Lia the Heromaker



6 years, 1 month ago


This character's profile is still a work in progress. Information might be missing or incomplete. This character also needs a redesign. 


  • Name Cordelia (Lia)
  • AgeRoughly 500*
  • GenderFemale
  • Height178cm
  • orientationBisexual
  • TypeDemon (common)
  • Birthday???
  • Alignment  Borderline lawful/neutral good
  • oCCUPATIONTraveler, guardian, hero maker
  • MusicX


"You have the right to mourn, to feel sad, to feel angry; all your emotions are acceptable. But remember that hate will not bring you salvation, nor does it undo what happened."

A brisk demon woman, Lia has become something of a celebrity ever since she got herself out in the world: she is notorious for training many who would later become heroes and legends, thus giving her the title “hero maker”. Trained by the demon lord Damian himself, Lia is a brave and noble warrior who delights in training with others, and passing the knowledge she once received onto future generations of humans and demons alike.

Kind and gentle, Lia is very in touch with her own emotions and is known as a patient mentor. However, she still doesn’t go easy on her pupils: while never unreasonable or demanding more than her trainees can mentally or physically offer, her training is hard and punishments for misbehaving even harder. Regardless of her harsh discipline, she’s regarded as a wise mentor, and being trained by her is considered an honor among those who actually know her and her reputation. She’s also extremely independent despite her deep love for the world and those living in it, and she’s usually seen traveling alone when not with a pupil.

Lia wishes to live in the freedom and to roam the world in her own terms, and those who get to learn her respect her decision: they know she wouldn’t be happy if she was chained to one place or one person only, and many even admire this free-spirited side of her. Lia has a good memory and she remembers the people who have played an important role in her life, and she loves to visit them if her travels take her to a place nearby. Many say it’s precisely Lia’s love for world and those living in it that keep her from settling down: there are still so many places to, and so many new people to meet.

She is responsible of teaching Arles, Kašimir, Wilfrid and Keith to name a few. Later she also teams up with the magical boys Adon, Hale and Noah, and guides them on their missions and trains their skills. She’s also a relative to Theo.


TBA; I need to tweak her design a bit since this one is from 2014


As life has been harsh for her since her birth. Lia has grown to appreciate self discipline and the unwillingness to give up on one’s dreams simply because they might be difficult to achieve. Indeed, everyone she has trained in her life have been people who have wished to triumph over their hardships, even if learning how to fight wouldn't necessarily fix them. She has a strong respect for people who wish to become better as people and not simply as fighters, and she seems to be particularly drawn to those who struggle with their identity: to learn to use weapons and fight is to learn to understand oneself, and so she wishes her teachings could help them understand their own identities and bodies better.

Resulting from this, it’s often no wonder to anyone to learn Lia has a very strong honor code she always sticks to. She refuses to resort to dishonorable or dirty tricks in a battle even when her opponent is using them, and she’s unwilling to teach people with ill intentions or fight against those who are too young to fight, unless she absolutely has no other choice - and even then she goes easy on them, making sure she won’t cause life-lasting harm on them. Traditions and morals are extremely important to Lia and she seems to follow hers very strongly, but simultaneously is aware and accepting of those who don’t necessarily agree with her own personal code. Likewise she’s occasionally willing to bend her own rules when there is no other way around it, and she’s very aware of the fact it’s impossible to always live by your code when you interact with other people - but she tries her hardest regardless.

Although Lia has been regarded as wise beyond her years since a young age, there is a more reckless and impulsive side to her, a reminiscent of the mythical heroes in books and mythology: when her blood boils she might not necessarily be able to hold herself back, and especially in her youth she would often challenge people to a fight when it would have been easier and even wiser to simply not engage with them, or alternatively just try to talk it out. Because of her temper, Lia considers herself someone who is always learning, and who still, even after hundreds of years, has a lot of work to do in terms of her flaming personality and sense of right and wrong.

As someone with a lot of love to those around her, it’s not surprising Lia is a loving mentor who gets extremely attached to those she agrees to train. There is often something big sisterly - like in her actions and behavior when she interacts with the young heroes-to-be, but simultaneously she keeps a certain kind of emotional distance needed for her pupils to understand she’s not just a friend but a demanding mentor, whose job is to push the trainees to their limits. Unreasonable, however, Lia is not, and whatever she does is always in the best interest of her students - even when they don’t necessarily realize it at first. Outside of fighting, Lia also makes sure her pupils don’t neglect their mental wellbeing, and she wants them to openly talk about their feelings and thoughts with those they can trust, which often means they open up to Lia. Luckily she is very well equipped dealing with others in this manner, and she’s considered very encouraging and reassuring, but also stern enough nobody feels like dwelling in their negative feelings for too long.

While emotionally open and connected to others, by her core she’s very independent and prefers to travel on her own rather than in a group. She might stick to other people for a while, but at the end of the day she’s the happiest when she gets to explore the world and everything it has to offer alone, in her own terms. She also encourages this kind of independence in her students, partially so that they could one day part with her and start their life elsewhere. It also helps her to say goodbye to her trainees, something she didn’t think could be painful until she bid farewells with one of her first trainees, Keith, whom she practically raised. She enjoys freedom and doesn’t want to feel chained to anything or anyone though, and there is a certain emotional distance she wishes to keep to others, for her own sake.


This section is a work in progress, largely because her history is very long and still updating! It's still missing several events of her life such as the time one of her students died on her. 
Lia was born with too much pigment on her body, making her hair and eyes turn darker, and her body extremely frail - a condition only visible in common demons whose families have black scleras. Since a young age Lia would be told she would never be able to do much physical work in her adulthood, unless she trained feverishly - something many would consider too challenging both physically and mentally, especially for a child. However, as a child who had grown to admire knights and guardians, Lia was determined to become one as well, and so her difficult training would become.

She’d often curse and lament her situation, the pain her body felt as she constantly had to push it to its limits and beyond, but her dream and the promise of things getting better kept her going. However, due to her weak body and the initial difficulty to keep up with her able bodied peers, Lia was ostracized by them and had only a few friends, but they became all the more important to her mental wellbeing: to be able to vent her frustrations and talk and explore her feelings with those who were the same age as her, Lia was able to cultivate a healthy relationship with others and herself, and with age she would become less and less cynical about her life and situation.

Training under the great demon Damian

By the time she was a grown adult, Lia had finally caught up with her peers in terms of physical strength and development, but it was not enough: she wanted to get better, all in order to tackle the job of a guardian that was undoubtedly more physically heavier job than what most of his demon peers would take. Through perhaps what could only be called fate, the demon lord Damian, who was known as the slumbering demon, woke up and was intrigued by Lia and her strong desire to become what everyone would initially tell her she could never become. Perhaps he saw a part of himself in this young woman or perhaps it was simply just another whim of his, but Damian decided to take Lia under his training - something he hadn’t done in hundreds of years, after he was done training his own soldiers.

Traineeship under Damian was not an easy one, and the centuries old demon would push Lia to her limits every day - but never so that she would burn out. And in turn Lia, unwilling to walk away from this rare chance to be trained by this old and renowned demon, would work feverishly to gain Damian’s approval.

She spent years under him, until Damian deemed her skills to be on the level where he could no longer help her: instead, it would be the experience of years lived and people met that would continue to shape and change her, and with heartfelt farewells they parted ways - Lia to the world outside, and Damen returning back to his slumber.
The Demon Lord’s Castle and the cursed prince (Wilfrid)

Not long after she was done training under Damian, a demon lord from the world of Enhyria summoned Lia to work for her **. Curious and excited to become a guardian this fast, Lia decided to answer this call, and would then work under her new lord as the guardian of his castle.

Lia thoroughly enjoyed this work, although found it a little unfair she, who by all means was stronger than the lord himself, would guard his castle: surely it should be the other way around, with her being the first test, and the lord being the final boss for the heroes. However, she liked her workplace and befriended everyone living in the castle, and spent a good 100 years there in total, before the lord decided to move on with life and live in a human village instead.

During her years working under the lord, however, was when Lia met Wilfrid, her first trainee. He was a curious prince of the neighboring kingdom, a youth with a strange curse that altered the physical sex of his body. Wanting to prove everyone he was a man despite the state of his physical form, the young prince tried to challenge Lia to prove her worth - only, understandably, to fail. However, much to her surprise, Wilfrid would always come back to challenge her, and eventually he confessed to her he wants to defeat her so that people would think of him as a man.

Lia, saddened by this, found herself starting to teach the young man not only to fight, but to also understand his own worth. She’d guide him both on weapon training grounds and in his more private life, helping him to understand he was indeed a man, and for this to be true he didn’t need to defeat any demon lord or become the strongest man in the kingdom. As the two didn’t live or travel together and it was Lia’s first time mentoring someone, their training was very casual, but extremely important to Wilfrid. Eventually, out of his own desire, Wilfrid left the kingdom for his own adventure to a neighboring kingdom to investigate an old curse, and bid farewell to Lia, thanking her for everything she had done for him.
The Trio Of Heroes (Arles, Lukas and Marcus)

When Lia was done as the castle guard, she’d travel the world around for a while to gain more experience and forge new connections. The universe of Enhyria was likewise a delightful one and she enjoyed her time there, happy she didn’t need to hide herself and her demonic origins, unlike in Hymnia, where demons by default went unless summoned elsewhere. She would also train a couple more youth during this time, noticeably a group of boys called Arles, Lukas and Marcus.

During her travels she visited the safehouse for boys a dragon called Baphomet and his partner Eugene had set up. She had met Baphomet earlier, when he had still been a human, and so the two were friends with each other, Lia filling the man in about the matters of the world around his safehouse, as the dragon would rarely venture outside of his home fields.

Already having quite the reputation, Lia was approached by a boy named Arles, who asked her to train him to become stronger. Initially hesitant, when Lia heard about the back story of the boy and just how passionate he was about becoming the captain of his home country’s army, she agreed. With him his friends Lukas and Marcus also joined, but as the two boys were clearly not fighters, Lia taught them other things: to Lukas she bestowed with her wisdom and knowledge of the world, and would teach him what she knew about politics and ways to make decisions wisely. To Marcus, who was a trans man still struggling with his identity and the feelings surrounding his gender, Lia offered support similar to she had done to Wilfrid years ago.

But it was Arles who she taught everything she had, and he would be the one carrying her full legacy with him. He had the disposition of someone fit to be a king, and although it was not what he wanted, Lia had the feeling Arles would not be able to escape the crown and throne that were still waiting for him in his home country, as one of the legitimate heirs to the throne. And so, fearing Arles would have to become a king were he to return, Lia made sure to equip him with everything she just could.

After done with the tree and seeing them grow into fine young adults, Lia parted ways with them and would continue her travels again.
Troubadour and kaš ni-an (Keith and Kašimir)

However, she would once more be called when someone in Enhyria wished to summon her, and out of curiosity she decided to take a look at who could potentially be her new master. But what awaited Lia was not a lord or a king of any sort, but a small boy no older than 10. He was trapped in a cellar of his home while the rest of the house was burning, and on the other side of the door lied his sister, who had sacrificed herself in order to protect her younger brother, her blood flowing inside the cellar from under the door.

Feeling pity for this sickly child who no longer had a family, Lia decided to help him out and saved the boy - however, she could not save his family, for Lia had no way to bring back the dead. Scared for the future of this boy who had witnessed his family being murdered, Lia somehow found herself becoming something of his caretaker. Knowing what it was like being sick and frail, Lia wanted to at least help the boy get back on his feet in life, and the two would then become travelers.

Lia raised the child as a mentor rather than a mother of any sort, but she was always very openly affectionate and caring towards the boy, and would be there for him as he struggled to move on from the death of his family. But rather than a fighter, Keith would become a troubadour, and Lia would support this decision, glad he found his calling. She’d still help him train his body, but rather than for fighting, it was for Keith to feel more comfortable with himself, and to help combat the damage his childhood illnesses had done to his body.

When Keith was already a young adult and at the peak of his independence, he and Lia took a young boy named Kašimir under their wing. A kaš ni-an child, the two would travel with the young boy for two years while teaching him how to survive. Their relationship was not perhaps the deepest, but Lia got very much attached to this boy as well, and since the beginning had the feeling he would end up doing something great as older, and thus needed the proper guidance for it. Kašimir enjoyed his two years with the two travelers until it was his time to part ways.

Magical boys



  • An extremely skilled swordsman, Lia uses double swords and has trained herself to be ambidextrous for maximum accuracy and weapon handling. She summons her weapons from her dimension pocket that fits exactly three items in total, and thus she isn't usually seen carrying her swords unless she actually needs them.

  • Although physically strong in her own right, Lia still relies more on technique than raw strength alone. However, despite her seemingly fragile appearance, she’s quite muscular and has spent practically all her life training herself, making her someone not to be challenged casually.

  • As a common demon, Lia is very agile and very playful, similarly to a cat: demons of her kind usually play even as grown ups, and enjoy training their reflexes by chasing and jumping at things. Her race also makes her very curious and youthful in her personality.

  • Uses her tail to balance herself.


  • *Her age greatly varies in her stories, as she’s a character who sticks around for decades in-canon. However, I will, by default, use her most “current” version who mentors the magical boy group.

  • **The reason Lia could be summoned to Enhyria is because she’s from a family that partially originates from this realm: they were universe hoppers with their own family sign, and Lia can be called upon if one knows their family sign. She doesn’t need to respond and can decline an offer, but usually she doesn’t.

  • As for how the signs exist, the types of her ancient demon ancestors often served humans and let them summon them as powerful servants, usually in exchange of their life energy or something else. Lia, however, is considered a common demon of the demon realm and has no powers of her ancestors - it’s only the family sign that binds her.

  • She was born and raised in the demon realm, which by default is linked to the universe of Hymnia. However, demons can be summoned to other worlds as well, and in Lia’s case she’s been mostly in Enhyria, until she started training the group of magical boys in Hymnia.

  • Never uses her full name, and is called Lia by everyone. This has no special meaning to it; she just thinks the shorter name is better.

  • Originally created in early 2014. Lia is one of the lore-heaviest characters I have and plays a crucial role in several stories as a mentor to my characters.