


1 year, 4 months ago


Name: Yvonne

Birthday: 01/29 (2023)

Region/Affiliation: Mondstadt 

Vision: Dendro

Weapon: Catalyst

Constellation: Argentum Arca (Silver Coffin)



Whenever anyone catches a glimpse of Yvonne, it is normally their cue to be on guard, perhaps standing up a little bit straighter. Though she has a quiet, elegant exterior, when she faces anything that she dislikes— her expression may morph into one of disgust. In the past, it was not uncommon to always see her with a scowl or frown, but nowadays she seems to be in a better mood— there’s even a hint of a smile sometimes. 

At large, she is still a woman of great mystery. Though her exact age is unknown, Yvonne makes it very clear that she has been around for a long, long time— expecting others to treat her respectfully. Though she is currently living on the outskirts of Wolvendom (away from the majority of noise,) she is usually seen often in the Mondstadt graveyard on moonlit nights. Other than these events and her occasional herb foraging, she rarely leaves her home. If you get too close to her property, you can catch her glaring at people through her window like a grumpy old man. For that reason, many call her a mean old witch. 

Currently she is getting by as a herbalist, creating potions, ointments and serums. Due to an incident, she had become obsessed with cures and contacting the deceased, but to no avail. (The closest she has gotten were the creation of her healing medicines and anti-aging/health products, which have become quite successful.) Or so the rumor goes. 

Personality Traits/ Other: 

Wise, insightful, rational. Will complain and scold when you’re sick, but will take care of you to the fullest-kind of person. Stubborn, blunt, honest— can have a bit of a temper. Has a soft spot for children and pitiful souls, which brings out her motherly instincts. Hard to open up, but very loyal in close relationships. 

Yvonne is surprisingly awkward when conversing with others; When things aren’t going well, she finds herself snapping at them harshly. After cooling off, it’s a very common sight to see her regret her actions, appearing anxious. She is simply terrible at expressing herself especially when she is trying to show gratitude or apologies. In this sense, she prefers to show her thoughts through actions instead of words, like gifts. 

Nags at people often when it’s about their well-being and tidiness. When angered, her words become almost much more severe. 

She keeps herself busy to distract herself. Enjoys embroidering and cooking. If you receive anything from Yvonne, it’s a definite sign she approves of you. 

Yvonne’s favorite thing to do is garden. She takes great pride in her garden (fenced and protected with vines, too.) Even from a distance, anyone can see it has been well taken care of, from vegetables, fruits and exotic flowers. Many children say it is magical, straight out of a fairytale story.