Writing One-Shot/Letter Comms (Forms)



Feel free to copy-paste the form for your specific commission!


How many words would you like the piece to be?

Which characters(s) would you like featured? If they have Toyhouse profiles, please link them here. If some of them are from a specific canon, please include what fandom they are from!

Can you describe the character's personalities in a single paragraph? (Even if a character is from a fandom and has an established personality, describing it here helps me familiarize myself with your take on the character!)

Do you have a specific prompt in mind?

Do your characters have any specific voices to them? (Do they speak casually, formally, with a lot of slang or with a very calm tone?)

(If a ship/interaction) What kind of relationship do the characters have with each other?

The fic will be written in 3rd person, present or past tense (unless requested otherwise). Is there any POV you'd prefer the fic to be from? AKA one character who'd you prefer their thoughts/reactions be more prominent in the writing over the other? (Can say no preference)

If the character/characters use multiple pronouns, let me know if there is either a specific set of pronouns you want me to use most, a specific set you want me to use exclusively or if you want me to use all their pronouns in an alternating fashion (If the character/s don't use more than one set of pronouns feel free to ignore this question!)

Love / Comfort / Character letter:

How many pages would you like the piece to be?

Which characters(s) would you like featured? If they have Toyhouse profiles, please link them here. If some of them are from a specific canon, please include what fandom they are from!

Which character is the sender, which character is the reciever?

What is the sender's character voice? Do they have any specific way of writing or any lingo they tend to stick to? (Do they speak very formally, very informally? Do they tend to be very concise with their words or do they ramble?)

Can you describe the character's personalities in a single paragraph? (Even if a character is from a fandom and has an established personality, describing it here helps me familiarize myself with your take on the character!)

Do you have a specific subject in mind for the letter? (Happy birthday, missing you while on a trip, secret message, condolences)?

(If a ship/interaction) What kind of relationship do the characters have with each other?

If the character/characters use multiple pronouns, let me know if there is either a specific set of pronouns you want me to use most, a specific set you want me to use exclusively or if you want me to use all their pronouns in an alternating fashion (If the character/s don't use more than one set of pronouns feel free to ignore this question!)

NSFW one-shot:

How many words would you like the piece to be?

Which characters(s) would you like featured? If they have Toyhouse profiles, please link them here. If some of them are from a specific canon, please include what fandom they are from!

Can you describe the character's personalities in a single paragraph? (Even if the character is from a known fandom, this helps me connect to your interpretation of the character!)

Do your characters have any specific voices to them? (Do they speak casually, formally, with a lot of slang or with a very calm tone?)

What kind of relationship do the characters have with each other outside of bed?

What specific prompt are you looking for, and what type of NSFW acts are you looking for in the scene?

What kind of relationship do the characters have with each other in bed? Is one of them more dominant than the other? Is their sexual life more romantic or more playful?

What wording or acts would you prefer I not include in the piece? (your general turn-offs, hard or soft limits or specific acts you'd prefer one or both of the characters to avoid)

What wording or acts would you prefer I include in the piece? (any preferences or kinks, can be sexual or non-sexual. ie: choking, pulling hair,constant verbal consent, dirtytalk, praise, etc)

The fic will be written in 3rd person, present or past tense (unless requested otherwise). Is there any POV you'd prefer the fic to be from? AKA one character who'd you prefer their thoughts/reactions be more prominent in the writing over the other? (Can say no preference)

If the character/characters use multiple pronouns, let me know if there is either a specific set of pronouns you want me to use most, a specific set you want me to use exclusively or if you want me to use all their pronouns in an alternating fashion?

Is any of the characters non-cisgendered? If so, is there a specific (male/femenine/none) wording I should refer to their genitalia?

Gacha Drabble (more info here):

(I will be using this form as my main source of information to write the drabble. Feel free to be detailed, but the key here is to be concise !!
Give me the important details and link other relevant information only in case it’s needed <3 )

Which characters(s) would you like featured? If they have Toyhouse profiles, please link them here. If some of them are from a specific canon, please include what fandom they are from!

Can you describe the character(s)'s personalities in a single paragraph?

Give me 2-4 simple prompts!! (They can be a theme, like "fluffy cuddles on the couch" or "angsty nightmare" or a phrase, like "first date" or "missing you". It can also be a piece of dialogue you'd like included, like "I never thought I'd fall in love with you" or "I shall be your sword").

Do your characters have any specific voices to them? (Do they speak casually, formally, with a lot of slang or with a very calm tone?)

(If a ship/interaction) What kind of relationship do the characters have with each other?

The fic will be written in 3rd person, present or past tense (unless requested otherwise). Is there any POV you'd prefer the fic to be from? AKA one character who'd you prefer their thoughts/reactions be more prominent in the writing over the other? (Can say no preference)

If the character/characters use multiple pronouns, let me know if there is either a specific set of pronouns you want me to use most, a specific set you want me to use exclusively or if you want me to use all their pronouns in an alternating fashion (If the character/s don't use more than one set of pronouns feel free to ignore this question!)

NSFW PWYW DRABBLE (More info here):

Form ! 
(I will be using this form as my main source of information to write the drabble. Feel free to be detailed, but the key here is to be concise !!
Give me the important details and link other relevant information only in case it’s needed <3 )

(I will be using this form as my main source of information to write the drabble. Feel free to be detailed, but the key here is to be concise !!
Give me the important details and link other relevant information only in case it’s needed :heart: )

Feel free to be as detailed as you'd like with kinks or sexual scenarios, and I will let you know if there is something I am not comfortable writing!

Which characters(s) would you like featured? If they have Toyhouse profiles, please link them here. If some of them are from a specific canon, please include what fandom they are from!

Can you describe the character(s)'s personalities in a single paragraph?

Give me 1-3 prompts for me to choose from! (It can be a theme, like "surprise," "After a long time," a piece of dialogue, like "You're doing so well," or "I knew you couldn't resist me". Or a specific act, like "Hair pulling, body worship, under the table, hidden from view.")

Do your characters have any specific voices to them? (Do they speak casually, formally, with a lot of slang or with a very calm tone?)

What kind of relationship do the characters have with each other outside of bed?

What kind of relationship do the characters have with each other outside of bed?

What kind of relationship do the characters have with each other in bed? Is one of them more dominant than the other? Is their sexual life more romantic or more playful?

What wording or acts would you prefer I not include in the piece? (your general turn-offs, hard or soft limits or specific acts you'd prefer one or both of the characters to avoid)

What wording or acts would you prefer I include in the piece? Use this as a wishlist of sorts, I'll add as much as I can fit in the drabble (any preferences or kinks, can be sexual or non-sexual. ie: choking, pulling hair,constant verbal consent, dirtytalk, praise, etc!!)

If the character/characters use multiple pronouns, let me know if there is either a specific set of pronouns you want me to use most, a specific set you want me to use exclusively, or if you want me to use all their pronouns in an alternating fashion?

Is any of the characters non-cisgendered? If so, is there a specific (male/femenine/none) wording I should refer to their genitalia?

The fic will be written in 3rd person, past tense (unless requested otherwise). Is there any POV you'd prefer the fic to be from? AKA one character who'd you prefer their thoughts/reactions be more prominent in the writing over the other? (Can say no preference)


Other pieces like Lore Documents or headcanons might either A) not have a form or B) have a different one. Feel free to DM me any questions you might have!!