


1 year, 4 months ago


Show Me How
Men I Trust


Name Ophelia
Nicknames/Aliases Ophie, Kitten, Scrawny
Age Young Adult
Gender Female ( she/her )
Species Maine Coon/Toyger
Residence The Arcturus Kingdom
Magic Electricity
Sexuality Lesbian
Occupation Princess

Designer tednation
Worth yo mama
  • She has a big head! So much knowledge and anxiety is stored there

  • Despite her species she's tiny and skinny, hopefully as she gets older she'll grow.

  • Drawing her without her jewelry and cape is fine! She'll be happier without it.

  • Her eyes are always big and scared unless she's with Neela.

  • The green markings on her body are like a tigers.

  • The gem on her head was part of an experiment to give her powers! Looks like it worked.


Unlike her father, Ophelia is very anxious and scared of her position as a princess. She knows she's not as large or strong like her father and worries she'd just bring Arcturus to ruin. Despite her parents lineage of larger cats she seems to be one of the smallest out of the family, she's extremely self concious about this fact.

Because of her anxiousness she rarely speaks to those from other kingdoms, only ever really talking to Neela or King Hyperbole if it's necessary, though she'd rather not. If she could she'd run far away from her duties as a princess to live a normal life but she doesn't want to be a disappointment to her father.

She knows shes a coward at heart and always has been. She envies Neela's more optimistic attitude and truly wants to get stronger for the two and their relationship, she just doesn't know if she's capable of it.

  • Neela

  • Reading

  • Queen Deka's cooking

  • Her mother

  • Making fun of her size

  • Large crowds

  • Being princess

  • The outside



The Arcturus Kingdom is known for being a long lasting kingdom of tigers. Many of the rulers were tigers or descendants to them. The current king, Demetrius, is no different. He stands tall and proud for his kingdom and is well respected by other kingdoms. His daughter is the possible end to that leniege of respected leaders in Arcturus.

Years ago, King Demetrius met a woman from outside the kingdom, a traveler named Aelia. She was a tiger just like him and they bonded over this, growing their relationship till Demetrius ultimately married her and soon had a kitten with her. Ophelia was much smaller than other kittens but they assumed she'd grow to be much bigger.

In Ophelia's younger years, Demetrius often took care of her while Aelia took care of their alliances to other kingdoms, she was an extremely good negotiator and one of the reasons the alliance with the Shama kingdom is so strong, befriending the Queen, Deka. Demetrius was sure that his family would continue to grow in later years.

During all this Ophelia was still growing but at a very slow pace, it was worrying to Demetrius but Aelia reassured him it was only because she was still a kit.


Years later, Ophelia was around 6 years old. A rival kingdom of wolves attacked Arcturus, starting a war between the two. Demetrius made sure to be on the front lines with his people as they fought while Aelia made sure to get Ophelia to safety.

Queen Aelia was always a strong individual, people argued her strength could rival the Merga kingdom's own power. But, as age got to her, her strength weakened over time. Wolves had infiltrated the castle and Aelia had to make the decision between her life or Ophelia's, of course she chose her daughters.

Ophelia was hidden away but could see what her mother had to go through just to protect her, she doesn't remember the full event only bits and pieces of what happened to her mother. She remembers Demetrius finding her hiding and opening his mouth but not what he said to her. She remembers her mothers body on the ground unable to move at all and cats surrounding her to the point where she couldn't see a thing.

Losing Queen Aelia was a dreadful time for the Arcturus kingdom and the misery could be felt all around the kingdom, the Shama kingdom had offered to bury her remains with remnants of magical artifacts, allowing her spirit to travel with no issue. This made the kingdoms alliance grow even stronger, the princesses were seen together much more often after this too.


Ophelia now worries she may have the same fate as her mother at some point but, she knows she has to grow strong for those around her and if she wants to continue living she needs to be more confident as well.

She's heard of Neela possibly going on a journey to find her kingdom a cure, she plans on joining her and proving to herself she can be strong just like her parents.


  • Her and Neela are around the same size currently! Neela is heavier though.

  • Despite being tiny and scrawny, she can be very fast and agile but, she doesn't use this to her advantage.

  • Plays with her tail if she's bored.

  • She wants to marry Neela openly someday but she hasn't told her about it.


King Demetrius

Ophelia respects and fears her father.

She knows he's disappointed in her and doesn't need to say it, only giving her a cold glare. Sometimes she wishes her father would disown her instead of making her feel worse about how she was born.

Despite all this she still does love him, just from afar.

Queen Aleia

Although most of her memories of her are gone she still cries knowing she's dead, always remembering what she looks like. She wishes she was stronger like her mother was, instead she's only seen as a kit.

Most of the knowledge about her mother she gets know is word of mouth.

Princess Neela
Secret Lover

Some may think she's a bit obsessed with Neela, always going to her when she has some sort of problem or needs to finally let her emotions out. She worries Neela will leave her one day for someone better and she'll be left alone to rot.

She loves Neela with all her heart, there might not be enough space in there for anyone else.

King Hyperbole
Allied King

Despite their kingdoms being allies she actually hates having to speak to him, not because he's necessarily bad but, she knows he talks more than her.

She'd rather spend that time listening to Neela speak.

A part of her is also genuinely scared of him, always shivering each time they're around each other, worried she'll say the wrong thing and get killed.

Queen Deka
Allied Queen

The queen of the Shama kingdom and mother to Neela, she worries Ophelia is underweight and needs to eat more.

Each time they see each other Deka almost always brings up her size.