


1 year, 2 months ago


Name: Caelus

Birthday: 03/21 (2023)

Region/Affiliation: Mondstadt 

Vision: Hydro

Weapon: Polearm

Constellation: Mane Gloria (Morning Glory) 



A young man that hails from a wealthy, but suffocating family. He left Fontaine in hopes he can fulfill his dream of becoming a painter, and is now struggling in an entirely different way.

Personality Traits/Other: 

Unintentionally funny, so he makes people laugh. He has no idea why. Usually has a depressed/weary expression. Sometimes seen crying dramatically (pathetically.) 

Not exactly clumsy but makes mistakes a lot— always tries his best to fix his errors. He has a thoughtful air about him that makes it look like he’s always spacing out. He has awful posture, causing Yvonne to nag at him. Has trouble sleeping. 

Easily intimidated and easy to take advantage of. Caelus has unknowingly perfected his crying expression— it’s common for those harassing him to feel bad because he just looks so pitiful. 

Gets very focused when he’s concentrating on a subject— almost as if he’s a different person. 

His art style isn’t realistic, which also caused many to look down on him for “not taking art seriously.” He uses simplistic shapes and bright colours (stylistic inspiration is Mary Blair.)