
1 year, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Romeo Glanador


Male - Transgender


Mid 20s




5'10ft/178cm - not including horns


Anthropomorphic Spanish Fighting Bull/Highland Cow




Born and raised a victor, he's spirited, fearless and gallant; he is literally incapable of turning down a fight. He's far from a sore loser as he still maintains his pride while admitting defeat, although, too many loses in a row and he can get greatly demotivated.

Date of Birth

April 2nd



-He lives in a somewhat normal-looking semi detached house and is studying to become an engineer, he uses his job as a tattooist to make some extra money but is just as passionate about it.

-He is a good tonal artist, he mainly draws machinery and diagrams relating to them but, sometimes, he practices figure drawing and is decent at sketching a few species of ungulates.

-He regularly answers Jeremy's questions about art and engineer, he gave him a handful of gold once and then never again when he told him that it wasn't necessary to compensate every time, he even paid Jeremy back for that time.

-Hangnail has taught him the basics of using a wood axe as a weapon, he scares the shit out of his friends with how good he is at it.

-His last name is one letter off from the spanish masculine word 'winner'. Because of this, his friends sometimes call him 'Romeo the Winner' or 'Champion Romeo', Hangnail is the only one who calls him 'Champ'.

-He is vegetarian for the sole reason that he just hates the taste of meat, red meat especially as he finds the texture and taste gross.

-He considers Wilbur a friend and somewhat of an engineering mentor to him, he doesn't understand how he can handle having so many siblings as he himself can't even handle having two younger brothers.

-He got a zune as a christmas gift years ago and still uses it to listen to music despite owning better technology.

-While not as good as Olivia, he can play the acoustic guitar pretty decently. However, he's better at playing the harmonica since he got one from his aunt when he was little.

-He has a boatload of sketchbooks that range from A6 to A2. They're mainly sketches of machines, deers and anatomy practices, but there's also the occasional drawing of a steampunk robot deer.

-He absolutely loves animations and cartoons, when he was younger, he wanted to be an animator, however, he slowly lost interest in that career. He still watches them as he finds them conforming(idea from Crumbcake).

-He owns three pet monk parakeets, a couple of ring-necked parakeets and a couple of mandarin ducks. He loves birds and has a whole room dedicated to them, he also has an avirary for his ducks(idea from Crumbcake).

-He likes to doodle when he's bored, he tries to see if they're any papers and stuff around but will sometimes draw on his clothes and even horns. All of them are of machine parts based on ones he'd seen while watching professional enigeers do their work(idea from EucalyptusThyme).

-Sometimes, he goes on long walks whenever he's stressed as a way to cool down(idea from sojka).


-His floppy ears are not usual for his species, this is because he has one very distant ancestor that had floppy ears and no-one else in his family did until he was born.