Princess Coraline



1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info








Princess of Reeftopia



Coraline is the princess of the undersea kingdom of Reeftopia, which is a bit far off of Scurvy Bay. While at the front she seems like a kind soul, she’s actually a cruel, cunning, manipulative bitch that has an almost tyrannical rule over the kingdom, to the point her subjects both adore and fear her.

She's very vain and materialistic, but she's also quite diplomatic, befitting someone in a political position, and is very composed when facing difficult decisions in the name of her kingdom.

🪸 - Her parents, Queen Cordelia and King Thadal, died when she was a teenager and thus she took up the role as ruler of the kingdom.

🪸 - She is the oldest of four sisters [Tina, Cherrie, and Titania] and one brother [Todd], they manage the surrounding areas of Reeftopia.

🪸 - While Bottlenose is always chasing after women that catch his eye, Coraline is THE object of his affection, because she is pretty much his "ideal" woman, unfortunately for him Coraline prefers them as "just friends", and by friends I mean "useful and gullible guy that does things for her".

🪸 - Has a fascination with gems and the like, she has a large vault where she stores the many gems she has acquired and knows a lot of their geology.

🪸 - Hates being touched without her permission, she WILL punish someone if they dare do that.

🪸 - Big stash of medieval weaponry, mostly to comically bash people in the heads with.

🪸 - Has that smug, snobby rich woman energy, enjoys only the fanciest wines and the finest of clothing.

🪸 - In terms of tolerance to the trio, she likes Snippy [and Clamp], neutral/not on good terms with Otto, and is eternally annoyed at Bottlenose when he's not making himself useful and instead being a pest.

🪸 - Her castle, referred to as Coral Castle, is set in the middle of Reeftopia and is the largest, most prominent building there.