Dallon (D&D AU)



1 year, 7 months ago


I play Dallon as a D&D character for an ongoing campaign, but not regular Dallon! In this universe, he is a lot more edgy. 

Dallon grew up poor, stealing just to get by. He was brought up in his city's Thieves' Guild, where he moved up the ranks quickly due to his incredible stealth and agility. One night, while he was breaking into an herb shop in the dead of night (a guy's gotta eat), he was caught by the shopkeep, Mr. Marhaven. The two formed a strong bond, Marhaven acting like a pseudo-father figure to Dallon. After gaining some power in the Guild, he took up the mercenary business to make a little extra cash. This also led him to travel outside of city limits, sometimes not returning for several months (the last time he saw Marhaven was as he was leaving for one of these trips, nearly six months ago).

One fateful evening, however, he was caught stealing a precious artifact from one of Dragar's(the lord of the underworld) shrines. Instead of being killed then and there, Dallon convinced the god to allow him two fortnights to find an object of equal value. Dragar agreed, shackling his neck with an hourglass displaying the amount of time he had left, and sent Dallon into the world again. 

That was four months ago. The hourglass has been finished counting for some time now. Dallon doesn't know if or when Dragar will find him, but he still keeps a low profile out of fear.