


5 years, 18 days ago


  • Based off of a Nosferatu in the game bloodlines: The masquerade
  • Durian is a vampire that got turned shortly after an event that should have ended his life. A giant house-fire broke out in his old apartment complex at midnight, suspected to be arson but no culprit was ever arrested. Durian's life was saved, but barely and he was taken to the hospital. He never got to the hospital however, a vampire interrupted the trip and took Durian away into the shadows. Durian isn't the newest of vampires, but he's not old either. He doesn't like guns, but with how long he's lived he's been forced to get pretty good at using them. Durian tried to reach out to his family after the incident but was greeted with insults and screams. His family left him feeling betrayed and with his trust shattered.
  • His pet iguana perished in the fire, he's very upset about it
  • Durian will often wear wigs to hide the fact that he's bald and his filed down horns
  • Has burn scars all over his body and a birthmark on the back of his neck and above his left eyebrow
  • He wears what makes him feel comfortable, this means lots of fuzzy things and headbands
  • Nowadays Durian is very reclusive, quiet, and doesn't get too attached to anyone
  • He can be found lurking in the sewers as its the only place he truly feels safe
  • During his new life, he met Orchard, another vampire. Orchard is the one person he will entrust with his feelings, problems, and (most importantly) his trust.
  • Design note/ Has very small, absolutely useless wings on his back attached to his shoulder blades. About the size of his whole hand including fingers. Thankfully the wings will flatten to his back to make his life easier.