


1 year, 4 months ago


˗ˏˋ ELI ˊˎ˗

The Quiet Salamander



June 6th

A street entertainer with his twin brother, Troy! Eli is the more reserved and colder one of the two, often being distrusting of people at a glance and taking a bit of time to warm up to others. He is very close with Troy, and is seen with him very often. They do not like being apart from each other, it seems.

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  • He can produce fire and control it, y’know, your basic pyrokinesis things. He can make funny little things out of fire! He likes making animals, specifically cats and bunnies. He’s not resistant to his own ability, so he can easily hurt himself if he’s not careful.
  • He has a corruption that amplifies physical pain, and another one that caused cracks to stem from his left eye. He is also blind in that eye.
  • Due to being sensitive to sound, he is almost always seen with noise-reducing headphones on. His ears are pointy underneath his headphones.


Calm / Stubborn / Distrusting

Within an abandoned city outside the CPU, old bits of code can be seen scattered around the area. One day, an abundance of this old code gathered up in a moist area, manifesting the creation of two salamander bytes; a pair of identical twins. One came out energetic, ready to take on the world. The other one was hesitant, clearly afraid of the world they were born into. At that moment, the older twin started looking out for the younger one more. These two would later be known as Troy and Eli.

At first, they were unsure what to do with their lives. With abilities so powerful and chaotic like theirs, there were all sorts of possibilities. No matter what they did, their abilities were too unstable and out of control whenever they used them, causing them to be seen as a hazard to most people. Nobody wanted them around. They were also deemed strange by many, due to walking on all fours, their strange appearances, and their inability to speak at first. They only had each other to rely on. Everyone else didn’t matter. But eventually, they settled on something.

Troy took the lead, and began using his ability to mess with people. It provided him with enjoyment— seeing the fear on everybody’s faces as an unknown force was messing with them. Eli followed his lead, not knowing what else to do. After a little while, he began to find some enjoyment in scaring others as well. The two found something they could do, and they enjoyed it to the fullest. Virus or byte, they pranked anyone they could. Occasionally stole from the people they pranked to obtain supplies. Even destroyed a couple buildings in the area. But they took their pranking too far, and messed with the wrong people in the process.

One night, they were jumped and corrupted by a group of viruses. It could’ve gone worse if Troy hadn’t snapped, killing their attackers. Eli got the worse end of the corruption. The first one was his pain amplifier, which only made his second corruption feel worse. Eli’s second corruption was blindness in his left eye, and a crack-like pattern forming on the left side of his face. Troy didn’t figure out his own corruption until a few days after. The tasty food that Eli recently learned how to make had suddenly tasted so bland—no, it tasted like nothing. It only felt like mush in his mouth. Eli temporarily refused to leave the abandoned building the twins had made shelter in after the incident. Troy left him alone for a period of time to give him some space.

Wandering alone in the CPU, Troy searched for something. Something that could give himself and Eli a spark to move forward. One day, he found people giving a little street performance. People utilizing their unique talents to entertain a crowd. It looked fun. It was the spark the two needed. With that, Troy excitedly headed home after watching all sorts of people show off what they could do. After Troy convinced Eli to leave their place and watch some performances together, he warmed up to the idea as well and seemed equally excited as Troy was. The two worked hard together to properly control their abilities and learned to do all sorts of things to entertain others. Magic tricks, acrobatic stunts…they did a variety of things to make people happy. Happiness is contagious, too… when you see others smiling from ear to ear, you’re naturally inclined to do the same as well.

  • sweet, soft food
  • quiet places
  • woodcarving
  • loud places
  • bitter food
  • the cold








(Twin Brother)

Eli’s older twin brother. Since he’s the louder and more friendly one of the two, he handles most of the talking. Most of the time, these two are together - it’s odd seeing only one of them alone.

They hardly have any “real” arguments, and they don’t typically get angry at one another. They’re very close, and according to Troy, they have “An unbreakable bond”.

They love each other, and are willing to do anything to protect one another.

Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, their time together is cut short.



(Good Friend)

When they first met, Asher needed a place to stay, so Troy offered for him to stay at their place! Eli was against this idea initially, but was convinced by Troy to let him in.

At first, Eli avoided interacting with Asher unless needed. Eli’s cold and distrustful attitude stopped the two from being friends for a while.

Eventually though, Eli did warm up to Asher, even making him a friendship bracelet at one point.

Once Troy dies due to an unfortunate deal, Asher is one of the first people Eli turns to for support.



(Good Friend)

Eli finds Cheatcode very fun to talk to and hang around. He feels his mood slightly lift whenever Cheatcode’s around. He’s not scared of Cheatcode’s corrupted arm, Sebastian, either. Eli actively feeds it food. Cheatcode also gets a friendship bracelet from Eli at some point!

After Troy’s death, Cheatcode gives Eli a salamander plushie resembling Troy. Eli is thankful for the gift and it never leaves his side.



(Good Friend)

Eli met Breaker as a little guy a little while after Troy died! Eli lets Breaker stay at his place, partially because Eli doesn't want to be alone but also because Breaker is a little guy he might die due to someone's impulsive thoughts to stomp on him.



(Good Friend)

A little while ago, Algo moved into the abandoned town that Eli and Troy lived in, so the three of them became neighbours. Eli was the first to discover Algo and enjoys messing around with him.

After Troy’s death, he appreciates Algo spending more time with him.




A little kid that Eli doesn’t want to see hurt. Kanik sort of reminds Eli how he acted when he was younger.




To be discussed har har har!




To be discussed! Har har har!




A shopkeeper that Troy and Eli often visit for supplies. Eli insists on going to Pixel's mostly for the soft marshmallow snacks they always give him.


Yellow with an X in his right eye, black in his left eye.
Cold / Distrusting
212 lbs (tail is 25pounds)
  • Eli has four fingers! The finger he's missing is the pinky finger.
  • Usually, Eli has his hair over his eye due to a crack-like pattern surrounding his left eye.
  • He is based off a fire salamander!