


1 year, 4 months ago


Phiren Incendier
The Cunning Inferno

Name Phiren
Age 27 y.o.
Pronouns she/her
Height 5'9"
Race Hylian
Class Rogue
Sexuality Bisexual

"Phiren is a very caring and noble woman, albeit with her fair share of flaws. She has a lot of love to give and doesn't hesitate to share that love with those who intrigue her--men and women alike. She's a female leaning bisexual, and so those who know of her sexuality within the noble community look upon her with disdain or envy. Although capable of striking down any who oppose her, she's an absolute bleeding heart towards people and animals alike. When she sees somebody in need, she'll often do anything in her power to help them. This is especially true with the servants that live alongside her."

  • Fancy Clothes
  • Plants & Gardening
  • Submissiveness
  • Spending Money
  • Messes
  • Loose Ends
  • Disloyalty
  • Possessiveness

Phiren comes from a noble family known for their battle expertise and understanding of weapons, war, and other adjacent topics. Her childhood was spent dedicating herself to maintaining her place as the heiress to their family name. However, she soon came to realize just how much she could get away with without getting in trouble due to how utterly capable and impressive her younger brother became. As a teenager, she began to find herself and grow as a person. She learned of love, of romance, and of the combat of the shadows. Investing her time in becoming agile and acrobatic, she learned hidden techniques of those who snuck through the shadows to take as they pleased. Quickly, she simply grew accustomed to accepting that her position of heiress would be taken by her younger brother. Steadily over her years, she grew more and more distant from her brother for reasons undisclosed. Ever since, she began living in her own mansion a fair distant away from her family.


Aryll (Her Strong Beauty)

"Aryll is a woman Phiren took in to teach the ropes and assist her in understanding how to be a proper noblewoman. She brings Aryll just about anywhere she goes--especially due to her incredible skill in physical combat, should the need arise."
Karliah (Her Hand-Maiden)

"Karliah is a woman she brought from her family home to support her from now through the future. She's practically a second-hand in maintaining her home and work, although far more the former than the latter."
Nessa (Her Chef)

"Nessa Folia is a woman she took in soon after relocating to her new home. She is the one in primary charge of making food, making necessary lists of ingredients, and making sure everyone in the home is fed."
Reina (Her Housekeeper)

"Reina Ayers is a gentle soul who Phiren took in several years ago. Ever since becoming her maid, she has worked primarily in household duties such as cleaning, dusting, and mopping. She excels in her job, and makes sure the home is as pristine as possible."
Tytus (Her Butler)

"Tytus Neal is a man who Phiren brought into her home some time ago. Since joining the family, he has done everything in his power to help out with chores, and primarily assists in taking notes on what all needs to be done around the house at any given time."
Kasen (Her Gardener)

"Kasen is a young male she took in not too long ago, but has grown rather close to him. They bond in many aspects--primarily in terms of their love in plants and gardening. He takes charge in making sure plants are taken care of well both inside and out."
Esmeray (Her Nurse)

"Esmeray Emre is a young woman who has been with Phiren for quite some time, and is exceptionally proficient in her skills with medicine and illness. She makes sure that everyone in the home is healthy--and if not, does all she can to treat them in the best way she knows possible."
Kleo (Her Dear Friend)

"Kleo is a fellow noblewoman whom Phiren has known since she was very young. They met as young teenagers, and quickly fell into close friendship that lead into even more. Although it is not spoken of publically, Kleo was Phiren's bisexual awakening and helped her to understand who she truly was. Although they've grown slightly distant since then, they continue to be close friends whom Phiren would do everything in her power to keep safe."