Nikita Vasquez



1 year, 5 months ago


Nikita Vasquez

Nicknames N/A

Age 27

DOB|Sign November 15th - Scorpio

Gender|Pronouns Female|She/Her

Height|Weight 5'3"|135 lbs

Race Demigod

God Parent Nike, Goddess of Victory

Job Part-timer at All Hands on Deck - Odd Jobs

Theme Here

HTML Pinky


STR 7+1






HP 36

Fatal Flaw

Fatally Fearless

Maybe it’s a form of stupidity but Nikita truly is fearless to a fault. She’s one of the first to act in a dangerous situation with no regard to her own wellbeing, which isn’t always a good thing when you’re constantly being hunted by monsters.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Positive Traits






Negative Traits









Street tacos

Rock Metal




Losing a challenge

Skittish people

Hearing people smack gum

Rule breakers


Quick Footwork

Being speedy has its perks; Nikita can run faster than the average person but she normally uses it to duck and dodge close range attacks or throw in some quick jabs.

Knock'em Down a Peg

Everyone needs an advantage now and then, especially when fighting. This would automatically give the chosen foe a -1 debuff to your choice of Stat. Changing foes will undo this debuff of the original target and allow them to regain their original Stat’s.

Weapons and Items



A knuckle knife. Takes form of a bandana while in mist form.



A regular looking house key that Nikita added to her own ring of keys.

Magical Item



Early Life

Alexander Vasquez was an amateur boxer from Nebraska. When he met Nike, he had been living in Boston at the time, training to go pro. While a good boxer Alexander wasn’t cream of the crop and he knew it. But he attained Nike’s interest with his comradery with the other boxers and how he would genuinely wish them ‘good luck’ before their match. Maybe it was the novelty of it all but it was enough for Nike to call him out after a match one evening when Alex lost. Alex hadn’t been one to turn down a lady if they asked him out and he was pleasantly surprised when she asked about his pre-match blessings to others. Alex explained that while yes, he would prefer to win all his matches, he knows that so would the other person. And if a well wish from him helped them in the long run of their career, Alex wouldn’t mind. “Everyone deserves to be cheered for, to have your name chanted from the stands. That may not ever be me but I want them to know that I wish them victory in all their endeavors.”

Alex never saw Nike after that night but it was memorable, despite how fleeting. So imagine his surprise when 9 months later he woke up to his daughter screaming her head off at 4 a.m. with only a cradle and a note attached describing her maternal heritage. The whiplash that this caused him was immense; what was he supposed to do with an infant?! Knowing that he didn’t have the means or knowledge to care for the baby in Boston, Alex decided to head back home to Nebraska to mom and pop.

And so Nikita’s life in Nebraska began.

The early parts of Nikita’s life were rough. Not in the sense that her father was never there for her or her home life was less than acceptable. Nah, Nikita was just a little shit growing up. Her earliest memory, she thinks she had to have been four, was biting a kid at the town daycare because they had teased her for not having a mom. And that would be the first of many phone calls to her father and grandparents about her errant behavior. Relatively speaking she lived as averagely as one could in the midwest; doting grandparents that co-raised her when her father was busy, a town that was tolerable of her fights with the other children, honestly you’d think she’d turn out more average.

But she wasn’t. Nikita couldn’t be. And all because when she was four some equally snot-nosed kid pointed out that she didn’t have a mom and her immediate family wouldn’t tell her why.

Camp Halfblood and Claiming

The summer she turned twelve, her father brought up the Camp. Not by himself, of course, she remembers there being a gangly teenager there as well to tell her more about the place and to act as her escort if she agreed to go. However the outstanding part about the camp was that it was someplace her birth mother had wanted her to attend. Nikita had wanted to refuse right then and there; this woman was out of the picture for 12 years and now she wanted to make a say in what she did? No way!

Ultimately Nikita doesn’t remember what got her to agree to go with the gangly teenager (a satyr she learned later) but she does remember her first year at camp and how much she hated it. Being shoved in the Hermes cabin was a nightmare for the only child, especially one as asocial as Nikita. She hardly spoke to anyone unless absolutely necessary and it wasn’t long before she was scrapping with other campers over the pettiest of things.

Her only solace was when there were competitions; she could lose herself briefly to her competitive nature. That’s actually how she was claimed. She won an obstacle course footrace and as she basked in her victory Nike’s symbol glowed over her head. And just like that, out of the Hermes cabin and into the Nike cabin.

If you asked her, Nikita would say that that first year of camp was her best year because she got the cabin all to herself. In reality she was lonely. So the appearance of her sibling the next year, while a shocker, was a welcoming addition. Though it would take Nikita years to admit that.

The following years at camp feel like a blur; she somehow obtained friends and predictably gained not friends. But the addition of her brother, Sage, and friends made Camp tolerable; fun even.


Nikita was never given a quest herself but she did accompany Andrew’s when he went on his second quest. Overall, it wasn’t a bad quest; if you excluded the minor squabbles Nikita would get into with Andrew or the being chased after they acquired the chalice. But otherwise yeah, okay quest.

Nikita didn’t partake in any other quests after Sage stopped coming to the camp. She knew of the quest her brother had gone on but not the whole story; only that it had left devastating repercussions. But Nikita didn’t think Sage would stop coming to CHB altogether. Or not tell her his plans to do so.

Nikita decided to cut ties with Camp Halfblood once she turned 18; Sage never came back, she found it hard to interact with her friends without lashing out and she couldn't watch everyone else’s demigod drama.

Before the Arrival to Little Olymipa

Once she was back home in Nebraska, Nikita began training with her dad so she could participate in some boxing competitions. Within a few years of training Nikita was bouncing around all over the U.S. winning amateur boxing events and wiping the competition; her father even voiced interest in her going pro but something always stopped her from taking that next step.

Her boxing career came to a horrific halt one evening when she witnessed a Monster attacking a homeless man in an alleyway by her gym. It’s a blur to Nikita how exactly she managed but the Monster was vanquished to a bloody pulp. As she relished in the victory battles aftermath her high was cut short when she heard shouts from one end of the alley. People had started gathering, hearing the fight and while Nikita didn’t know what the monster looked like to them, pretty soon it would be gone and in its place would be an unconscious, mangled transient.

So Nikita ran.

She ran away from the alley, away from the life she built in the city and away from her family. For the next year Nikita bopped around motels living out of a duffel bag. She put her boxing career on an indefinite hold because, although she couldn’t prove it, Nikita was certain that Monster showed because she had been at the gym. And she wasn’t going to have anyone else, especially her family, get targeted by Monsters.

Nikita took part in tele-therapy to initially combat the guilt she felt but then that turned into talk about her mother and her relationship with others and her time at Camp. (Nikita omitted all the obvious stuff, don’t you worry.) And it helped. The therapy, talking about her mom and camp, helped provide coping mechanisms with her displaced emotions of abandonment and trauma.

One session Nikita admitted that she wished she could reconnect with her half-brother and camp friends. If not to apologize for how she treated them when she was a teen (Nikita was certain a few didn’t care all that much), she missed them dearly. Her therapist suggested reaching out to the camp but Nikita was hesitant; more so to the possibility that there was a chance that they could be dead if anything.

Also, with the spike in Monster sightings, Nikita didn’t want to make a trip up to New York just to check on decade old phone numbers. Plus she was so tired from motel hopping just to stay ahead of nosey Monsters.

The morning after she checked out of her room and was just about to start her truck before she noticed a folded piece of paper and a key on top of it. The contents of the letter informed Nikita on Little Olympia and that with the key provided, she was invited to make a life there. To this day, Nikita isn’t sure who the letter came from. But if Little Olympia ment no more motels with bugs and water stained walls, then that was where she was headed.






Nikita's 1st little brother, they met while at Camp Half-Blood. While initially angry at the idea of having a sibling she quickly grew to love Sage and he is one of her greatest confidants. When he stopped coming to CHB without telling her midway, that left quite a scar on Nikita emotionally and now that they're reunited on Little Olympia, she has him on ice. But that won't last for long; they have catching up to do.




Nikita's littlest brother, they met while at Little Olympia. She was more shocked this time around that she even had another sibling but is welcoming him with open arms. She wants to get to know him better.



Good Friend

They met while at Camp Half-Blood. Theo was such a bright light to Nikita's piss and vinegar in her early days that she genuinely wonders how he tolerated her. Looking back, Nikita doesn't think she'd be half as mellowed out as she is now if it wasn't for Theo. She now tries to repay the kindness he showed her whenever the chance arises.




The met while at Camp Half-Blood. Rory was another ray of sunshine to Nikita's life while at camp and would constantly cheer for her during sporting events (as well as advise medical treatment when needed). While at Little Olympia, Nikita pops into visit Rory when she needs chat with a therapist and to see what this 'art therapy' is all about.




They met while at Camp Half-Blood. Kasey was another friendly Apollo kid who wormed his way passed Nikita's prickly defenses as a camper. Their casual friendship was appreciated at camp and now that she's at Little Olympia, she's making an effort to keep the friendship going.



Spa buddy

Nikita recalls seeing Zahdiah at Camp Half-Blood however their friendship only started at Little Olympia. They've been having 'spa days' and Nikita gets the scoop from her about what's going on around the island.




They met at Camp Half-Blood. Nikita got into a few scraps with Andrew before realizing he was more friendly than threatening. Maybe his friendship came at her too strong but Nikita's always at the ready with quip with Andrew. But she does appreciate his company and helps him when it's needed.




They met at Camp Half-Blood. For whatever reason they did not get along at camp; they argued, scrapped with one another, and nitpicked over every little thing when they got near each other. Now that they are older they don't do much. Less childish but replaced with the driest of dialogue between the two. Funny enough, they often talk about their therapy to one another.



Not a friend

They met at Camp Half-Blood. Nikita doesn't have any good experinces with Illiza and was honestly surprised to see that they were still alive. Nikita takes great effort to keep her distance with Illiza while at Little Olympia but does frequent The Hole N The Wall from time to time.