


6 years, 1 month ago


햇볕 (sun's-rays)


A forest spirit who accidentally led Noel to their death. Guilt-stricken, she secretly followed them around for a few months, often providing a distraction whenever they got into trouble. After Noel noticed her, they gave her a nickname (햇볕) and treated her like a younger sibling, earning her fierce loyalty. Being skittish around other humans, she rarely shows herself unless she and Noel are alone.

Skills and Abilities


Though 햇볕 is a master of illusions, she primarily uses them to hide herself within human society. Being very wary, she only fully drops this guise after midnight, when she's sure no one will notice. Of course, this can backfire...


햇볕 can take a human form, usually for short periods. The longer she holds the transformation, the less convincing it is, parts of her disguise peeling away until only her animal form is left.

Interdimensional travel

When she is truly in danger, 햇볕 can access a pocket dimension, completely vanishing from reality. This strains her immensely; she only uses it as a last resort, i.e. if she's unable to summon her illusions for whatever reason.


Pumpkin leaf

햇볕 places this leaf on her head and spins three times to transform into a human, leaving a green streak in her hair. She doesn't need this particular leaf, honestly, but it seems to comfort her.

Hoard of shiny things

햇볕's collection of trinkets consists of a handful of scavenged rings, bracelets and a crescent moon necklace Noel gave her as a keepsake. She's always on the lookout for more things to add.

Smaller forest spirits

"What's in your pants?" If you're 햇볕, spirits - at least one of her suspicious brethen hitches a ride on her clothes or fur whenever she ventures into the city. They don't have much power on their own, but everything goes back to the forest, one way or another.


Noel Corbeau

Party leader

Chira Nikkelson

Party follower

Theia Keighley

The enemy