Heebie Jeebie



1 year, 4 months ago



"Weell... Beeing a mutant blood might bee hard, but at leeast I havee somee frieends"!
  •  Name  Heebie Jeebie 
  •  Age  18 h/y 
  •  Gender  Cisfemale 
  •  Pronouns  She/Her 
  •  Sexuality  Lesbian
  •  Personality 
    Very sweet and friendly! Enthusiastic when it comes to her likes and interests! She can be a little naive at times but that's okay because she's adorable! Easy to fluster as well.
  •  Appearance 
    [See Gallery]
  •  Likes  Horror, pretty women, rock music 
  •  Dislikes  Being alone, most Highbloods 
  •  Backstory 
    Jeebs was sort of fucked from birth since she was born a mutant blood. Mutant bloods, regardless of if they passed the trials or not, are supposed to be killed off. They're considered to be "stains" on the planet of Alternia. But Jeebs, despite all odds, survived and was later adopted by her lusus. Jeebs has always been a sweet, friendly and fun loving little thing. She always wanted to play with her lusus and go on adventures ever since she was little. But as she got older, she started to worry for her safety. She's a mutant blood, she knows she's not supposed to exist. But that doesn't stop her from wanting the same rights that a lot of other trolls have. Her love for horror was another of her motivator. She's always been interested in horror, taking in any and all horror related media. This liking it what fueled her dream of directing her own horror film.
  • The Helter-Skelter Ancestor 
    Not much is known about Helter-Skelter and what she did during the age of the Ancestors. Some believe her to be a banshee who'd track down the corrupt and kill them in their sleep, others believe she was a black widow of sorts, luring people in with her good looks just to kill them and feed their bodies to her lusus.
  • Babdok Jeebie Dancestor 
    Jeebs very much admires her Dancestor and everything the older mutant blood has accomplished in life. Babdok has been in multiple Highblood-approved horror films, playing as the lead actress in most of them as well. Now while Jeebs doesn't really want to be an actress, she still wants to make it big in the world of horror.

  • Arriae Helden Matesprite 
    Arriae and Jeebs met when the Burgundy blooded woman heard on the wind that Jeebs was holding some horror event at the local theatre and Arriae wanted to try and join in on the fun despite having locked herself away for sweeps after her "incident". The two quite literally fell in love the moment they saw each other.
  • Delson Laavee                                                  Moirail
    Unlikely moirails? More common than you'd think! Delson is quite the character: Intimidating, tall and an organ harvester! Oh wait... You weren't supposed to know that last part, but oh well. Him and Jeebs, despite being on complete opposite sides of the spectrum, are rather close moirails and hang around each other a lot. Delson is VERY overprotective of Jeebs do to her being a mutant blood and has openly killed people who dared to cause harm to her.

  • Zhivko Jheset                                          Close Friend
    Two horror junkies! Jeebs met the red blood during some massive horror festival on Alternia! Jeebs had ran into him and the pair got talking about all of their favorite horror movies, books, shows, etc etc. Jeebs considers Zhi to be one of her closest friends and loves to play little pranks on him as well just to get a laugh or two out of him.

  •  Trivia 
    • ● Jeebs is a mutant blood, her blood color being "Mint"
    • ● Jeebs also has interests in writing/storytelling and singing! Although she doesn't think her voice is that good.
    • ● Jeebs has a Harlequin Beetle lusus
    • ● Jeebs is the Maid of Breath
    • ● Jeebs is a Prospit Dreamer
    • ● Jeebs' sign is the Alchemical Sigil for Tin