content Warning!

This profile contains the following:
Child Abuse/Neglect

Thanks for your attention, and stay safe!

code by BunBox


AKA Ricky, Sparksalot


Name Richard Lewis
Age 15 years old
Species Human
Gender Cis Boy
Pronouns he/him
Height 5'5"
Occupation N/A
Orientation Gay
Playlist Ricky
Theme Song Life
Alignment Chaotic Good
Zodiac Scorpio
Tarot The World
Discipline Channel
Affinity Lightning/Electricity


  • Is the original story version of my Pkmn Askblog Finnian!
  • Has bipolar disorder
  • His magical affinity is electricity/lightning, although he doesn't have a lot of control over it and tends to accidentally shock himself and others
  • Favorite food is curries of any kind


Introvert Extrovert
Thinking Feeling
Sensing Intuition
Judging Perceiving

Ricky is boisterous and excitable, which can be a bit much for some people. Deep down, he's a very sweet boy and dreams of being as helpful to others as possible. He's yet to find a suitably heroic job to aim for yet, feeling like there's SOMETHING out there that's a perfect fit for him and he just hasn't figured it out. The vast majority of his time is spent with his older sister, Adeline, and his best friend, Keahi!




Adeline and Ricky were born to a woman heavily tied up in what was essentially a cult, focused heavily on a sort of "fight club" deal. While their mother kept them out of the fights themselves growing up, she also made no effort to get her kids out of that enviroment. When a particularly nasty fight ended up killing their mother, the siblings were left in the care of this cult and forced into the fights at last.

Ricky tried his best to keep up, but he's always been very soft and never took a shine to the fighting. After a fight where he was badly beaten, Addy got brave enough to sneak the both of them out. They remained on the run, terrified that someone from the cult would come after them, for a good while before running into Mikala and Keahi by chance. Ricky made a connection with Keahi instantly and together they convinced Addy and Mikala to travel together so that they could remain close friends.



Ricky's older sister, he thinks she's quite literally the coolest and best person to exist in the entire world. He loves her dearly.


Ricky's best friend, he could spend every day with her and never get tired of it. He's determined to be there for her in any way that he can.


Keahi's father, Ricky isn't anywhere near as close to him, but he still respects Mikala a lot. Sometimes he likes to pretend Mikala is his dad too.