Matthias Kane



1 year, 4 months ago



Co-Owner of Under The Rocks Bar. Biker. Minimalist Pioneer.

Basic Info

AGE 37 (September 21st)
SEXUALITY Butch Lesbian


Mauris mattis sed turpis a ultricies. Sed vestibulum consectetur urna vel tincidunt. In tempor ac ligula sed ultrices. Phasellus elementum ligula sem, id blandit orci fermentum sit amet. Sed ultrices volutpat mi, vitae maximus est tincidunt vitae. Fusce interdum mattis libero, vel maximus velit tincidunt quis. Curabitur ac ex in eros lobortis porta. Donec faucibus sit amet elit et fringilla. Aenean tristique vitae eros non sagittis. Nulla facilisi.


A Louisiana native, Matthias exudes Southern Comfort, always acting polite and hospitable right up until the very last moment. Her patience for bullshit is near-bottomless and their expectations have always been on the floor. They’ll tolerate a lot in return for very little, which often results in resentment for people or circumstances. There isn’t much they want or need in life; in fact there are but a handful of things she values, but she will defend those with her life, without question.


Matthias moved to New York City in her 20’s to start a new life somewhere she could be invisible and save money to send her younger brother to college. Nearly a decade passes before they meet someone who embraces her into Clan Brujah, opening a door to another world hidden just under Brooklyn’s surface. Despite the sacrifices made to live the unlife of a vampire, Matthias is largely content with their lifestyle and the distance it brings from society and other people, until mysterious forces begin to encroach upon her territory and her loved ones.


  • Some fucking peace and quiet
  • Leather jackets
  • Hot summer air
  • Long drives
  • Being needed


  • Double texters
  • Overhead lights
  • Ants
  • Confinement
  • Lack of respect



Matthias’ sire and best friend. They met eight years ago and she embraced him after it became too dangerous for her to get close to a mortal. He keeps her grounded and stable, as she is prone to withdrawing into her own head and growing lonely and paranoid, and enjoys being devoted to her. He’s a bit too practical for his own good, however, and doesn’t realize she is deeply obsessed with him, under the impression that he’s doing her a favor by doing her dirty work and keeping her company.

Diego Rivera

Matthias’ younger brother. He was embraced shortly after moving to New York City to live closer to him, and forced to drop out of college to adjust to his new undeath. Matthias is secretly glad for an excuse to finally spend time with him again, and is frustrated with the perceived obligation to tend to Diego and keep him safe. Since Diego assumes his embrace was Raleigh’s doing, Matthias is forced to live two separate lives.


The other member of the Coterie. Matthias is still quite suspicious of the Toreador, and doesn’t quite understand the intricacies of the other clan’s way of life, but entertains herself by asking Eros endless probing questions about their relationship to their Sire whenever possible.