Eli (D&D AU)



1 year, 2 months ago


I played Eli in a D&D oneshot one time, mostly because I wanted to play a spellcaster for a change, but I ended up getting really attached to his design. His backstory is still a work in progress, but here's what I have so far: 

Elijah Crowthorn Woodberry is a drow, born with a rare defect of dark curled hair(because idk magic stfu). He grew up living in a series of dark caverns with the rest of his tribe, until he grew dissatisfied with the enclosed cave life of the drow. He was also tired of his race being treated as villains, so he studied necromancy (the only books his tribe had) to become a kind-hearted adventurer. He's incredibly naive, but endlessly curious with life outside the drow's caves. He's also a bit of a dummy (high intelligence, low wisdom), but he means well. (his party members have a tendency to get on his nerves, but he's comfortable being angry with them because of how close-knit the group is)

Also, he got his outfit from a local party store, where he looked for anything that was labeled "necromancer costume". He gets mocked for his getup a lot.