


6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full name

Rune P. Munch

Year of birth

1971, October 13th




Vampire. Born like that.

Bat form

Vampire bat (desmodus rotundus)



Ah, Rune. What to say about him?

Well, he's barely 50 years old, so he's really quite a young vampire. Growing up in the 70s-80s, he's probably just the age of your parents. And you may consider him even younger when you realize that he slept through half of those years, and only woke up recently.

As for why, he's not sure. He went to sleep in 1995 and the rest is a mystery to him; he does not remember at all. For all he knows, it could have been an accident, which is rather upsetting to consider; but it could also have been on purpose, for reasons he forgot to write down. Maybe he didn't want to write it down. Maybe he wanted to forget.

But if that's the case, he can't remember that either.

By the time he was abruptly woken up by two children in late 2018, all of his younger siblings had aged past him, the world is incredibly different now, and his baby sibling's husband also wants him to leave, for "the safety of the children"? He's actually fairly sure the guy just hates vampires, which is unfortunate.

How is he even a vampire in the first place?
His mother tells him a forest witch cursed her once, and she forgot about it until her first child was born without a heartbeat... yet still moving and crying like a mortal baby. He's not sure if this is true,  but  considering how vampires are very real in his personal experience, maybe witches are too.

Being a strange anomaly is just his entire life story. He's not done questioning it.

Besides all that, he's quite fond of playing certain instruments! He's been dabbling in guitar, drums, piano, violin, synths... and he's not really good at any of these, but he also hasn't been around and conscious for that long. Perhaps in a hundred years, he'll be pretty good.


The eldest kid of a somewhat big family.

He's also the only vampire in the household - yes, that includes his parents. As a result, his upbringing was rather weird - dealing with childhood and   growing up is especially odd when you stack this whole vampire thing  on  top of it.

It started at birth, with the strange lack of any heartbeat. He appeared to be stillborn, but he still acted like a normal baby, so it was fine, right? Clearly.

When he started teething, he grew fangs. Yeah, there seems to be something up with this heartless baby.
Then around school age, the eyes started glowing. He tried his best to hide it once people pointed it out.
Around age 8, he stopped showing up in mirrors and photos at all.

Puberty   brought along the rest of the usual vampire issues... suddenly the sun absolutely scorched him, and human food now makes him feel awful.

For his 18th birthday, his parents gifted him a coffin. They were rich enough, and figured it would be a funny and thoughtful present for their vampire son. He tried it a couple of times, slept for weeks at a time, left it alone for a bit afterwards.

At 24, year 1995, he went to sleep in it again. And this time, he slept. And slept... His family figured he didn't want to be awoken; he had been able to wake up on his own earlier anyway. So they just left him alone, letting him hibernate through the start of the new millennium.

Two decades later, he's rather confused.