Elodie Nichols



1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info






mixed race

Predator Type



Her body was like a corpse left to dry out in the sun, leathery skin  stretching taught over flesh that seems to have withered away long ago.  She was little more than skin and bone, every joint sticking out  awkwardly and a little too sharply to be human, wiry muscles just  beneath. Her eyeballs had taken on a deep black colouration, bright blue  iris the only sign that this body wasn't as rotten and dead as it  looks.

* 1992; † 2013

Elodie was a Nosferatu neonate sired by Amanda Evans, the current Nosferatu Primogen of New Orleans. 

Born  and raised in the city by a single mom, she had a strong connection to  the place of her birth. No street existed that hadn't been explored by  her. She and her mother were poor, but happy. 

Fate struck however  when Elodie's mother fell ill not long after she had graduated high  school. She was supposed to start college soon, but instead used the  money her mother had been saving up to pay off medical bills. While her  mother stayed in the hospital, Elodie lived in the streets, working job  after job to keep the money coming. Only the bare minimum was spent on  herself - just enough so her mother would not worry when she was  visiting. 

During this time, Elodie caught the attention of a  hooded figure. The woman's voice was rough and ragged when she spoke,  and she soon identified herself as Amanda. For her, Elodie did small  runs across the city. Small, but the main source of her income. Her  knowledge of even the smallest nooks of the city was her saving grace -  and what got her killed. 

A ghoul shot her one night, not as she  was making a run for Amanda, but simply working another one of her [x]  jobs. She'd snuck a bite to eat in a back alley as the bullet tore  through her ribcage. 

Amanda found her that night, bleeding out,  and decided that she did not want to miss out on such talent. The  Embrace took two painful months. 

After the fact, Elodie continued  to run errands for Amanda. The same ones she had before, only this time  she knew who she was facing, what kind of news she was delivering. The  kind of danger she'd been putting herself in for years. 

And thus  one night, she met a Kindred by the name Gwyneira Yarwood. Amanda had  sent her straight into the Toreador's haven. Dark hallways beneath the  Opera House. Something clicked, that night, and the two Kindred spent  more and more time together, eventually falling in love. 

With  Gwyn's help, Elodie was able to find her mother again. After her  disappearance, the hospital had made contact with her grandparents, who  had readily footed the bills despite over two decades of estrangement.  Her mother was in recovery. 

This discovery made Elodie more  confident. She made the city's first steps towards an Anarch movement,  collecting around herself a growing number of Kindred desiring change. 

Upon  discovering this, Amanda tried to diablerize her, calling her unworthy  of the vitae wasted on her. But during the process, Elodie's mind took  over Amanda's. She is now ruling in Amanda's stead, doing what she can  to not attract any attention to herself.