Taylor Kaine



6 years, 2 months ago


The true star of the show, the jack of all trades, the namesake herself, Taylor Kaine. 

Appearance- This sweet summer child stands at 5'2", dark brown hair, bangs to the right side, turquoise blue eyes with hazel around her pupils, and oh so many freckles. This poor dear is endowed with quite a large chest, and her short stature does just about nothing for her.

Age - She looks to be in her early twenties

Sexuality - Demisexual Biromantic

Species - Hybrid - Half-Angel Half-Demon

Occupation - Owns and runs Eden's Bookstore, Freelance Mercenary 

Personality: Taylor is stubborn, but at the same time she is a bit of a soft soul. She is unbelievably affectionate and needy, she thrives on giving affection and one of her greatest faults is that she trusts too easily. She is devoted to those around her, and her self sacrificial nature bleeds through in her every action. If given a chance to protect the ones she loves, she would actively put herself in danger without hesitation. That being said Taylor is also incredibly impulsive, often times relying on those around her to be her impulse control. Carrying on with the zero impulse control, she has a habit of being a bit of a playful rival. If you hurt or upset the people she cares about, you will be left with a sadistic and cold woman who will act without mercy.

General Information:
     Going on, this kid ain't human. So physically she is going to age until she is 25, and then she stops. Like Dmitrius, she cannot die of old age, or sickness really, meaning she needs to be killed by outside measures to get rid of her. She was raised outside of the societies of heaven and hell, and thus far has continued to be shunned by them, banned from going to either realm because she is 'unclean'. Hybrids aren't supposed to exist after all. Taylor is fine with this, she can travel through the realms, though she never has. She sticks with earth, she sticks with the mortal realm, it's what she knows. She has no role in either society, being an outcast and was an outcast since birth, so Kaine makes her own way. Dmitrius is her godfather and adoptive father according to the human world.
    For a solid chunk of her early life, until around the age of 11, she was under the impression she was 100% human, mortal, and ordinary. A slight mishap happened, Dmitirus found her out, and took her under his wing. Taylor prefers to continue to front as human, having some employers still under the impression she isn't anything other than a gun for hire, or to protect. But rumors are wild, and words spread like fire. Is she human, is she not? Only few people actually know the truth.
    She regenerates rather quickly, not as fast as Dmitrius, but she is still young. Taylor has affinities, though they can only be used when she is using either her demonic or angelic sides. Meaning, she has to go from her normal, human front, to either being influenced by her demonic or angelic blood, which causes physical changes to her body. With demonic her eyes turn purple, sclera going black, and she can control shadows, making physical objects from them, or conjuring armor and the like. With angelic, her eyes glow a brighter blue, and she can do the same thing as the shadows, but with light particles and photons.
    She has an incredible sweet tooth... Or just tooth. She loves food, all kinds of food, but honestly sweets are still her favourite. If you want to win her over, or bribe her into a job, get her a real nice dinner and she might just be putty in your hands. She also loves reading, owning a book store and all, and she has a bit of a fondness for knives and other weapons, the more intricate the better. Kaine has an avid eye for details, and she likes shiny things. Taylor is easily pleased.
    If there has been no clear indications of being untrustworthy, Kaine will trust someone implicitly until they give her a reason not to. That being said, that is a bad fault to have considering her night job. She wants to clear her city of gang violence, but you know, gets employed by the local mob. She has quite a few enemies because of this.
     Tying in with the blind trust, Miss Kaine has a slight habit of harmless swooning over the Worst Men, like the charming-can-kill-you type of Worst. In her line of work, there can be quite a few. So Kaine gets herself in trouble more often than she would like to admit. She likes to show her teasing affection in the form of being a defiant little shit. If they can hurt her, she wants them to, she wants to push all the buttons, she wants to make them act on their emotions, she wants to be on their mind, because who wouldn't? She gets a bit starry eyed when her teasing and defiance have consequences, a bit like a deer in headlights.  In another world perhaps, a consequence of her actions could've been death itself, and becoming a doll for a certain circus

    Sophir is a high ranking demon, she runs the order of knights in Hell, she and her husband are good mutual friends with Dmitrius, which is how Taylor was placed into his care. Sophir is one hierarchical rank below Dmitrius and there's a lot of friendly banter between them. Sophir is prideful and attentive. She will never meet her daughter.
   Marcaius is the head of the Angelic Garrison, which is the counterpart of Sophir's job. He has kept a close eye on Dmitrius' mortal family, and is good friends with him. He is the sturdiest and most stubborn angel out of the entire Garrison.  He refuses to let anything deter or incapacitate him, which has evidently passed down to Taylor. He will never meet his daughter.
    Dmitrius Kaine, the smoke demon, head Warden of Hell. Adoptive father, and godfather, he is her only parental figure and has trained her throughout the years to help her protect herself and by her request, teach her how to do her job better.  

High key this is also just my sona