Shinazugawa Kuran





  • NAMEShinazugawa Kuran
  • ALIASKuran
  • AGE21
  • RACEHuman
  • GENDERDFAB Agender (They/Them)
  • BIRTHDAYNovember 29th
  • ORIENTATIONDemisexual


This box will scroll. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus ullamcorper neque, sit amet auctor metus eleifend eu. Proin sed odio imperdiet, imperdiet mauris eu, sodales arcu. Donec blandit augue augue, quis rutrum tellus vestibulum volutpat. Suspendisse eu nisl faucibus, porttitor massa et, volutpat lectus. Quisque quam nulla, dignissim non ante tincidunt, sagittis fringilla lorem.


In eleifend malesuada laoreet. Phasellus ornare molestie dui ac gravida. In in eros a tortor gravida consectetur rhoncus at libero. Aenean blandit semper facilisis. Phasellus tempor pretium condimentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam congue in ex vel dignissim. Etiam pellentesque, velit eget dignissim fringilla, augue magna pharetra ipsum, eu facilisis leo eros vitae risus.

Donec a tristique lacus. Donec sit amet placerat orci, ac ornare enim. Quisque quis risus iaculis, dictum est id, mattis augue. Donec facilisis convallis urna, in semper massa. Praesent in lacus at neque luctus vestibulum in non risus. In pharetra tincidunt urna, sed interdum quam dignissim sed. Donec sagittis, erat sed euismod vestibulum, nisi dui suscipit erat, eu vehicula velit arcu id arcu. Cras tempus cursus tempus.


  • OCCUPATIONDemon Slayer
  • HEIGHT5'4"
  • WEIGHT135 lbs
  • BLOOD TYPEAB negative
  • STATUSAlive
  • ORIGINJapan
  • ETHNICITYJapanese


  • CHICKEN: Morbi porta venenatis urna sit amet pharetra.
  • FOG: Mauris quis leo risus.
  • WIP: Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
  • WIP: Pellentesque fermentum porta turpis, non vehicula ipsum.
  • WIP: Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


  • WIP: Phasellus et nibh posuere, dapibus dolor ut, porttitor ligula.
  • WIP: Fusce at congue massa, commodo cursus augue.
  • WIP: Mauris lacus elit, pretium ut scelerisque ac, pellentesque ut turpis.
  • WIP: Vestibulum pellentesque dictum risus, vel scelerisque tellus auctor sed.
  • WIP: Vivamus rutrum nibh ut quam ullamcorper, nec tempus ligula vehicula.


  • Kuran is based off a warrior cats OC, Cranberryfang.
  • Kuran is one of the Shinazugawa siblings - specifically, Sanemi Shinazugawa's twin.
  • Ran away from home at a young age - where Sanemi protected his siblings, they fled for themselves.
  • Fights with nichirin blade claws as well as a sword.
  • Struggles greatly with their body, and despises it.


Before the Corp.

Born to Kyogo and Shizu Shinazugawa alongside their brother, Sanemi, Kuran was an unhappy baby. Their father was a piece of shit from the very beginning, and their mother did what they could to protect their newborn children - especially her precious daughter, Kuran. As they grew older, Kuran grew to dislike being doted on by their brother and mother for the simple fact that they were a girl. It wasn't harmful, necessarily, but paired with their father's clear favoritism of Sanemi - 'favoritism' perhaps being a strong word, but he was beaten less than Kuran was - Kuran grew to despise their family's strong emotions toward their gender. The adoration and hatred was difficult to face, and it only got worse when their younger brother, Genya, was born.

Kuran was expected to help Shizu take care of Genya, and they despised it. They were treated like a mini-babysitter, like it was their duty as the eldest daughter of the family. Sanemi was sympathetic, and often reached out to try to take care of Genya for Kuran, but it often ended in their father lashing out at both children, and their mother getting in the way.

Their mother continued to have children, and it was just a cycle. Kuran didn't hate their siblings by any stretch of the word. They didn't even dislike their siblings, in fact, but they despised taking care of them to the point of neglecting to step in front of their father like Sanemi did. It was a point of contention between the twins, and one that would stick around. The point was, though, Sanemi would be beaten less if he jumped in front of their father. Where Sanemi was treated like a hero by their mother, Kuran was scolded for endangering themselves.

After a particularly nasty fight between the twins, Kyogo came home to a fuming Kuran. Kuran was the one who picked the fight with their father, and Kuran was the one who was tossed into the street. Sanemi didn't immediately jump to their rescue, still fuming at his sister's lack of care for their siblings... and so Kuran just ran. What they don't know is that Sanemi did jump to their defense when he'd realized their father intended not to let them back in - but it didn't matter, because they were long gone.


Etiam pellentesque, velit eget dignissim fringilla, augue magna pharetra ipsum, eu facilisis leo eros vitae risus. Donec a tristique lacus. Donec sit amet placerat orci, ac ornare enim. Quisque quis risus iaculis, dictum est id, mattis augue. Donec facilisis convallis urna, in semper massa. Praesent in lacus at neque luctus vestibulum in non risus. In pharetra tincidunt urna, sed interdum quam dignissim sed. Donec sagittis, erat sed euismod vestibulum, nisi dui suscipit erat, eu vehicula velit arcu id arcu. Cras tempus cursus tempus.


Sed at vestibulum leo. Phasellus vehicula est in dui iaculis elementum. Donec ac tortor maximus, eleifend velit ac, imperdiet ex. Nullam magna purus, dignissim non convallis ut, bibendum vitae sapien. Integer at sem et ligula molestie maximus at a augue. Integer non nisl volutpat nisl rutrum aliquet eget vel sem. Cras iaculis commodo felis, quis placerat arcu accumsan non. Aenean eleifend placerat enim, et tincidunt ipsum semper eu. Fusce ac fermentum ipsum.


  • Morbi aliquet lobortis purus, sit amet sollicitudin ex bibendum ut.
  • Quisque eu consequat ligula.
  • Cras cursus nulla at libero iaculis lobortis.
  • Maecenas sit amet turpis ultricies eros ultricies commodo.
  • In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


  • Skin
  • OUTFITS: Each line is an outfit.
  • Jewelry


  • Ammy wears a simple, black chain necklace.
  • Her dress hangs off her right shoulder, and has a black strap to keep it up.
  • Ammy's belt is cockeyed, as is the bottom of her dress skirt, which sits at an angle.
  • Ammy can't grow like a human, but does transform to look her actual age (adult)
  • Ammy's face is on the round, but narrow side. She wears eyeliner and mascara on her bottom lash line/lashes.


  • INFO: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • INFO: Nam dapibus erat et augue aliquam consequat.
  • INFO: Etiam nec condimentum nulla.
  • INFO: Maecenas venenatis nisi non nulla posuere, quis lacinia ligula congue.
  • INFO: Duis venenatis leo ut lorem commodo pretium.


  • INFO: Sed id mi malesuada, ullamcorper nisl eu, volutpat libero.
  • INFO: Duis et fermentum arcu, sit amet viverra massa.
  • INFO: Aliquam vulputate luctus lectus, vitae commodo felis volutpat vel.
  • INFO: Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
  • INFO: In accumsan leo nibh, vitae hendrerit velit vestibulum vel.


  • INFO: Maecenas interdum dui in bibendum ultricies.
  • INFO: Suspendisse eget massa id libero consequat consectetur.
  • INFO: Ut accumsan massa volutpat venenatis mattis.
  • INFO: Sed venenatis vestibulum odio, vitae molestie est placerat quis.
  • INFO: Aenean eget lacus sapien.


  • INFO: Ut consectetur arcu eget dapibus aliquam.
  • INFO: Suspendisse potenti.
  • INFO: Nunc euismod ac lectus et facilisis.
  • INFO: Morbi non arcu vehicula, dapibus nunc at, lacinia purus.
  • INFO: Nullam sit amet nunc non neque fringilla interdum.


  • INFO: Suspendisse lacus quam, congue id rutrum quis, volutpat vitae justo.
  • INFO: Vestibulum nec lacus ut leo tincidunt hendrerit.
  • INFO: Aliquam sagittis ante et eros feugiat, at volutpat ex egestas.
  • INFO: Etiam ac lectus ex.
  • INFO: Vestibulum hendrerit justo ut ligula iaculis, eu dictum lectus sollicitudin.


  • INFO: Nulla a quam tellus.
  • INFO: Vivamus sed sem nisl.
  • INFO: Curabitur at elementum massa.
  • INFO: Fusce libero est, imperdiet sit amet augue ac, hendrerit ullamcorper lacus.
  • INFO: Sed elit orci, egestas vitae risus ac, egestas eleifend justo.


  • INFO: Vivamus a ante eget nunc hendrerit posuere ac in ante.
  • INFO: Maecenas commodo massa enim, eget ultricies magna blandit quis.
  • INFO: Sed ex ipsum, placerat ut libero interdum, iaculis tempus eros.
  • INFO: Aliquam lacus quam, vestibulum imperdiet libero a, varius malesuada justo.
  • INFO: Nam eget elementum libero.


  • INFO: Donec at gravida diam. Praesent eu odio magna.
  • INFO: Phasellus placerat orci a risus hendrerit ultrices.
  • INFO: Maecenas bibendum aliquet urna ac venenatis.
  • INFO: Curabitur efficitur ligula non nibh commodo, vel pellentesque dui commodo.
  • INFO: Proin rhoncus nibh libero, sagittis aliquam felis posuere non.


Twin Brother •

This box will not scroll. Vestibulum maximus justo sit amet elit congue euismod sed vitae erat. Maecenas ligula ipsum, faucibus sit amet ante sed, placerat consectetur elit. Phasellus aliquam sapien a arcu euismod, id interdum eros sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in dapibus tellus. Nullam varius consectetur vehicula. Donec in vestibulum massa, sed congue quam. Pellentesque auctor enim ac volutpat ultrices. In accumsan dapibus odio, sit amet hendrerit neque efficitur non. Pellentesque mollis ipsum ligula, non fringilla tortor interdum id. Aenean maximus neque non mauris condimentum malesuada. Ut hendrerit quam quis mi malesuada hendrerit. Sed congue condimentum sem vitae vehicula.

Younger Brother •

This box will not scroll. Vestibulum maximus justo sit amet elit congue euismod sed vitae erat. Maecenas ligula ipsum, faucibus sit amet ante sed, placerat consectetur elit. Phasellus aliquam sapien a arcu euismod, id interdum eros sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in dapibus tellus. Nullam varius consectetur vehicula. Donec in vestibulum massa, sed congue quam. Pellentesque auctor enim ac volutpat ultrices. In accumsan dapibus odio, sit amet hendrerit neque efficitur non. Pellentesque mollis ipsum ligula, non fringilla tortor interdum id. Aenean maximus neque non mauris condimentum malesuada. Ut hendrerit quam quis mi malesuada hendrerit. Sed congue condimentum sem vitae vehicula.


Relationship •

This box will not scroll. Vestibulum maximus justo sit amet elit congue euismod sed vitae erat. Maecenas ligula ipsum, faucibus sit amet ante sed, placerat consectetur elit. Phasellus aliquam sapien a arcu euismod, id interdum eros sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in dapibus tellus. Nullam varius consectetur vehicula. Donec in vestibulum massa, sed congue quam. Pellentesque auctor enim ac volutpat ultrices. In accumsan dapibus odio, sit amet hendrerit neque efficitur non. Pellentesque mollis ipsum ligula, non fringilla tortor interdum id. Aenean maximus neque non mauris condimentum malesuada. Ut hendrerit quam quis mi malesuada hendrerit. Sed congue condimentum sem vitae vehicula.

Relationship •

This box will not scroll. Vestibulum maximus justo sit amet elit congue euismod sed vitae erat. Maecenas ligula ipsum, faucibus sit amet ante sed, placerat consectetur elit. Phasellus aliquam sapien a arcu euismod, id interdum eros sagittis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in dapibus tellus. Nullam varius consectetur vehicula. Donec in vestibulum massa, sed congue quam. Pellentesque auctor enim ac volutpat ultrices. In accumsan dapibus odio, sit amet hendrerit neque efficitur non. Pellentesque mollis ipsum ligula, non fringilla tortor interdum id. Aenean maximus neque non mauris condimentum malesuada. Ut hendrerit quam quis mi malesuada hendrerit. Sed congue condimentum sem vitae vehicula.


Co-worker •

Kuran thinks Rengoku is wildly annoying, but not near as much as Uzui. That being said, they're on relatively friendly terms.. so long as Sanemi isn't involved. They think it's fucking stupid that Rengoku fell for two Omegas and Uzui and his wives, but that's his business. If given the choice to hang out with him or not, they'd choose not to. He's far too loud.

Co-worker •

Hatred is really the only word that fits Kuran's opinions on Uzui. Uzui sticks his nose in everyone's business, and it's no surprise that when Kuran and Sanemi became Hashira, the nosy bastard stuck his nose in their business. To this day, he makes comments about Sanemi and Kuran's relationship, and how similar they are - which Kuran despises. If they didn't have as much respect for the Master that they did, Kuran might just fuck up his pretty face.

Co-worker •

Tokito is quiet, and that much is appreciated by Kuran. They're both prickly, at least until the Kamado kid softens Tokito up. Even more friendly, Kuran doesn't mind Tokito, though their differing opinions on Kamado and his sister are a point of contention between the pair. It doesn't help that Tokito sometimes talks about his family, as if expecting Kuran to talk about theirs.

Co-worker •

Despite everything, Kuran... doesn't mind Kanroji. Too much, anyway. They're not exactly friends, but that doesn't change the fact that it's strange that Kuran tolerates her. It's her strength - though that being said, she's also oh-so girly. Kuran wishes they had the strength she did, to feel comfortable in their body and still empowered. That being said, they'd rather not hang out with her, given her closeness to Iguro, and by extention, Sanemi.

Co-worker •

It's no surprise that Iguro and Kuran don't get along. Given Iguro's closeness with Sanemi, Kuran avoids him at all costs. It doesn't help that Kuran doesn't typically get along with people similar to them, and Iguro's passive dismissal of everyone around him drives Kuran nuts. It's a bit hypocritical, but the sentiment is shared, in the very least.

Co-worker •

Himejima is one of the most tolerable Hashira, for Kuran anyway. While they're far from 'friends', Kuran wouldn't deny hanging out with Himejima if given the option. He's quiet and solemn, and Kuran respects his dedication and faith. That much they're similar in, and it shouldn't be a surprise that the older man took Kuran in when they were more lost in their life. He's the reason for their own faith, and... well, if Kuran is just a bit thankful that Himejima took in Genya, then that's between Kuran and themselves.

Co-worker •

Kuran and Kocho get along... shockingly well. It's for one simple reason, though: Kocho and her sister helped Kuran feel more comfortable in their own body. While Kuran could go without the fake smiles and blatant disregard for other people's feelings, they don't mind it near as much as they should. Recently, though, with Kocho hanging out with that damn demon she found, Kuran has grown distant. Not that Kocho minds too much, either.

Co-worker •

Tomioka is the most tolerable of the pillars, hands down. Without much to say on either side, silence is comfortable and not tense whatsoever. Being a person of few words, themself, Kuran unsurprisingly gets along the best with Tomioka out of all the other pillars - if you don't count their brother's tense relationship with Tomioka. Then again, why should Sanemi's opinions on a person affect theirs? Kuran gets along with Tomioka partially out of spite for their brother's mistreatment of him.